Rebbe farbrengen. An auspicious day cherished by the Rebbe is a day marked by Chassidim as well. This year marks 71 years since the renowned farbrengen of Purim 5714, in honor of the occasion, Chabadinfo pulled out from the Beis Moshiach Archives a two-part article in which R’ Hillel Zaltzman tells the story of the Farbrengen and the Doctor’s Plot: A most frightening period in our history and the amazing denouement with the death of Stalin on Motzaei Purim after the Rebbe’s heavenly Farbrengen. Scenes from a farbrengen celebrating the 12th of Tammuz, the anniversary of the Previous Rebbe’s release from Soviet prison where he was jailed for the “crime” of promoting Judaism. Drawing life lessons from how in those dark times, a generation of assimilating Jews were found worthy in G-d’s eyes. Disc 125, Program 500. In honor of Shabbos Parshas Shemos, RebbeDrive has just published the original drafts of the sicha of Parshas Shemos 5751 with the Rebbe’s handwritten corrections and annotations Feb 4, 2021 · Presented at in-person and virtual events hosted by local Shluchim, the film highlighted parts of the farbrengens of Yud Shevat 5732 and 5743 as well as the very first, iconic farbrengen of the Rebbe on Yud Shevat 5711. " (Psalms 72:7) Chassidim sing a niggun composed for the Rebbe's seventy-f It is on that note, that RebbeDrive is pleased to present the complete Farbrengen of Vov Tishrei, 5743 B’Pirsum Rishon. Aug 17, 2022 · Honor the Rebbe’s father by learning an abbreviated transcript of the Chof Av 5745 farbrengen with the Rebbe, which commemorated Rabbi Levi Yitzchok’s 41st yahrzeit. As Chassidim prepare to mark the joyous day of Yud Daled Kislev, celebrating the Rebbe and Rebbetzin's 95th wedding anniversary, Vaad Or Vechom Hahiskashrus is pleased to once again offer many useful resources to assist Chassidim and their families in celebrating this day. Jun 26, 2014 · How to Bring the Rebbe's Message into Our Daily Lives: A farbrengen in preparation for the Rebbe’s 20th yahrtzeit with Rabbi Mendel Lipskier The Rebbe asks a recent emigrant from Georgia to sing a traditional song of the Georgian Jews. Shmuel Lew on 11 Nissan (5779) R. Yud Shvat, 5711 [1951] Proceeding Together. The Rebbe encourages the singing, and motions to some to say L’chaim. Celebrating 120 Years from the Rebbe’s Birth. Photos. Find My Moment With the Rebbe Sichos Kodesh The collection of more than 4,700 audio recordings, featuring over 40 years of public addresses by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. FOLLOW USFacebook: @JewishMedia Jan 12, 2022 · Farbrengens were held in Crown Heights Shuls on Tuesday night marking the yahrzeit of the Frierdiker Rebbe, and celebrating 72 years of the Rebbe’s nesius. Apr 1, 2023 · Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman: The first time the Rebbe had a Farbrengen on Yud Aleph Nissan, the heartfelt request at a Seder, and the inner meaning of Matzoh and Moror. Living Torah. Because it was Shabbat Mevarchim (the Shabbat preceding the start of a new month in the Jewish Calendar) they joined the Rebbe in his synagogue at 8:30 am to recite the book Mar 6, 2020 · Historic Treasures with Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro - special edition marking Tes Adar, the day the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived in America: The trip to America, the establishing of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch. Farbrengen. Hei Teves Farbrengen w/ R’ Simon Jacobson: “The Rebbe Belongs to Chassidim” — Celebrating Eternity Chassidic Holidays Select Topic ?כ”ח ניסן שלשים שנה: מה עלינו לעשות Beis Nissan Farbrengen with Mesivta Students: Our Marching Orders Today Chof Zayin Adar: Rabbi Jacobson – Adar 1 – Oholei Torah. February 19, 2022 – 18 Adar I 5782. Feb 19, 2022 · The Rebbe’s Preparation For 27 Adar I 5752. Definition: A chassidic get-together. May 23, 2024 · Farbrengen, The: (Yiddish) (a) an assemblage addressed by a Rebbe; (b) an informal gathering of chassidim characterized by singing and inspiring talk. ”. " Jun 10, 2015 · The 1981 farbrengen in question took place on the anniversary of the release of the Sixth Rebbe—Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory—from a Soviet prison in 1927. . Farbrengen - 18 Elul. Lag B'Omer Gathering . Audio. COLlive. Disc 27, Program 105. Watch (58:57) 11 Comments. Verbringen means to spend or pass time; for example, “ Sie verbringen im Glück ihre Tage ” (a random sentence I plucked from Die Jüdische farbrengen with rabbi hillel raskin, in honor of the rebbe maharash's yom hillula Siyum Maseches Sukkah & Farbrengen Chai Elul Farbrengen With Rabbi Nissan Mangel Mar 16, 2022 · The Purim Farbrengen, which always took place at night, following the Seudos people ate with their families (and the Rebbe explained this in Mem Hei, that the Farbrengen would wait for people to have a chance to finish their Seudah with their families), would have a different feeling and energy even before the Rebbe entered. During this gathering in 1972, the Rebbe focuses on an enigmatic statement of Rashi: “The passing of the righteous is difficult for G‑d like the breaking of the Tablets. Featuring speakers: Rabbi Mendel Scharf, Rabbi Avrohom Sternberg, Rabbi Sholom Duchman, and Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi. Topics: Lubavitcher Rebbe. As Jews around the world get ready for Purim, JEM and Chabad. Featuring speakers: Rabbi Yossi Gourarie, Rabbi Yisroel Deren, and Rabbi Mendel Raskin. From Nikolaev to New York. Tune in for a live broadcast at the Ohel of a grand 11 Nissan farbrengen and kinus hakhel marking the Rebbe’s 121st birthday. The Online Chabad Database - Full archive of high resolution Rebbe pictures, Videos, Yomanim and Chabad Seforim. For an ancient Hebrew equivalent, compare the Midrash on Bamidbar 29:35: Throughout the seven days of Sukkot in the Holy Temple, seventy sacrifices were offered on behalf of the seventy nations of the world. Featured speakers: Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin, Rabbi Nochum Footage from the Rebbe’s 1981 gathering (Tishrei 6, 5742) commemorating the yahrtzeit (anniversary of passing) of Rebbetzen Chana Schneerson, the Rebbe’s mother. Video. Apr 19, 2024 · Hundreds joined a Farbrengen at 770 Eastern Parkway to celebrate the 122nd birthday of the Rebbe on Thursday evening with joyous dancing to the new Niggun for the Rebbe's new Kapitel of Tehillim. In the large zal, a video of the Rebbe’s farbrengen of 19 Kislev 5747 will be shown, starting at 8:00 PM. In Yiddish, the word farbrengen means “spending time together. Farbrengen: L’Chaim and Singing. Jul 7, 2022 · Giving children the experience of seeing the Rebbe and the bond it helps create. Perspectives on the Rebbe’s Impact. The Power of Music. Kabbalistic Music Jewish Educational Media. April 11, 2022 – 10 Nisan 5782. Apr 11, 2022 · Live: Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen at the Rebbe’s Ohel. The purpose of a Chassidic Farbrengen [gathering] is [for the participants] to encourage each other in Torah learning, the fulfillment of the Mitzvoth with Hiddur [beauty], and the spreading of Yiddishkeit [Judaism] in general. Watch (3:46) 13 Comments. Daled Bavos: The Alter Rebbe's Nigun. org 6 days ago · Chapter 8 : Farbrengen. Gathering in Honor of the Alter Rebbe. By Batya Bender. Nov 6, 2023 · Join the Central Farbrengen! Join thousands of Chassidim worldwide in celebrating Rosh Chodesh Kislev near the Rebbe’s Ohel on Monday evening, Rosh Chodesh Kislev at 9:30 PM. The Rebbe: A Brief Biography. From the verb “farbreng” (to spend quality time with friends). 10 Shevat Farbrengen with the Rebbe. In the middle of singing a chassidic niggun, his face becomes extremely serious, and everyone immediately changes the niggun to begin the traditional chassidi Jan 20, 2024 · Following the Rebbe’s instructions for the day from the well-known letter in preparation for the first yahrtzeit addressed to all Chassidim on Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5711, “In the course of the day one should participate in a chassidic gathering (farbrengen),” the online Chassidishe Farbrengen is a good opportunity to fulfill this directive Apr 5, 2020 · Farbrengen with the Rebbe - Nissan 11, 5743 (1983) Pre-Passover Webcast: Fly Free. Let us know what you t Oct 15, 2023 · A Heavenly Farbrengen. Greeting and Blessing: There is surely no need to explain to you at length the obvious, namely, that the purpose of a Chassidic Farbrengen is to encourage each other in Torah learning, the fulfillment of the Mitzvoth with Hiddur, and the spreading of Yiddishkeit in general. Each year, the Rebbe would lead a Farbrengen to mark the Yahrzeit of his father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, of righteous memory. Rabbi Kornfeld contacted the couple, who readily consented to the farbrengen. The song has four stanzas, corresponding to the four spiritual worlds. At the conclusion, the Rebbe stands up and vigorously encourages the Niggun. Before the end of the Farbrengen, the Rebbe selects his tractate of the communal Talmud study. Dec 17, 2023 · Farbrengen at the Ohel Celebrates Hei Teves. Related Videos Celebrate with Humility . Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman: What the Rebbe said during the last Farbrengen (so far) on Parshas Vayakheil 5752, before the stroke on Chof Zayin Adar I 5752 (1992). Mar 13, 2011 · An hour-long excerpt of an original archival recording of the Rebbe's farbrengen (gathering) on Purim 1973. After the Maamar, the Rebbe takes a tractate in Chalukat Hashas. A farbrerngen held in the courtyard adjacent to 770, in honor of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson’s release from Soviet imprisonment. Lag B’Omer Parade Highlights. A Farbrengen on the birthday of the two “Great Luminaries” of the Chassidic Movement: the Baal Sham Tov and the Alter Rebbe. Join chasidim for a farbrengen near the Ohel, with special guests who’ll share memories of the Rebbe from celebrating the major anniversaries throughout the years. ” The Jew’s purpose is to illuminate the entire world around him. When Rabbi Kornfeld relayed the message to the Rebbe’s secretary, he was told that the Rebbe invited the couple to come to the farbrengen after the celebration and recite the shevah berachos (the seven wedding blessings). Fleishig Seuda will be served, (farbrengen is in partnership with the “Yeshiva Reines Shul”). It is time spent gathered together in unison as brothers and sisters focused on inspiration. Nov 22, 2021 · On Monday night, a farbrengen will be held in the small zal of 770, hosted by the Central Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim and led by mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi. Full Story, Photos, Video Nov 2, 2023 · My sister quietly took in the scene; the Rebbe speaking, the men singing and saying L’chaim, and the Rebbe nodding back L’chayim V’Livracha. The program, organized by Or Vechom, will feature notable speakers and will be broadcast live by Chabad. Jul 6, 2022 · Unique about the site is the fact that it offers full, unedited videos, with no paywall or hidden videos, allowing any chossid to choose any farbrengen or video of the Rebbe, and truly experience living with the Rebbe. At a Farbrengen held in honor of 15 Shevat, the Rebbe encourages Chassidim as they sing. The Rebbe’s farbrengens are legendary and were the prime medium of teaching large gatherings his revolutionary Torah insights and practical lessons for daily life. Gain an up-close glimpse of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory; presented is a tremendous collection of videos of the Rebbe, his teachings and global activities. Resources for public or private viewings of the Rebbe's Farbrengens subtitled by JEM. Nov 20, 2023 · Yud Daled Kislev 95 Years – Resources and Central Farbrengen. Farbrengen - 13 Tammuz, 5736 - Program 669 - Living Torah - Video Nov 22, 2018 · This year on the 14th of Kislev marks 90 years since the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s marriage in 5689 (1928). Highlights of In connection with the 85th anniversary of the founding of Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim, the Rebbe calls for a farbrengen to be held in the yeshiva, and sends L’chaim to be shared with participants. More details to follow. In this public address, the Rebbe teaches about “tools for illumination. So, you’ve been invited to a farbrengen and aren’t sure what to expect. During the four-hour-long event, the Rebbe discussed youth violence, which he sourced to the breakdown of values at home and lack of acknowledgment of a Higher May 26, 2024 · A powerful excerpt of the Rebbe’s ‘Yud Shevat’ maamar (a mystical discourse) from the year 1957 (titled Basi LeGani 5717) expounding on the idea of restoring the letter ‘hei’ in G-d’s name and illuminating the depth behind speech and communication. This was the first time the Rebbe spoke publicly since the beginning of the war and the live telephone hookup was heard in Eretz Yisroel in real-time. The Rebbe tackles the enigmatic essence of the Purim story, and explains the real and primary miracle the Sages say we are celebrating. In truth, every Jun 16, 2015 · The 12th of Tammuz marks the anniversary of the release of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch, the Rebbe’s father-in-law and predecessor, from Soviet prison in 1927, where he was incarcerated for his activities in spreading Judaism in the Soviet Union. Event Date: 17 Elul 5739 - September 09, 1979. This Farbrengen is the first release in JEM’s new initiative to release a full length Farbrengen every month for the next nine months. In celebration of Hei Teves, thousands of Chassidim online and in person joined together for a joyous Farbrengen near the Rebbe's Ohel. LeChaim! (15) What to Expect at a Farbrengen. Watch (14:25) 31 Comments. The Farbrengen, which will begin at 8:30 PM, will be addressed by Rabbis Nosson Gurary, Sholom Duchman, and Shneur Oirechman. Topics: Sep 17, 2017 · An hour-long excerpt of the Rebbe’s farbrengen (public address) from the evening before Rosh Hashanah in 1980, which also marks the birthday of the Tzemach Tzedek, the third Chabad Rebbe (1789-1866). ” Feb 16, 2022 · Central Purim Katan Farbrengen 5782, by 770Live. At the start of the farbrengen the Rebbe began with a deep maamar of Chassidut that was based on the verse in Esther, “and he reared Hadassah. Dec 6, 2023 · The Rebbe announced his new campaign five days before Chanukah. The Farbrengen was addressed by Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Rabbi Yosef Greenberg, and Rabbi Levi Shemtov. Topics: Lubavitcher Rebbe: Highlights of Meaningful Messages of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. org's copyright policy. Disc 157, Program 628. The Rebbe’s Farbrengen Hassidic gathering | 24 Tammuz 5736. Lag B’Omer Parade and Rally. On Tuesday, the central Yud Tes Kislev "My soul thirsts for You, my flesh longs for You; as one in a desolate and dry land without water, so I thirst to behold You in the Sanctuary, to behold Your RebbeDrive has just published the original drafts of the sicha said thirty-years ago on Parshas Shemos 5751, where the Rebbe addressed the ongoing Gulf War, with the Rebbe’s handwritten corrections and annotations. On Yud-Gimmel Tishrei, after spending many hours at the Ohel, the Rebbe held a farbrengen in connection with the yom hilula of the Rebbe Maharash. 76 Comments. 18 Elul, 5736 • September 13, 1976. A Farbrengen: 18 Elul, 5736 • September 13, 1976. A dozen faces of the Rebbe. Tune in for a live broadcast at the Ohel of a grand 11 Nissan farbrengen marking the Rebbe’s 122nd birthday. An hour-long excerpt from a 1972 recording of the Rebbe’s Purim farbrengen. 10 Comments. Farbrengen - Program Four Hundred Sixty Seven - Living Torah Nov 25, 2019 · During a Farbrengen celebrating the holiday of Purim in 1987, the Rebbe implores every Jew to do their part to bring Moshiach. Watch a full replay. Jewish Educational Media. Y. The crowd sings a heartfelt Chassidic melody; the Rebbe says a Maamar; the Rebbe encourages the lively singing. Mid-Farbrengen the Rebbe suddenly stopped speaking and looked up towards the women’s section, scanning the length of it, back and forth as if searching for something. Tags: RebbeDrive, The Rebbe. Shlomo Zarchi on 11 Nissan (5779) Maamar Basi L’Gani 5720. The Rebbe ended the farbrengen at about two in the morning and walked out to the singing of the new niggun. Autoplay Next. ” Then the Rebbe said talks on relevant matters with niggunim interspersed, as usual. Plus: Hear a rare recording of a farbrengen with the Frierdiker Rebbe – with parts of his sicha and a niggun. On the way out, a barricade collapsed in the crunch, and hundreds of people who were on the bleachers began falling. The life of the Rebbe. The Rebbe: Marching Orders. Yud Aleph Nissan Farbrengen 5779. org have teamed up to inject a healthy dose of spirituality into their preparations -- newly restored footage of the Rebbe's Purim farbrengen from 5733 (1973). May 16, 2018 · Each year, the Rebbe would hold a Farbrengen the night before Shavuot, often touching on topics from Tractate Sotah, which is customarily studied during the Counting of the Omer period, as well as discussing the lessons of the approaching holiday. Apr 25, 2014 · "In his days may the righteous flourish, with much peace until the moon is no more. This excerpt presents the third talk of the farbrengen, in which the Rebbe focuses on the A farbrengen is a Chabad pastime, a vehicle for spiritual growth and character development. This holy melody was composed by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the first Chabad Rebbe. Purim Farbrengen 5733 (1973) - Experience a Purim Gathering with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of Righteous Memory - Chabad. Chassidim the world over are invited to join a grand Farbrengen near the Rebbe’s Ohel A vintage film of a Yud-Tes Kislev Farbrengen. Full Story, Video If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with Chabad. Horaos of the Rebbe on Design for “The Moshiach Times” Covers. " As always, the Rebbe’s holy countenance underwent a visible transformation before beginning the Discourse, his elevated state signaling that he was about to utter the "words of the living G-d. If one is searching for a video from 5735, he can go to the ‘5735 Aug 6, 2023 · Chof Av Farbrengen with Rabbi Michoel Golomb, in honor of the yartzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Reb Levi Yitzchok. com presents Shabbos Night Live, a weekly web class with Torah thought, chassidic stories and timely inspiration. com - Broadcast LIVE from Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters in 770, Home of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Melech Ha Apr 1, 2023 · Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen at the Ohel (5783) : Celebrating the Rebbe’s 121st Birthday. The class begins with truly profound insights into the wondrous significance of the Farbrengen. 16 Comments. Celebrating the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s 90th Wedding Anniversary. Shlomo Galperin on 11 Nissan (5779) R. Nov 7, 2013 · A Reform leader at the Rebbe’s farbrengen. Rabbi Berel Korf, mashpia in Oholei Torah Yeshiva, led a farbrengen at Tiferes Menachem By the Grace of G‑d 25th of Elul, 5738 [September 27, 1978] Brooklyn, N. The 6th of Tishrei marks the anniversary of passing of Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson of blessed memory, mother of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Schneerson of righteous memory, from 1951 through 1992. This includes, of course, the proper conduct in matters of Derech Eretz [respect and proper manners] and good Midos In this hour-long excerpt from a televised Farbrengen celebrating his eighty-first birthday in 1983, the Rebbe focuses on issues that impact society to this very day. Topics: Lubavitcher Rebbe: Farbrengen. A vintage color-film of a Farbrengen. Nov 16, 2010 · Farbrengen with the Rebbe, 10 Kislev 5741- Commemorating the arrest and liberation of Rabbi Dov Ber of Lubavitch, the Mitteler Rebbe. The Rebbe is noticeably more intense just before delivering a maamar, formal chassidic discourse. The farbrengen will begin at 10:30 PM. As my colleague Ben Harris recently reported, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the president of the Union for Reform Judaism, attended this past weekend’s LIBRARY The Rebbe's Torah Farbrengen with the Rebbe. Using stories and examples, the Rebbe zeroes in on the vital need for moral education for our children, genuine pride in our Jewish ways, and how these simple and straightforward Yud Alef Nissan Farbrengen at the Ohel (5784) : Celebrating the Rebbe’s 122nd Birthday. The 25th of Adar I, 5752 (February 29, 1992) was a Shabbat like many others for the Rebbe 's Chassidim residing in Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. A special presentation in honor of the Rebbe's 28th Yahrzeit on the 3rd of Ta Farbrengen Gallery Part 2 | 5740's. 4,000 Jews, from over 100 Chabad House communities, experienced learning directly from the Rebbe in connection with Yud Shevat, thanks to Precious Souls, JEM’s newly launched program offering tools for Shluchim to share the Rebbe with their communities. Nov 20, 2021 · JEM’s growing content hub presents Yud Tes Kislev with the Rebbe. R. The Quill of the Soul. When the Rebbe leads a farbrengen, it takes on a more formal atmosphere as he addresses his assembled followers, communicating his Torah thoughts and Farbrengen with the Rebbe - Nissan 11, 5743 (1983) Farbrengen: 11 Nissan 5745 . Topics: Mar 14, 2011 · Rebbe’s Farbrengen: Purim 1973. This year’s farbrengen honors that rallying call and aims to empower all chassidim, from the lay level to the educational vangarde, to engage in teaching the Moshiach concept in a clear and Nov 25, 2008 · A lively song at a Farbrengen with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel SchneersonFrom God’s blessing to Jacob, “And you shall spread forth to the we 1 day ago · That year the Purim farbrengen commenced with a Chasidic Discourse on the verse "And he brought up Hadassah, who is Esther. Farbrengen with the Rebbe: 19 Kislev, 5744. Mar 14, 2009 · More on the topic from Sichos In English: A farbrengen in “770” is a multidimensional experience. *Only proper comments will be allowed. org Ozreini Kel Chai at the Rebbe's Farbrengen The "Nigunim" the Rebbe Taught. This new release is dedicated in memory of Eli’s father, Reb Yitzchak Ben Yosef Menachem Mendel Blachman, in connection with his Yartzeit. 7 Feb 8, 2021 · JEM Introduces the Rebbe’s Farbrengen to the Uninitiated. It was the culmination of an exciting two-week program for students to experience the Rebbe’s inaugural farbrengen of Yud Shvat 1951 (5711). It was a real freilicher farbrengen, with lots of ecstatic singing and dancing for joy and with happiness. At the conclusion of a farbrengen, the Rebbe hands a small bottle of vodka to Rabbi Dovid Raskin, and instructs him to use its contents toward a farbrengen in Crown Heights, and to have some of it sent to camp Gan Yisroel for a farbrengen there as well. Farbrengen: 11 Nissan 5745. The meeting the Rebbe suggested take place that evening was indeed held, and within two days, Rabbi Dovid Raskin of the Lubavitch Youth Organization of New York was able to inform the Rebbe that they’d found a metal-stamper and were in the process of producing 10,000 tin menorahs. Topics: Aug 26, 2020 · Farbrengen, one of the most treasured words in the Chabad vernacular but usually mistranslated as “gathering,” is a fine example of a Yiddish word whose loan from German was seamless and complete. The 55th Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe's Mother. It has come to describe an earnest and brotherly gathering of chassidim, punctuated by song and talk. May 5, 2024 · The following winter, the Rebbe charged his shluchim to teach everyone they know about Moshiach and the importance of actively preparing for his arrival. In retrospect, they are mind-boggling. org. The farbrengen went on for many hours, during which time the Rebbe delivered eleven talks. Feb 5, 2020 · The event was a project of Connection Point, the collaborative initiative of JEM and Tzivos Hashem aimed at teaching students to watch and learn directly from the Rebbe. This is the second of a two part series of pictures from the Rebbe's Nov 27, 2023 · The 14th of Kislev commemorates the 95th wedding anniversary of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s marriage in 5689 (1928). Join Live at 9:00 PM ET: Chassidim the world over will join a grand Farbrengen near the Rebbe's Ohel celebrating the Rebbe's 120th birthday on Monday evening. Rabbi Michoel Golomb, mashpia in 770, led a farbrengen at the Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Medrash. Tractate Sotah in the Babylonian Talmud concludes with a surprising statement of Rabbi Yosef. By Menachem Posner. Monday night – 20 Av Rabbi Yitzchak Hanoka – Senior Rabbinic Coordinator at OK Kosher Lubavitcher Rebbe. Raw Farbrengen videos. Such is Chof Av, the yahrzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father. 78 Comments. Page of 2. Each segment was interspersed with commentary and discussion points presented by the Shliach — prepared in advance by JEM Apr 11, 2022 · Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchim 5779. The Rebbe in His Own Words. Dec 18, 2023 · The Rebbe's Mazkir Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky led a Farbrengen Sunday night at Bais Shmuel Chabad in Crown Heights, sharing personal memories and anecdotes about the Rebbe during the courtcase and victory of the Seforim, as well as memories of the Rebbetzin. Mar 15, 2019 · This special presentation highlights scenes of Purim farbrengens with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson throughout the years. Join Chassidim for a farbrengen to gain inspiration from the life of this extraordinary woman. 6 Tishrei Farbrengen with the Rebbe - A 1981 feed of a gathering in honor of Rebbetzin Chana's yahrtzeit - Chabad. Join chasidim for a farbrengen near the Ohel, with featured speakers Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski, Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, and Rabbi Mendel Danow who’ll share memories and reflect on the significance of this special day of Yud Daled Kislev. The site offers the videos of the Rebbe divided by year. Scenes from a farbrengen held in honor of Chanukah. This farbrengen was held on the Rebbe’s birthday in 1985 and also marked the first Siyum Harambam, the closure of the yearly cycle of studying the Mishneh Torah, the magnum opus of Maimonides. Full produced and subtitled Farbrengens. A culmination of years of work, the entire archive has been uploaded and published — now to include the Yud Tes Kislev content — and is accessible from any device, anywhere, on a user-friendly platform. Media Collection. In Honor of the Chag Hageula Yud Beis - Yud Gimmel Tammuz, days in which we were Zoche to many Farbrengens of the Rebbe, RebbeDrive is pleased to present a Gallery of Photos captured during the Rebbe's Farbrengens of the Mem's (1980's). For Your Birthday. A Farbrengen. A Farbrengen will be broadcast LIVE from near the Ohel so that chassidim from around the world can join in celebration of the joyous day of Yud Daled Kislev, 92 year from the wedding of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin. Presented by Rabbi Shmuel Butman Newly discovered footage of a farbrengen marking the Rebbe’s seventy-fifth birthday. rl zg ul xp xq st hs pc jm fp