Top lane champion pool reddit
Top lane champion pool reddit. I say as long as your pool fulfills these 7 qualities it's pretty well rounded and can be used for multiple situations. She can get her passive on minions which is nice and her passive may as well read shred tanks with my magic aa's. Shaco (ad bruiser) 52%. A: Solid champions. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Great blind pick but also a good counter into yone/akali. And I wanted to develop a decent champ pool for mid lane, what champions would fit me best? I'd like a go to champ (probably Lissandra), an assassin, strong dps champ, a poke Mage, an AD pick I picked up Jayce because I like abusing my range advantage in lane and hopefully getting a lead, so I play other ranged top laners like Quinn, Gnar and Ryze (ryze mostly just because I liked the champ). You can use him into assassins mid as well. obviously you will get You've probably picked 6 of the most mechanically difficult top lane champs. Also, keep a champion pool for your main role to 2 or 3 champions. DangerWolfNL. Sett is amazing rn, and pretty much anyone he's bad into Morde is good into. Top champion pool current best top 3 champion pool. safe laners with experience scaling/low econ champs generally go for top lane. 6. So my current ranked viable champion pool for mid consists of velkoz, Anivia and seraphine. Who should I add to my top lane champion pool? Currently I main Orrn and have picked up sett with some success. There are a similiar amount of "Marksmen" champions as other classes such as Mages or Assassins. Your champ pool really only comes down to comfort and preference. With those champions i feel comfortable and i enjoy playing them. Of course you can play more champs if you like it, but I would recommend not playing more than 3-4 champs in soloQ. Tanks 2. If you'd define (high) plat as the higher range of where you're expecting to go, which is statistically likely, there's no problem with the champions that are typically good low elo - garen, nasus, urgot, mordekaiser, sett, malphite. Thanks all for help! Top 20 per lane are included. In teamfights, do not be a hero. I thought it would be good to build a small champion pool to really get to know my role and match ups. Jax is a bit like Renek but with a lategame. renek will probably take more than 1 braincell to use but its a good pick when garen is banned or picked. Every solo queue coach will tell you the best way to climb fast is to limit your Champion Pool, but there weren't any tools for Pedro's criticism on Kiin's Champion pool. Step 2 : Only play this champion. This gives you a Lot of options Like for example my picks: Shen is a decent blind Pick but also a very good counterpick. A decent 4th pick if you blind Syndra/Control mage is ziggs- because it beats a lot of meta control mages (outscales and outrages in lane). Volibear can enter in all three categories thanks to his build diversity. My pool at the moment is Leona, Ali, Lulu, and Bard. Pick up Malphite. Garen and Cho'gath (tank) are doing really well in low elo. Have 2 other champions in your pool in case of ban to your main. Top lane fundamentals Selecting your champ pool 2. Hey guys, I'm a 400k Udyr Jungle main who was a Top Lane Main before switching lanes. I am an akali otp. R4s can adjust the lane assignments in the preparation phase and can move lanes during the competition. One strat is to have a main champ, a champ similar style to your main, and a champ that counters your champs counters. I suggest finding a ranged toplaner with those. Tristana 72,000. A new tool to build yourself a Champion Pool. Mordekaiser and Sett. preferably when adding a champion to your pool it should counter a champion(s) in your current pool, so you can pick it if your other champ is first-picked. Feel free to push out the lane and tag along to support him, it might net you some juicy kills. Twisted Fate is often recommended for learning mid lane, but a lot of people find him boring to play. Zed-AD assassin Lissandra-Control Mage Twisted Fate-early game global pressure Ezreal At the current meta. Two main champs you can carry on and utility pocket picks for when mains are unavailable or there is a smurf on your team that needs setting him up. I think the perfect mix would be something like Yasuo, Zed, Orianna, Ziggs and maybe Syndra. Renekton is pretty good too. They can all use a similar playstyle too so that helps. I was pretty flattered to… I'm thinking of adding champions like Fiora and Camille to my Pool. ago. Sett mid is fine in some match ups, neeko is a good pick You don't really need to expand your pool too much imho. Meant to be a nice broad look for people who are not quite sure about the mid lane or people who do not play mid and are looking for Pick 1 and get better. Malphite hard counters many top laners, is easy to pick up, and has great team utility. I really like playing Camille, Irelia, Jax and Mordekaiser. I was also considering Quinn and Uydr esp after his buffs recently. Ekko - A strong, versatile champion in mid The purpose of toplane is to filter out the weak (players and champions) and when laning phase is over, it spits out the most durable, broken, and sturdy champions that can/should be able to either tank the whole enemy team, or be able to win a 1v1 against any other lane (sometimes more) So basically toplane is an Island that proudces the best Need a pool of champions for top lane. I usually pick velkoz against tanky team comps since his passive deals true damage, Seraphine if we want moonstaff abuser and some healing and Anivia if our team I think my top lane champion pool is preventing me from climbing. Step 3 : The 2mil mastery incident. I'd like to learn a few more champs with a similar play style to those mentioned. My understanding is only the top twenty per lane are included. Hi guys i just recently picked up aatrox, But i am looking at creating a champion pool for top lane, What role does aatrox fill in the toplane and is jax, aatrox, sion a good pool? Aatrox is a melee AD caster and fits in the bruiser role, and i think your pool is fine, try playing fiora as well. Meant to be a nice broad look for people who are not quite sure about the mid lane or people who do not play mid and are looking Try out different champions in draft/vs bots and see what suits you. Reply reply. Had some free time this holiday season and decided to compile a list of categories of mid laners in the game with a short idea of how to play as & against each category. I find a lot of success playing tanky supports because a lot of the skills from toplane champs transfer pretty well. I want to learn top lane, what are the easiest champs? They dont need to be op and I know that I want to play melee champs. Top lane is all about matchups, so it's hard to pin point champions, however fulfilling a role in top lane is a little easier to go over. I currently only play Riven. New mid lane champion pool around fizz . Posted by u/tarikoko5 - 9 votes and 24 comments 3. Having a dedicated champion pool can make climbing ranked much more feasible. Gwen: for when you need an ap champion on your team. Yeah i think having a decent Champ Pool in top lane is OP once you Hit Emerald+ Usually you are one of the Last to Pick as top laners so you can see almost all picks. Yeah it sucks to wave clear as shen but you want a simple champion that isn’t mechanical heavy and can impact the team really well. Otherwise you’re going to have to play somewhat mechanical champion that also team fight pretty well. Juggernauts 2. My recent loses in lane were against Lulu, Sett, Tahm, Trundle. In the jungle for instance you can play tanks, bruisers, assassins, mages and even an enchanter, where as with bot lane you can only really play Marksman and some Mages. Splitpush monster, strong trader, primarily an AD caster. I'm low elo (silver IV) and I would like a pool of 3 champs (2 more plus Ornn) to steadily climb. Just play some games with them, watch a video on how to play them, and see which champs appeal to you. This brings me to no other choice but to start looking for 1 Ap Caster, 1 Tank, and 1 Bruiser to pick up and learn before the ranked season starts. 0. Rock oh my dude! I have no advice because I'm a lower elo but I feel like you might enjoy Darius a good amount, and I think he does better in higher elo than Garen. I am looking to add a third champion that might be able to cover the weakness of the other two any advice would be great! Hello there, and thanks for clicking! I just hit level 30 and finally decided to start playing more seriously. Crazy0lBen. If Jayce is taken I immediately just lock in Malphite. g. I feel like as much as Kiin has played many games on K'sante this Bami cinder first item, and maybe Tiamat to help wave. Galio is a solid champ but a strange pick because you have to play with the team. Search Comments. 1 pick you should be comfortable to blind pick and the other could be your main. Prior to the patch my pool (and the roles I used each champ to cover) was. You need to put a lot of time into one champion to master him/her and then use it to climb. I would like to know some safe picks There's 3 styles: Meta, 2-3 champs, and onetricks. Meta isnt recommended, because if you're just playing flavor of the month picks, you're not gonna know them very well. I've been having a lot of fun playing Illaoi too lane at the moment. I recently switched from playing jungle to playing toplane. play something simple that is hard to mess up on, i suggest garen, or sett. In general, champs that can lane-bully give you more opportunities to take over and carry games which is hard enough as is Your champ pool is the equivalent of the four horsewomen of top lane, I call them the four bros of Toplane. Hi everyone, I'm a Silver mid main looking to play top lane as a secondary role in ranked since mid is highly contested and I often have to go top instead. Award. If you want a stack champion try irelia. • 3 yr. Hello, I'm currently an Ornn main (almost OTP) but I would love to change from time to time as it gets boring. She is quite easy to pick up and becomes a raid boss like darius at 5 stacks. The thing is, in top lane there really isn't a champion that counters everything (unless they are broken that patch,) so usually the 3rd champ is a tank (Ornn, Sion, Malphite, Cho) JackWills94. However keep in mind that solo lane is the role which is most prone to getting gapped by your opponent because it’s the most skill expressive 1v1 you can find. For me a good champ pool consists of about 3 Champs 2 of which you pick in 80% of the games. ZeroGDX. I definitely recommend Garen. Matchup matters a lot so it’s important to have a diverse and healthy champion pool. i've seen all these champs hard carry games multiple times. Xerath, Lux and Veigar is my mid lane pool. I appreciate all help. Early mobility (e. Try out but the best bet imho is Annie until mid silver. Jax has always been at least good. they are all either full ad assassins or bruisers. Lulu should be learned due to her amazing utility she gives as a top Also, ideally you'd want 1 ap champ in your pool, like gwen or morde. Here are some ideas: Anivia, Fizz, Lux, Veigar, Vel’Koz, Orianna, Vex, Leblanc, Annie. <br> I'm looking for one more champion to pick when there's a bad matchup for Morde, particularly against ranged champions such as Teemo or Jayce. I want to master one champion and climb with it. These are the champions I have in mind right now: What I'm asking now is If my current most played champs are. Quinn 434,000 champ mastery. I'm playing Top Lane for my team so I'm currently trying to figure out a good champion pool to learn and bring out in Clash. Trynd + Jax + Malphite + Irelia and you’ll be pretty well covered. Here's an infographic to teach you how to make your own! Addition to champion pool. Kayle 54%. It’s usually my secondary role (behind mid) but I still play it a lot and sometime main the role over mid depending on the meta. Today, we have something really cool to show you: The Champion Pool Builder. As a GM Kennen one trick aspiring to expand their champion, I decided that creating this list would help me pick top laners based on the situation. Urgot those shotgun knees be hurting. Junglers like playing for Renekton lanes. Reply. Aatrox champion pool top lane. I main adc but frequently play offrole. Ryze and Orianna are the two core champs every midlaner should play imo, before learning other champs it should really be important imo to learn these two Tl;Dr: Beginner looking to learn top lane role - what pool of 3 to 5 champions among the red and blue circles (champs I enjoy and know how to play in red, wouldn't mind picking the ones in blue) should I try and get into to have : one good blind pick, and champs that cover each other's weaknesses matchup-wise? In bronze anything that can hard carry is good to climb from low elo. Darius: your go to blind pick top Garen: similar to darius, but great against tanks like ornn (he got an amazing wr vs ornn because his execute ignores his resists). I main kayle in d2 elo and if a nasus is picked, its a dodge. Kennen, yorick, vlad, Nidalee, irelia, Udyr, Lee sin. Tank champ: Cho Gath, Malphite, Shen, Poppy, Maokai. If you are low elo, you should keep your champion pool around 3 or 4 champions per lane (including support because autofill), so this isn't harming your learning. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. You can also try something like malphite, amumu or a full ap chogath. ADMIN MOD. I love Jax. Shok (on YouTube) has a pretty in-depth guide (around ½ an hour) to choosing your champion pool for mid lane. Mundo 52%. It depends on what you mean by higher elo. 2-3 champs is generally recommended because you have enough champs to fit most situations while also having few enough to know each of them really well. Do NOT play with a big champion pool because by dedicating to a small champion pool you will learn to play those champions better, alongside learning top lane macro. I think the rest of your champs are in pretty high elo. It can get boring when it’s constantly the same enemy picks, and frustrating to get a terrible support or solo lane feeding an assassin. Trydamere 51%. I'd say of these, fiora probably has the lowest skill floor to play, but she's more powerful in the splitpush game than in teamfights, which may be difficult to manage depending how how experienced you are. I have camille and mordekaiser right now, i'm a gold top laner and was wondering if these two are good picks to get to high plat. The Top 3 Mid Lane Champions This Patch (Opinion) Hello everyone :) I am MJ and I write guides for Dignitas! I made my most recent guide to help mid lane players find champions to add to their champion pool for this year. a mage might work, but the top lane mages seem to have less average kills. That formula worked out for me since Zoe's release. The wither with frozen heart makes it too hard for kayle to burst him. Antaxia. All that matters is that you’re comfortable on the champ you’re learning/playing, though having a broader champ pool does help a bit for when you get filled or have to take up a different niche. A good nasus destroys you every part of the game except lvl 1 to 4. Its just that bot lane is the role with the least diversity in champions. StepTreeko. 3. 1. I just watched a video of Cloudtemplar, Pony, and Lindarang talking about MSI teams. Hi there! I’ve been playing a lot of top lane recently and doing quite well. Their kits just get stronger with items. So akali Viktor yone should be good if i can carry with them. The top lane pool is very expansive at the moment, here are brief explanations of some great solo queue picks: Darius - Scales very well with the heal now. Complete Mid Lane Champion Pool List. Denneb. I'm currently Silver 2 and want to get better. But I think it's a really lacking pool. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit Players with large rosters, show us your top lane champion pool of Season 2023 - Split 2 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment If you are low elo, you should keep your champion pool around 3 or 4 champions per lane (including support because autofill), so this isn't harming your learning. These champions include, but are not limited to: AD: Darius, Garen, Illaoi AP: Mordekaiser Honlrable mentions (a bit more harder in terms of execution but all around better IMO): Quinn, Fiora, Camille, Lillia, Jax. I definitely feel like I make more impact as a support than I ever did as top. So, I decided to choose a cool champion pool that I like and are good or at least not bad. Though both are up for rework. 1. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Champs similar to Camille-- looking to develop my top lane champion pool. Good starting champions are Malzahar, Anivia, Ahri, Diana - pretty easy kits, most of them offering utility in team fights. Till then, keep an eye our for your jungler trying to invade or gank a side lane. In the process of developing my champion pool apart from Camille, I was looking at champions that were similar to Camille. All of them are easy, all of them teaches you how to impact the game by providing CC, engage, utility and frontline to your team. Bruisers 2. The purpose of toplane is to filter out the weak (players and champions) and when laning phase is over, it spits out the most durable, broken, and sturdy champions that can/should be able to either tank the whole enemy team, or be able to win a 1v1 against any other lane (sometimes more) So basically toplane is an Island that proudces the best Mid lane champion pool. I'd like to get a set of 3-5 champions that I can pull out in the mid lane and cover any role my ranked 5's team needs (I don't yoloque often). Does anyone know the cutoff for moving troops in Look to farm up till you hit your item powerspikes, this can range from 2-4 items depending on the champion. Teemo 61%. Tryndamere. Dead Man's Plate) and CDR (Cleaver) are good buys. I'd recommend malphite honestly, pretty easy to lane if you go comet and max q and is always useful with his ult. As most people know, counterpicking is a big part of top lane, especially at higher elos. <br> I thought of Irelia, however she's getting a rework soon, so I don't want to touch her until then. Please give any opinions on which one between Pool 1 Dr. All the champions you listed are fine, you can choose any tank because they’re all relatively easy to play and until D1 the meta doesn’t really matter. An inexperienced Jayce player especially can do literally nothing against this rock. Additional_Amount_23. Went from like 48% WR top to 71% WR support over 50 or so games so far. I am trying to pick a champion pool of… morde, volibear and renekton. Any other champions i should add? If so, suggest some champions that are always consistent every patch and aren't just flavour of the month picks. Mid lane. 2. I also consider including other champions in my champ pool to have alternative options when my team cannot function with me as akali (for example if all the others picked AP champs). Poor pick into high mobility and long range matchups, otherwise very solid. Mine is Irelia, Akali, Qiyana and more recently LeBlanc and Ahri. Hi guys i'm a new fizz main here and am thinking of I main top lane but my champion pool is in tatters right now. I play her in almost all of my games but unlike a true otp I dont doge when akali is banned or picked. Mid lane champion pool . I really need help. With that said I recommend Renekton. Hey! I’m looking to add one final top laner to my champion pool. Champions that in my opinion are good picks and very easy to pick up are Swain, Lissandra, Viktor. (Olaf is decent ish) There are some bad matchups for all but generally most of these can farm safely Or dominate in most matchups. Not exactly a gold or a plat but I’ve heard Riven and Wukong are pretty solid picks. Jax and Cho are apparently not strong enough for S despite their great scaling, and Makai and Wukong are surprisingly impactful in late game teamfights with their ultimates. I was recently recruited to play Top Lane for this guys Ranked team after playing Singed Top with him in a solo queue game. As a main top lane, there are only a few scary matchups as these champions. We generally have the top 40ish spread between 2 lanes and the rest in the 3rd. I'm used to playing a small champion pool (3-4 champions) so I can practice them to the fullest, and I also want them to cover the most situations possible, covering the most amount of Hello, I am trying to figure out what champions I should go with for my top lane pool. 14 votes, 64 comments. My favorite champions to play top are Rumble, Garen and Shyvana. As for matchups, sett is a tough one but once you get used to it you should be fine, as for Camille not sure why you’re struggling. 3. immobile and primarily gold scaling champs generally go bot. 2. But prefer a hybrid offensive build with gunblade and triforce instead of the lame tank build. Edit: A champion pool I recommend is Vladimir, Renekton, Nautilus and Irelia. I have a friend who also suggested Illaoi. These three champions are insanely good in solo queue, and should be added to your champ pool if you haven't already! Who are some good AD picks in top lane to put in my champion pool with Akali and Yone? The most important thing in soloQ is champion mastery so play what a champion you like and put time into mastering that champ. Shyvana 125,000. Xerath-long range damage, overall damage. With malphite either you decide to go tank or ap you will have a lot of utility, same for amumu (is a bit off meta in top but you can try), chogath full ap is very difficult because is vulnerable like a mage but he also deals the damage like a mage. Those 4/5 should be able to work with or against pretty much any composition. Here you guys go! Please leave a comment if you have a suggestion, disagreement, or a question! View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Some champions can have a special element of their kit that shifts their lane choices: If you are this new to irelia, reading text online will not help you at all. My two main top lane champs I play right now are Poppy and Jax. How to OTP a champion : Step 1 : Oh I like you funny character. Sett, Shen, Teemo, Cho, Shyvana, Jax. It's easier and faster to learn the two combined than Camille solo. Seriously, put a few dozen games in, get a feel for conquerer and the champion. I play- jayce, maokai, nautilus, akali, darius, jax, vladimir, camille, jarvan iv and mordekaiser. Depending on what my team comp needs. Ryze never has a good winrate, but relative he does his best the longer the game goes. My toplane pool includes Garen, Sett, Mordekaiser, Shen and Ornn. Hecarim 65,000. I think it's important to learn all aspects of League Of Legends to prevent ever g a couple champs that pop out to me: rengar, pantheon, fiora, darius, riven, wukong, irelia. If you are high elo, own bigger pools shouldn't be a problem because you know well fundamentals of game. Lissandra 88,000. • 2 yr. Alternatively an ap/ad assasin into mage matchups if you don’t want skill check via mirroring (even Akshan bullies most control mages besides maybe Syndra/Lb). Hey, I'm Jack J ( Twitter ), I build tools for solo queue & esports. you're not looking for a tank. Even if its 10 lp and 30 minutes penalty. Thank you! I think my top lane champion pool is preventing me from climbing. You can miss e, r and w and still beat her pre level 11. I recently added volibear to my pool he is pretty strong at the time. This means that even though your lane matchup might not be great, just try to not feed and you’ll come out on top. Share. 4. My main champs for top are Garen, Malphite, Renekton, Tryndamere. She has more mobility and outplay potential. I don't want to be a slave meta, I would love 2 champs that compliment each others weaknesses and What are some good champions I'm looking to expand my top lane champion pool. Nocturne 38,000. One thing I have noticed though, is that in the Korean league community or analysts, Kiin is regarded as having one of the largest champion pools ever. You can replace this with tank malphite and I would recommend that. Jenhey0. My top lane pool currently consists of Mordekaiser (main) and Nautilus (when I'm the only frontline). I love both of them, but they’re not the best blind picks (especially poppy). However she is beginning to be played by others more frequently. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit Mid lane champion pool I'm not sure if these are already good or if I should expand it more Blinds - Taliyah, Asol Counter - Vex, Lissandra Ad - Naafiri I feel like I wound up needing something but cant quite see what roamers/waveclearers who need a shorter lane with good gold and experience scaling go mid lane. He teaches you how to farm safely when behind, and also how to be that tank in teamfights. Mundo should be learned due to his power curve. The last pick should be someone that you often find yourself picking to counter bad matchups for your previous champions. Hi everyone, so I main mid lane, I’m only gold 4 but yeah. Ranged Champions Your final champion pool (how It should look) Conclusion and more thoughts It is very dense, so I suggest reading some parts if not interesed in reading everything. My 2020 pool and win rates for Top were. I feel that a lot of people are giving bad advice regarding champion pool. TOP LANE FUNDAMENTALS Microgame concepts: View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Champion pool for top lane Hi there, as a GP top lane main what should my backup picks be if hes banned or if the matchup just seems unwinnable? Top lane champion pool I’m a plat player who basically only plays top, and my current pool for ranked is mordekaiser, aatrox, urgot, sion and kennen, and im looking to expand it by 1 or 2, but dont know really who, so needing suggestions/advice. It’s about personal skill and emotional stability. Unfortunately, only one out of the three mentioned here are really a viable top in this meta. . Mundo Jax Malphite Teemo Wukong Needing some help on my Top Lane Champion Pool for Clash. Top lane always interested me from the beginning and is my favorite lane and the lane where you either win or lose, rare to go even, ao that gets me excited to outplay my enemy or get outplayed, which is not as fun. yn xg ft gm uw fx wc rj dz oz