I hate brushing my teeth. This, again, isn’t a full on replacement for brushing with toothpaste, but it is WORLDS better than not brushing at all I thought enamel was the toughest thing in the body? The dentists and nurses always make me feel horrible for my dietary choices and the fact that my depression keeps me from doing anything like showering or even washing my hands, let alone brushing my teeth. I never let the water run, no I never let the water run. sensory because i dont like how toothpaste keeps expanding in your mouth till you are a drooling dog. My teeth & gums aren't great and lack of flossing in the past has led to my gums receding. W h e n I w a s a ki d , I h a t e d i t a n d l i e d t o g e t o u t o f d o i n g i t . These pigments, also known as chromogens, attach to the tooth enamel and can cause a yellowish or brownish tint with regular consumption. B ru sh i n g t e e t h ca n b e a st ru g g l e f o r a u t i st i c p e o p l e o f a l l a g e s. Once your dog is comfortable with that, gently move the toothbrush a little. Try brushing your teeth in the shower. I started brushing my teeth without toothpaste because the taste of toothpaste makes me vomit and now it looks like a murder scene in my sink from all the blood. God, I hate it Stand and brush, stand and brush. This, again, isn’t a full on replacement for brushing with toothpaste, but it is WORLDS better than not brushing at all It sucks. I also tend to brush my teeth while on the toilet because that way it feels less like Brushing My Teeth. I hate it too. Off BC since August '09, Married in Oct. Rather, it prevents adverse dental outcomes years down the road. Oct 24, 2023 路 Opens a new window. I uh. I could wash my body, I could Jul 5, 2021 路 And at some stage, the result of this perceived “neglect” becomes so embarrassing that it makes it impossible to see a dentist, even when in pain: You may feel embarrassed about: the state of your teeth. I sometimes fall asleep before brushing. : r/Dentistry. The water pick thing is def healthy for your teeth and gums. ADMIN MOD. Teeth are the worst-designed aspect of the human body. It’s not the best, but it’s certainly not bad. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth gently in a circular motion. Similarly, kids have strong feelings about what they don’t like. '09 (Actively started trying) Diagnosed with PCOS in Oct. i think its a sensory thing along with an allergy thing. It is tedious, repetitive, and uncomfortable. One of the biggest obstacles to proper brushing is getting your children to brush for the entire two minutes. But I do it anyway. I hate brushing my teeth so much. I hate that everything tastes gross for a while afterwards. To use coconut oil for brushing, scoop out a small amount of solid coconut oil or pour a small amount of liquid coconut oil onto your toothbrush. Especially the toothpaste. I'm guilty of not doing this but it should be the goal. A small task feeling like a big chore and procrastinating it is DEFINITELY the adhd :') Apr 3, 2012 路 Me- 25 (PCOS, hyporthyroid) DH-25 perfect. And the taste/sight of blood makes me vomit . In the morning, I don’t have that same motivation as I’ve done nothing but sleep. Mouthwash afterwards to kill the bacteria. This definitely sounds like something for a professional therapist to handle. Level up your oral hygiene. However, since I got pregnant my teeth have been quick to feel fuzzy despite my habits being the same, and every time I brush, the toothpaste makes me gag without fail. I think you should brush your teeth, maybe an hour or so after your last meal of the day. Nothing pisses me off more than having to go to the bathroom and scrub my teeth. Brushing my teeth twice a day is a hard one for me and I know I’m not alone here. I especially hate my teeth being brushed at the dentist- that's something about the toothbrush toothpaste combo that really makes my skin crawl. Making matters worse, the process of brushing itself is rarely pleasurable. Light. There's improvement, for sure. But I seem to remember all the sugar, soda and terrible things I ate and drank that day and force myself to brush my teeth. not having seen a dentist for a long time or. After 2 years of once daily brushing, no flossing and no dentist check ups I now have 10 cavities. Plaque between the teeth is more worrisome than plaque on the surface. As in like, washing away all the gunk from my teeth that’s collected throughout the day. It’ll probably catch up with me eventually. My teeth are definitely cleaner and whiter. 7. You actually should brush your teeth before coffee not after, the acid in coffee weakens the enamel and brushing will damage it. It sucks. After you’ve finished brushing his teeth, let your child hold the brush and give it a go. Brush better for happy gums. Rant/Vent. I hate how all toothpaste tastes. What sensory-friendly or at least improved, dental tools do you recommend? One reason why some children dislike brushing their teeth is that they have a new tooth coming in, which makes their gums sensitive. A dental hygienist told me once that the most important place to brush was along the gum line. I normally brush twice a day and floss once a day. Mar 15, 2022 路 Here’s the best part: my daughter often asks if she can go brush her teeth with the monsters. First, resist the urge to nag, and don't invade your teen There's definitely variance in opinions as far as dental health/maintenance goes throughout the industry. If you wanna stay up and watch a movie or something, your teeth are already ready. 馃檨 Finding the perfect soap, toothpaste or mouth wash for people with ADHD boils down to personal preference - and from my personal experience, I'm pretty fussy. The thing is, I have no idea if that's related to my ADHD or not. Flossing I seriously wish it wasn't such a damn battle to just get my toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, and clean my teeth for a few minutes but it really is. or that most people do it right after breakfest ruining the taste of a good meal. Brushing your teeth sucks. . Yet I couldn’t bring myself to brush my teeth. A teeth cleaning costs less than getting a haircut every 5 weeks and takes about the same amount of time. Nov 1, 2016 路 That’s right. This is called deep pressure and can ground and calm kids with sensory sensitivities. floss picks and dental pics help too. Brush your teeth as you normally would for two minutes, making sure to cover all surfaces of your teeth and gums. To the extent that unless I think I'm going to be close enough to someone that it'd be noticeable, I just brush without toothpaste. I think you should brush at night. I hate brushing my teeth too. Jan 9, 2023 路 Use a marker to color those teeth yellow, and allow the kids to paint the teeth white. I worked afternoons, so by the time I ate breakfast and showered and did some puttering around the house, it was time for lunch (and I hate brushing my teeth just before eating). “having let things get this bad”. I'd say it's better to brush your teeth without toothpaste than not brushing them at all. That’s what the dentist is scraping off your teeth, plaque and tartar. Sit your child in front of you but facing away from you. What to do if you forgot to brush your teeth. You’re probably not using enough, there’s a reason the majority of the population stands over a sink. They may hate broccoli or math. If your child doesn’t like brushing their teeth, bringing them to the dentist can seem like a nightmare. Here are some tips for autistic people who hate brushing their teeth. Which leads to cavities and gum disease. I frequently go weeks without brushing my teeth. '10 1st round of clomid in Oct. Teach your dog to place their chin in your hand. It's so much fun, I hate to stop. And use running water max flow possible to rinse your toothbrush immediately after brushing and it won't get gross. Every night I find myself exhausted by the fact that I must brush my teeth before going to bed. . Talk about the importance of cleaning teeth, so they stay white and healthy. Here at Riverside Dental Care, we’ve worked with parents to help Jun 1, 2016 路 Go for more frequent teeth cleanings if you know you’re being lazy about your brushing and flossing. We’re here to help. Use a Timer. Water picks help, using less minty toothpaste helps, not using toothpaste helps, using the small individual flosser picks help, and using warm water can help. Flossing does 40% of the job in cleaning plaque off your teeth, so skipping it will make it so No pain while brushing will certainly encourage me to brush more often and I am just so excited to have figured out why I hated it so much. '10, developed 3 lg cysts Laproscopy and HSG completed (all clear) Waited until Feb. Brush so you’re at an angle to your gums and brushing them along with the bottoms of your teeth and you’ll have much happier gums But keep in mind that some pastes have artificial sweeteners that can cause diarrhea if consumed too much. It takes too long to do it properly, and I get bored, so I end up avoiding it as long as possible. My fear of dentists has led me to brushing my teeth regularly despite hating it. I almost always use baking soda if I do brush my teeth. Feb 6, 2020 路 So, you really need to set aside the time to break brushing down into easy steps. Aug 16, 2017 路 I'm usually very clean and don't go a day without brushing my teeth 2-3 times a day but now I can barely get myself to do it once a day. Last year I started to brush my teeth every single night. I already have seven fillings. Um, WHAT?! Not only do I think this is the best toothbrush for toddlers who hate brushing teeth, but I think it’s a way to get toddlers to actually look forward to brushing! Aug 24, 2023 路 In particular, in addition to the well-known benefits of good dental hygiene, brushing your teeth when you're in a depressive episode is beneficial because: You’ll likely feel more empowered and have a more positive sense of self compared to if you didn’t brush your teeth; You’ll likely feel a little bit more “in control” of your No. Brushing your teeth is overrated. Give Firm Pressure: An additional way to help kids that are sensitive to the sensations of tooth brushing is to use the hand you’re not brushing their teeth with to push down firmly on their shoulder. Brushing teeth is literally the most boring activity you can do for yourself. As hard as brushing my teeth is to remember No toothpaste or can't brush? Here are 10 alternatives to brushing your teeth. The day-to-day rewards of brushing one’s teeth well are minimal. it’s terrible. That being said, I can't stand doing it. This will help your child get used to having their mouth touched as well as to help reduce bacteria in the mouth. Trust me brush your teeth and they'll feel clean. It would feel wrong to try and stop, because you can't just change the routine like that! That said, the feeling mint leaves in your mouth is awful and I hate how most toothpastes are mint-flavored. if you let plaque build up on your teeth and/or get gum disease, the bacteria has been found in arterial plaque meaning not brushing/flossing can lead to heart attacks. Do not react to tantrums and do not skip toothbrushing. Brushing my tongue makes me gag 100% of the time. It's just so annoying, then spibble comes down your chin or you miss your mouth and flossing and rinse with water, that's not so bad. Shaving legs comes a close second. Yeah I fucking hate brushing my teeth too. Spit the coconut oil out into the trash, as it can solidify and clog drains. Literally rather go to the dentist and remove cavities with no anesthesia than brush three times a day I hate how it feels. Once I put the toothbrush in my mouth I don’t mind that part too much, if anything I feel proud of myself for doing it. In other cases, a kid’s resistance to teeth brushing may be rooted in sensory problems. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” but tomorrow never comes. i hate brushing my teeth. • 3 yr. Maybe some vegan or environmentally friendly places have some "natural" toothpaste. Some days I look forward to brushing my teeth and feeling nice and clean. This is an issue because you produce less saliva during the night as you sleep (especially as you get older) which accelerates tooth decay. Sounds simple, but the better your oral hygiene is, the easier teeth cleanings are. But as soon as he's gone, and I'm back to being a hermit, all After receiving a fluoride treatment, it is best to wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. I kind of like the sensation of scrubbing my gums, but that comes with extra sensations I hate so isn't really worth it - the toothpaste texture and burning and taste (but also bad if no toothpaste) and if I've skipped for a while, mouth blood tastes gross. I've heard people mention that "clean feeling" after brushing and I can't relate. Almost 30 years old, masquerading as a fully functional member of society, and I still hate brushing my teeth. I wake up every morning thinking the same thing I do every day. Work up to just a brushstroke or two on each quadrant [of the mouth]. Here, some effective ways to get kids to brush -- and some other approaches that are more likely to be counterproductive. The not liking how it feels part, I mean. It stings throughout the whole process. Here are a few other life hacks for ADHD brains and taking care of our oral health: Brush when you remember. Living with a mental illness is a challenge at the best of times, so let’s add personal hygiene into the equation. As the title says. And they might hate brushing their teeth. You're probably using too much toothpaste. A safer space for all pregnant people. I also hate brushing my teeth, for all the reasons you've mentioned. Oct 26, 2023 路 To brush your child’s teeth properly, sit on the floor. Brushing teeth is hard for me too. Both of my parents have full dentures. Or, to firmly hold their chin. Initially, I tried brushing with just water sometimes. 'Cause I wouldn't wanna say that I forgot em'. yes! i hate the the vibrations of the bristles rubbing my teeth and how i can feel the vibrations in my gums. Nov 15, 2012 路 Posted 11/15/2012 2:33 PM (GMT -8) Brushing twice a day should be a given. It was an expensive lesson (about 6k) learned. Iivingstone. But this lacks immediacy that ADHD brains crave. I understand the dental office recommendations being a pita though, I'm about to need a bunch of expensive scaling done to my otherwise healthy teeth bc of periodontal May 26, 2020 路 Sometimes, children may hate brushing their teeth because they are expressing a desire for self-sufficiency, though they likely don’t have the words to express what they want clearly. God no I hate the taste and texture of toothpaste with a burning passion. I’m not an un-hygienic person. Week 3: Lift your dog’s lip and touch your dog’s teeth with the toothbrush. Do you hate brushing your teeth? Some of my trauma is linked to bathrooms so I put my toothbrush in the kitchen and that helps but I just went to the dentist and I need 5 fillings : ( because I suck at brushing and flossing. Teach your dog to allow you to simply touch their teeth with a fingertip. being judged. And floss doesn’t taste that intensely. She said I don’t know how to brush my teeth properly and I sure don’t and I hate brushing my teeth, and I’m so upset Jan 9, 2023 路 Use a marker to color those teeth yellow, and allow the kids to paint the teeth white. Edit to add: there are floss sticks that are just like rubber-bristled sticks that can bend. I’ve lost count but I reckon it’s been almost a month since I’ve brushed my teeth. May 5, 2015 路 5. I feel better after I brush but seriously dread brushing late at night. Brush the canines, brush the incisors, brush the molars! Posted by u/toothbrushwoes - 4 votes and 7 comments Apr 28, 2017 路 Not brushing my teeth, not combing my hair, not showering is all completely normal behaviur in my book. In addition to brushing, it is also important to maintain good oral hygiene by rinsing your mouth with salt water or a prescribed mouthwash, and avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw for at least 24 hours after tooth extraction. Brushing too soon after a fluoride treatment can wash away the fluoride and reduce its effectiveness. use a washcloth or t-shirt and just wipe the shit out of your teeth, that helps but it won't clean the areas that will really get cavities and stuff. I know what you’re thinking — gross. Take a look inside your child’s mouth to see if you can spot any new teeth erupting from the surface of the gums. Unfortunately, I think I'm developing a cavity, so I need to make some changes to my dental routine. This makes it an inherently unrewarding task. One thing to keep in mind: brushing your cat’s teeth is not like Genetics aside, certain foods and drinks can lead to teeth staining over time, with coffee, tea, red wine, and dark sodas being particularly notorious for this due to their high pigment content. And I brush my teeth everyday with toothpaste now but when I was younger I just brushed it without toothpaste to at least remove the plaque manually cuz my dentist told me that better than doing nothing. Edit: typo fixed plaque. Gently lean your child back so that his or her head rests in your lap. Dec 19, 2022 路 If I'm ever somewhere where I can't use my favorite products, I'll usually rush through things like brushing my teeth or taking a shower. May 26, 2020 路 Sometimes, children may hate brushing their teeth because they are expressing a desire for self-sufficiency, though they likely don’t have the words to express what they want clearly. One of the samples she gave me is strawberry flavored. Mar 31, 2020 路 5. Maybe a smaller object will be less upsetting. I really struggle with consistently brushing my teeth. I absolutely hate it because it’s like I’m brushing my teeth with strawberry jam. Oh, I'm brushing my teeth on the bottom. Keep the brush at your desk, the pase aswell and if you get up at a point of the day, take the brush with you, rinse it and bring it back. Week 4: Each day, slightly increase the area of teeth that you are brushing. Poor brushing habits can result in cavities, yellowing, gum disease and, way down the road, loss of precious teeth. Let him try. I just hate brushing my teeth. You can purchase a numbing agent at the grocery or drug store to combat this common problem. Battling a teenager, however, takes some finesse. I'm sure theres non Mint flavor toothpaste out there somewhere. 1. After learning about that, I still can't bring myself to do it. Some dentist can also prescribe fluoride tablets or toothpaste so it can ave extra protection or if you can afford to get sealant put on, that might lol. Oh, I'm brushing my teeth on top. My mom’s always mad at me because of it, but I o my brush when I’m gonna go out or when my gums hurt, because then I have to brush and use a special mouthwash to fix it. If you brush before dinner food will be lodged in your teeth throughout the night. you can use a damp soft cloth to rub the surface of your teeth, that's what people did before toothbrushes. Start with just a slight brushing movement, and increase the time a little each day. If there was some magic pill I could take to never brush my teeth again I would take it. I have an electric one that buzzes at intervals and double buzzes when it's time to stop, and I swear to God, the time between that third buzz and the final double buzz is the I'm 38 years old, but you'd think I was 3. My mother The brushing itself is fine, but that's probably only because it's been part of my routine for so long. use cold water, change your brush to something less or more abrasive depending on what helps, and realize that you will hate dental surgery worse than you hate brushing. '11 to do another round of clomid-BFN Put on BC for a month to control cysts Referred to RE in April, found out I have hypothyroidism May Oct 28, 2019 路 I must have brushed my teeth only twice that week. My first filling turned into a crown and now that crown is becoming a root canal. Once teeth erupt, usually around 6 months old, I started my kids with a The some days I'm perfectly fine with it. But my main thing is the motivation behind it - at night, brushing my teeth is much easier because I feel like I’m actually “doing something”. But I hate it, always did. I'm nearing the end of my treatment and I haven't had any cavities. And I think you only need to floss once a day, typically. Apr 28, 2017 路 Not brushing my teeth, not combing my hair, not showering is all completely normal behaviur in my book. Here at Riverside Dental Care, we’ve worked with parents to help I often hate the strong minty taste and how it lingers for so long after, and that alone has been the deciding factor in whether or not to brush my teeth at all. Although as an adult, with more control of my own surroundings, I am finding more and more ways to make the intolerable tolerable. Reasons teeth suck: you have to brush them 2-3 times a day just to make sure they don’t rot in your mouth. This allows the fluoride to fully penetrate and strengthen your tooth enamel. I recommend maybe listening to music or something when you brush, it might help drown out the sound of your soul screaming in agony, lol. I often hate the strong minty taste and how it lingers for so long after, and that alone has been the deciding factor in whether or not to brush my teeth at all. I hate the guilt associated with teeth. No. allergy wise im really allergic to mint (any kind of mint) so 90% toothpaste is not Maybe trying that or even a child’s fine-bristled brush could be good. I like the feeling of having clean teeth, and I obviously want to keep all my teeth and not get cavities, but I hate the way toothpaste tastes despite trying many different brands/flavors, and I hate the way the toothbrush bristles feel. It just doesn't feel quite right. I'd heard similar things recently from some studies but my own dentist still says a good brush at night is preferable to the morning, and at least twice a day would be best. Yup, I thought that too. your lack of oral hygiene. I hate brushing my teeth. Reply reply. I use a soft bristled electronic brush and crest prohealth Just rinse your mouth with water and do a proper cleaning later. My mum made me go to the dentist for the first time in years and my teeth suck and I’ve had to have two teeth fixed and she said I might have to remove one and I have inflammation in my gums. Rinse with water right after eating then wait at least thirty minutes before brushing. Teach your dog to allow you to lift their lip to access their teeth. May 20, 2022 路 When my fiance, who currently works abroad, is home, I brush my teeth twice a day and tolerate my cornflakes tasting like Colgate. Seems like an useful thread. But I hate it and I wish it wasn’t necessary and our mouths could just stay clean on their own. I don't hate the sensation of brushing my teeth, so that works for me. Plaque is a sticky film which forms on your teeth when the bacteria in your mouth mixes with sugary/starchy foods. As a kid, the practice wasnt pushed, and the one time it was my very abusive mother told me to… Feb 20, 2024 路 Push back the [cat’s] lip to expose their teeth and gums. ago. I've gotten much better by having a cutoff point for eating and brushing my teeth the recommended 20 minutes after to keep any acid from food/drinks from eating away at the enamel. I’ve always hated brushing my teeth, and I doubt that will ever change. DAE hate brushing their teeth sometimes? Especially after a 12 hour shift at work and getting to sit down for an hour before having to go back to sleep. How to brush your teeth without toothbrush. It feels so counter productive and my brain just cannot get past the flavor, even though I know it’s high fluoride toothpaste. When you’re not in the habit of flossing, teeth cleanings are going to be painful. Omg my dentist had me try this toothpaste that has extra fluoride in it. I hate teeth. Brush his or her teeth and ignore any kicking, screaming, and tantrum-ing. The risk of introducing germs and bacteria into your mouth by brushing in a public restroom is far greater to me than the risk of cavities from not brushing enough. Brush and floss after meals. I HATE brushing my teeth. Also, having ibuprofen on board at least one hour before the cleaning helps if you find teeth cleanings painful. Scrape your tongue. Just supervise the toothpaste amount closely: The AAP recommends a tiny rice-sized smear for kids under 3, and a pea-sized amount for kids between ages 3 and 6. But while I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun. I have to get in there to make sure everything's clean, then flossing and mouthwash as an extra "mandatory" step. Before there are even teeth you can start desensitizing your child by doing gentle wipes of the gums and tongue daily with small facecloths or xylitol wipes. I hate having rotten teeth way more than having healthy teeth. It also works the other way around unfortunately 馃槀 brushing your teeth is kind of like opening your pores with hot water. Try switching your toothbrush to an electric one of you're using a normal one or vice versa, switch toothpaste, try a toothpaste that doesn't make foam, try different tastes, try brushing very briefly, rinsing with water, brushing very briefly again, rinse etc, try setting an alarm. Brushing my teeth is the one thing I force myself to do, even if it's after midnight. Now I can get through it with less difficulty, but flossing still sucks. The older I get the more my gums hate me. I've been taking better care of my teeth over the last few months. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The KEY things is to floss everyday also. Depending on your gut, I'd say. Left untreated by not cleaning it will form into tartar. other than that i forget or avoid doing it. It was revolutionary to me at the time. Started brushing, walked maybe 20 feet to turn off the computer and of course, spilled toothpaste foam on the way back to the sink. Feb 20, 2024 路 Experts offer advice on whether you should brush your cat's teeth and the safest way to do it, along with other feline dental issues you shouldn't ignore. I have a good toothbrush and I do care about my teeth but I don't want to set aside time to brush them. I often forget to brush in the morning and when I remember it’s a weird time in the middle of the day. wq tj pn wd oi vd vl dq io gq