Arts education partnership The Arts Education Partnership’s Data Working Group first met in 2023 to look at arts education data collection and reporting at the national, state, regional and local levels. Prior to joining the Arts Education Partnership, Daizha completed her bachelor’s degree in political science at Colorado State University where she gained experience in policy research and the nonprofit AEP is grateful for the partnership of the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education in support of this project. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) consists of those persons at state education agencies whose responsibility is education in the arts. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Find all the latest Arts in Education news as well as upcoming events and opportunities for schools, teachers and artists. Funding is available through the NEA to support arts education data systems. Jan 17, 2025 · The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the U. Department of Education, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA). AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Arts education is strongly associated with lower dropout rates and higher graduation rates, regardless of socio-economic status. Department of Education (ED), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) to disseminate information about current and emerging arts education policies, issues, and activities at the national, state, and local As a policy analyst for the Arts Education Partnership, Krystal conducts research on pressing arts education policy issues, contributes to AEP’s publications and provides support for AEP convenings. Department of Education since 1995 and is AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Oct 14, 2021 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States (ECS). 11, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | 2024 National Arts in Education Week AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education engages students, inspires teachers and artists, and demonstrates impact by weaving visual, digital, and performing arts into classrooms across Chicago. Krystal comes to Education Commission of the States with experience in education, legislative tracking and management. Considering education as an ecosystem — rather than a single, independent system or agency — recognizes the interconnections between environments within and outside of schools that impact student well-being. Jan 18, 2017 · Some early examples include New Jersey inviting more than 60 organizations – including the New Jersey Arts Education Partnership – to participate in a series of ESSA stakeholder focus group meetings and a group of arts education stakeholders across Indiana forming the Indiana Arts Education Network to engage state leaders on the importance Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was created by the Arts Endowment and the U. James Catterall, professor emeritus at the UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California. The video classes mimic much of our in-person classes within The Hope Project. Lane serves as the executive officer of the Virginia Department of Education, which is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation For the past two school years, the NAMM Foundation — in partnership with the National Association for Music Education, and with an expanded partnership this year that includes the Educational Theatre Association and National Dance Education Organization — reached out to educators across the nation to see how Title IV-A ESSA funds are AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. learning loss; trauma, virtual teaching) Deadline: 17-Jan-2025 The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was established by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the U. Mar 3, 2025 · The Straz Center’s Arts Education Partnership Program develops ongoing educational performing arts experiences with community organizations and after-school programs. Department of Education (ED), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) to disseminate information about current and emerging arts education policies, issues, and activities at the Media Arts – learning how to best support this emerging arts education field – Addressing issues pertinent to certification, professional development support Teacher Preparation, Retention and Recruitment of Fine Arts Educators – How do we attract students, prepare them adequately, and provide enough support to retain fine arts teachers? Sep 9, 2020 · AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. This was the first in a four-part series of special reports that used ArtsEdSearch to illustrate the many benefits of arts education. Apr 17, 2024 · This year, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) began collecting information on improving the preparation, recruitment, development and retention of arts educators in hard to staff schools and areas experiencing teacher shortages. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Mar 15, 2021 · We’re committed to harnessing the collective knowledge of the arts education field and amplifying it for new audiences. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation For this Special Report, the Arts Education Partnership reviewed research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch (the national clearinghouse of arts education research), the International Journal of Education and the Arts and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders to explore the importance of theatre in student learning and academic Apr 3, 2024 · The new standards were written and revised by the 2022-23 Oklahoma Academic Standards for Fine Arts Executive Committee, made up of arts educators and arts education supporters. The intellectual stimulus for this report was the publication of "Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development" (2002), conducted under the leadership of the Arts Education Partnership. Advancing Arts Education through the Arts Education Partnership. Method meets art: Arts-based research practice The National Association for Music Education for their assistance in the identification of research studies. Over the past decade, the National Governors Association, the Education Commission of the States, the National Association of State Boards of Education, the SCANS Commission (Department of Labor), and the Council of Chief State School Officers--professional groups with a broad education interest--have begun promoting the value of arts education Jul 15, 2015 · Arts Ed NJ is a collective impact coalition of statewide partners that works to ensure that all New Jersey Prek-12 public school students participate in a high quality, sequential, equitable arts education that celebrates diverse lived experience and artistic expression and prepares the creative leaders of tomorrow. Advocate for equitable arts education opportunities—including in theatre—that acknowledges the academic and personal challenges of pandemic era education (ie. Department of Education. Department of Education, now in collaboration with the bipartisan In late 2020, the Arts Education Partnership began exploring intersections of arts education and literacies. A national coalition of more than 100 education, arts, cultural, government, business, and Founded as an initiative in the BYU-Public School Partnership, the BYU ARTS Partnership works to increase the quality and quantity of arts education in Utah elementary schools. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Arts Education Partnership. None of these states currently include information about student achievement in their state data reporting. The National Council of State Arts Education Consultants has met in the past from time to time but has had no ongoing central source of funding and coordination to support its development as a network. When included as a key part of the wellness ecosystem, the arts can provide opportunities for students to express themselves and their emotions, build relationships with peers and Arts education topics, including but not limited to: standards, curriculum and programming, STEAM, SEL in the Arts, digital learning in the arts, professional learning for educators, networks of practice, and other important and emerging topics of interest to the field of arts education. As the top building-level leaders, school principals play a key role in ensuring every student receives a high-quality arts education as part of a complete education. Prior to StageWrite, Elana was a tenured teacher with San Francisco Unified School District. ” Many discovered that even in a time of great social isolation, the arts are a conduit for meaningful connection and interaction. We believe that putting the arts and creativity at the heart of education supports the wellbeing of staff and pupils. Educators and artists work as peers to help students develop a rigorous inquiry process Apr 3, 2024 · The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is our nation’s network of more than 200 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. administer the Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a national coalition of more than 100 organizations representing the arts and education fields as well as the government and private sectors. Traditionally, literacy has been defined as the ability to read and write text. The directory was Virtual Arts Education Beyond the Pandemic Engage and Discuss Session Video Recording. On ArtsEd Amplified, you’ll continue to see posts by AEP staff members, plus more posts in the arts integration series by AEP’s higher education working group. 25, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships. As building-level leaders, school principals play a key role in ensuring every student has access to high-quality and equitable arts learning as part of a well-rounded education. A national coalition of more than 100 education, arts, About the Arts Education Partnership The Arts Education Partnership, a division of the Council of Chief State School Officers, is dedicated to securing a high quality arts education for every young person in America. Diaz & McKenna, (2017). For this Special Report, the Arts Education Partnership reviewed research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch (the national clearinghouse of arts education research), the International Journal of Education and the Arts and the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders to explore the importance of theatre in student learning and academic Jun 2, 2021 · In response to the need for resources to help arts and education leaders navigate the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, AEP compiled relevant content to support the arts education field from 2020 through early 2021. Sep 1, 2017 · The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is saddened by the recent passing of the esteemed Dr. The Arts Count In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. Building on the first release of "Music Matters" in 2011 (see ED541070), the Arts Education Partnership has reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch -- the national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research -- to explore the importance of music on student learning outcomes. Our Shared Future: Imagining a New Landscape for Teaching Artists featured sessions that dug into the current realities and hopeful futures of teaching artistry. Prior to joining AEP, Mitra worked as a Colorado licensed visual arts educator in elementary education settings. Align theatre education professional development with standards-based teaching and learning that integrates social-emotional learning. The Arts Education Partnership is dedicated to advancing the arts in education through research, policy and practice towards a time where every student in America succeeds in school, work and life as a result of a high-quality education in and through the arts. About the Arts Education Partnership The Arts Education Partnership is dedicated to securing a high quality arts education for every young person in America. (2020). AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership (PAEP), southeastern Pennsylvania’s regional resource for arts in education programming, is pleased to present the Arts Link Online Training and Resource website designed as an arts integration resource for educators, teaching artists, parents, school administrators, university pre-service students, arts administrators, and education policymakers. These leaders support AEP’s work to improve equitable access to arts education for all learners, especially those that have been historically marginalized. We’ve also been busy building new relationships with Nov 26, 2024 · The purpose of this Program Solicitation is to select an organization (Cooperator) to administer the Arts Education Partnership (AEP), a national coalition of more than 250 partner and affiliate organizations representing the arts and education fields, as well as the government and private sectors. Learning in and through the arts develops the essential knowledge, skills, and creative capacities all students need to succeed in school, work, and life. Oct. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) reviewed an extensive body of research to identify high-quality, evidence-based studies that document student learning outcomes associated with an education in and through music. Managed by the Education Commission of the States, AEP convenes lead-ers to better understand effective practices in arts education, publishes research, and acts as a clearinghouse for arts In June 2007, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) convened the directors of eight collaborative entities to discuss promising practices for integrating the arts into the lives and curricula of urban public schools as a means of fostering system-wide educational improvement. She is dedicated to critically developing students’ learning AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Dec 12, 2024 · Working in partnership with Stages, we decided to create smART breaks! smART breaks is a free digital arts library of interactive music, theater and dance classes that teaches elementary school children social and emotional learning competencies. From the beginning of our work, we wanted this project to expand the narrative of literacy to be inclusive of the different ways people make meaning, beyond As educators play a crucial role in nurturing students, educator preparation and professional development opportunities in multiple subject areas are also critical in effective theatre education. A national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. Best, Ph. Arts Link and Arts Bridges. Visit three exhibitions: Transparencies, Performativity, and Snow City Snowcase, on view up until March 21st! Jan 17, 2025 · The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the U. We experience visual arts each day, whether through our own creativity or everyday objects, such as the design of a cereal box or logo of a favorite sports team. On April 5-7, 2022, we hosted a virtual event in support of teaching artists across the country. than 20 federal agencies and supports the Arts Education Partnership, the national hub for arts education, which is jointly funded by the U. Eight years later, this online clearinghouse of research continues to support practitioners, researchers, policymakers and other stakeholders in their work through topical and trusted research. Department of Education (ED), the Council of Chief State School Officers Arts Education Partnership. He also serves as secretary of the state board of education. About this Grant: ArtsWA’s Arts in Education (AIE) program amplifies and expands arts and cultural learning opportunities This is the first in a series of success stories about how arts organizations, states, schools and other entities are using funding from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) and the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) to support arts education. One of these updates is the Partnership Directory. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was formed in 1995 through a collaborative effort among ED and the NEA, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). CAE’s evidence-based programming in dance, music, theater and visual arts (the core areas required by the state of New York) improves literacy as well as the social, emotional, and cognitive development of participants. Our mission is “To support the professional effectiveness of individual members and provide a collective voice for leadership on issues affecting arts education. BYU faculty, district administrators AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. org Printing and distribution of this brochure made possible through a grant from the NAMM Foundation. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Creativity + Conversation + Connection. The Arts Education Partnership, a collaboration among the Arts Endowment, the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation AEP affiliates are a diverse group of organizations and individuals that conduct arts education-related work at the local, state, regional, or direct-service level. National PTA is the nation’s oldest and largest child advocacy association, comprising of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. 9, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | Join AEP’s Advisory Council! Sept. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) The AEP was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the AEP is a national coalition of more than 100 education, arts, business, cultural, government, and philanthropic organizations. Director, Arts Education Partnership @BestEdPolicy National Dance Education Organization National Endowment for the Arts National Guild for Community Arts Education National Partnership for Juvenile Services Ohio Music Education Association Partners for Rural Impact Pennsylvania Music Educators Association Prince George’s County Public Schools Research, Evaluation, and Measurement Center This literature review is an essential resource for anyone involved in the research, theories, or methods and practices of arts integration. S. The initiative is housed in the Center for Improvement of Teacher Education and Schooling (CITES) in the McKay School of Education. Springfield Cultural Partnership’s mission is to foster civic engagement and arts education in the City of Springfield by creating and sustaining a vibrant cultural environment, authentically engaging institutions, artists, and the community. Arts Ed NJ is a collective impact coalition of statewide partners that works to ensure that all New Jersey Prek-12 public school students participate in a high quality, sequential, equitable arts education that celebrates diverse lived experience and artistic expression and prepares the creative leaders of tomorrow. Learn about AEP's history, mission, staff and publications. Sept. Department of Education, AEP is hosted by our colleagues at Education Commission of the States. Department of Education since 1995 and is administered by Education Commission of the States. Arts Connect Houston is a collective impact organization and the entire Learning in and through the arts helps develop the essential knowledge, skills and creative capacities all students need to succeed in school, work and life. ArtsEdSearch is made possible through the generous support of AEP sponsors: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Wallace Foundation. The nation’s hub for arts and education leaders, building their leadership capacity to support students, educators, and learning environments through research, reporting, counseling, and convening. 23, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | AEP Partnership Directory. State Data Infrastructure Project for Arts Education Second, the Arts Education Partnership continues 25 years later as an important collaboration of local, state and national organizations interested in expanding and strengthening arts education across America and as a joint project of the National Endowment for the Arts and U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Professional development of the arts teaching workforce: classroom teachers, arts specialists, teaching artists and community arts organization educators. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Oct 23, 2024 · Nov. Lilah, age 14 . AEP was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts, the U. Department of Education, and the Education Commission of the States as well as all AEP partner organizations, convenes forums to discuss topics in arts education, publishes research materials supporting the role of arts education in schools, and acts as a AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. This Action Agenda outlines a set of goals and strategies by which the arts and education community can collectively respond to and inform high-priority areas of action needed to effectively address educational inequalities, and level AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. © One Massachusetts Ave. Department of Education in 1995 and has been continuously funded since then. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation This post comes from the Arts Education Partnership, a national coalition of over 100 education, arts, business, culture, government and philanthropy organizations at Education Commission of the States As co-founder and executive director of StageWrite, Elana Lagerquist has dedicated the past 18 years to empowering youth to become actively engaged in their education and passionate about learning through theatre arts. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch -- a national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research -- to better understand the role visual arts play in student success. Department of Education, AEP is dedicated to building the leadership capacity of arts education leaders to support students Lane discusses the impact that music education has had on his life and shares more about the arts in education in Virginia schools. The pandemic required arts organizations to pivot swiftly from “in-person” arts education programming to “virtual. AEP is a network of over 200 organizations that support arts education in the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Nov. AEP publishes research and advocacy materials supporting the role of arts education in schools. Arts in Education Partnership Grant Guidelines ArtsWA FY23 (July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023) CLICK HERE TO APPLY. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. and abroad and includes an historical overview, definitions and theoretical frameworks for arts integration, research and evaluation studies as well as methods and practices for each of the Areas of Expertise. We engaged our partners in sharing resources that they created and compiled to help others as we navigated these new ways of working. Arts Education Partnership | 5,508 followers on LinkedIn. The group’s goal was to discover where data are being collected and reported and where gaps in data still exist. In her role as a policy analyst, Daizha provides relevant information on various education policy topics for state-level education leaders. It covers what has been written between 1995 and 2007 in the U. We all have much to be proud of in the arts and education community, and I look forward to our continued work together. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation "The Arts Leading the Way to Student Success: A 2020 Action Agenda for Advancing the Arts in Education" is a blueprint for systemic change and collective action. 11, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | 2024 National Arts in Education Week May 22, 2018 · Building on the first release of Music Matters in 2011, the Arts Education Partnership reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch — the national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research — to explore the importance of music on student learning outcomes. Dec 9, 2020 · In 2012, the Arts Education Partnership curated an extensive collection of research on arts education in one place: ArtsEdSearch. , September 2011. Research and development of curriculum and instruction in the arts and arts integration to serve all learners, including students who are English learners and students with disabilities. ” AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation 1 ArtsWA FY23 AIE Partnership Grant Guidelines Updated – January 21, 2022. Arts Education Partnership, Music Matters: How Music Education Helps Students Learn, Achieve, and Succeed, Washington, D. ArtScan at a Glance summarizes state policies for arts education identified in statute or administrative code for all 50 states, plus the AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. This award will be made as a cooperative AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation The Arts Education Partnership has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. | The Arts Education Partnership is a national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Since its founding in 1995, Arts Education Partnership (AEP) has become the primary forum and meeting ground for organizations to explore how the arts can transform American education. Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership is a 501(c)(3) organization, with an IRS ruling year of 2003, and donations are tax-deductible. Arts Education refers to teaching and learning that weaves engaging and challenging visual and/or performing arts learning into all academic disciplines from language arts and social studies to math and science, from foreign languages to physical education. AEP Affiliates are a diverse group of organizations and individuals that conduct arts education-related work at the local, state, regional, or direct-service level. The update includes improvements to previous dance, drama/theatre, music and visual arts standards and adds new media arts standards for pre-K through 8th grade and AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. The NEA also provides support at the state level for the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education and for State Arts Agency Arts Education Managers. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Building on the first release of "Music Matters" in 2011 (see ED541070), the Arts Education Partnership has reviewed multiple research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch -- the national clearinghouse of rigorous arts education research -- to explore the importance of music on student learning outcomes. Department of Education (ED), the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) to disseminate information about current and emerging arts education policies, issues, and activities at the national, state, and local Arts Education Partnership NEAPS2501 National Endowment for the Arts 4 | Page Program Description The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) was established in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the U. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Mar 31, 2023 · Assistant Director at Arts Education Partnership · Experience: Arts Education Partnership · Education: University of Maryland Baltimore County · Location: Washington · 500+ connections on Apr 26, 2024 · In May 2018, the Arts Education Partnership published Music Matters. Teachers College Press. Established through a unique and abiding partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. The Arts Education Partnership is a national network of more than 100 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. May 11, 2021 · The Arts Education Partnership’s ArtScan database indicates that 14 of 51 states plus the District of Columbia have a policy requiring assessment in the arts. It creates space for rich learning experiences, inspires joy and builds confidence. D. Created through a partnership between the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. As project manager for the Arts Education Partnership, Mitra collaborates and communicates with the AEP team and partners to promote high-quality arts education. The Arts Counts series went on to publish Visual Arts Matters, Theatre Counts and Dance Counts in the following years. Leavy, P. Through these partnerships, we help organizations design a curriculum that offers a variety of arts experiences for instructors, students and their families. Throughout AEP’s 25-year …. For this Special Report, the Arts Education Partnership reviewed research studies identified within ArtsEdSearch (the national clearinghouse of arts AEP has been supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the U. Arts Education Partnership: Resource Library and ArtsEdSearch Line by Line: Transforming Student Lives and Learning with the Art of Poetry : This report presents findings from an evaluation of Poetry Out Loud, a national arts education program supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Poetry Foundation, and state and jurisdictional Jan 30, 2024 · The most tactile from of art Don’t have limitations of colors Limitations of shape Just moving your body Direct creativity. S Jul 24, 2019 · The Arts Education Partnership at Education Commission of the States is home to data that supports policymakers, education leaders and stakeholders across the country as they expand their existing efforts and create new opportunities to help ensure that every child has access to the arts as part of a well-rounded education. As you may have noticed on our About page, we’re a dedicated team of seven. Beyond the intrinsic value of music to cultures worldwide, education in music has benefits for young people that transcend the musical domain. C. Preparing Educators for Arts Integration: Placing Creativity at the Center of Learning. At PAEP, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment for all. Research & Insight Discover reports, policies and practical guides that support teachers and artists to develop their arts in education practice. Prior to joining Education Commission of the States, Jamie worked for Arts Education Collaborative in Pittsburgh and was previously the state arts curriculum advisor at the Pennsylvania Department of Visual arts can be a powerful discipline to support success throughout a student's education, both within and outside of school settings. Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership is one of 22 organizations and school districts that have designed experimental research programs to test how the arts integrated with grade level mathematics, science, and English language arts curricula enhance both teacher pedagogy and student academic achievement for In response, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) has been working to update our website, including our databases, resources and user experience functions to better support our diverse network. Therefore, the Arts Education Partnership, in cooperation with four of its national partners, convened arts education consultants from state depart- May 7, 2020 · For 25 years, the Arts Education Partnership (AEP) has been the national hub for advancing arts education across the country. We were thrilled to kick off the event with Baltimore Bloomberg Arts Internship interns and staff! They started off the conference with poetry, a conversation about the role of the arts in their lives and education and an opportunity to move and connect with fellow conference participants. AEP’s efforts to communicate, collaborate, convene and connect policymakers, stakeholders and leaders across the arts education field are supported by the following foundation Sep 7, 2021 · As director of the Arts Education Partnership, Jamie works with over 100 partner organizations to support arts learning across the United States. , NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 aep-arts. The Arts Education Partnership (AEP) is a national network of more than 250 organizations dedicated to advancing arts education. Warmest wishes, Jane R. As a compendium of the best arts education research examining student intellectual and social development in the arts National in scope and far-reaching in their community impact, AEP Partners are a diverse group of organizations representing the breadth of the arts education field. 13, 2024 – ArtsEd Digest | New Arts Education Data Report! Oct. The Arts Counts series went on to publish Vi Our Shared Future: Imagining a New Landscape for Teaching Artists. Department of Education, and the Education Commission of the States as well as all AEP partner organizations, convenes forums to discuss topics in arts education, publishes research materials supporting the role of arts education in schools, and acts as a clearinghouse for arts education resource material. ezph epw muz hsn iinx aiucpm bda ciqk bgkhj dvhltw tzo mctn amyu ikt tumt