Bangladesh climate vulnerability. 3 Exposure of Households in Bangladesh 5 II.

Bangladesh climate vulnerability This study summarizes the issues the communities in CHT are experiencing, including the adverse effects of climate change, which will intensify the vulnerability of the local Nov 21, 2013 · The recently released sixth annual Climate Change Vulnerability Index, (Maplecroft) revealed that Bangladesh would feel the economic impacts of climate change most intensely and that our capital Dhaka would be one of the five most climate vulnerable cities in the world. Nov 30, 2022 · Bangladesh is high on the list of countries most vulnerable to climate change, ranking seventh on the 2021 World Climate Risk Index. Without strong action, climate change will undermine Bangladesh’s strong development trajectory and the poorest will be hardest hit. Gendered vulnerability and its implications for people’s ability to cope with and adapt to climatic stressors was investigated in four poor rural communities in Dimla, Kaunia, Hatibandha, and Patgram upazilas (sub-districts) in Rangpur division in the lower Teesta basin area in northwest Bangladesh. Although the whole country is affected by extreme weather events to different degrees, it is important to categorize the zones according to the intensity of Oct 26, 2024 · The research aims to explore the vulnerability of Bangladesh to drought by considering a comprehensive set of twenty-four factors, classified into four major categories: meteorological The nexus between poverty and climate change is also a major concern, especially in a country like Bangladesh where lack of resources is a significant problem in both rural and urban areas. Jan 1, 2024 · DOI: 10. According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021 published by Germanwatch, Bangladesh is ranked 7 th among the countries affected most in 2000-2019 due to climate change. An increasing world population as Jul 1, 2006 · This model provides a framework for examining the effects of climate change on pathogen evolution and associated disease dynamics, and gives an explanation for the recent cholera strain replacement in Bangladesh, based on changes in monsoon rainfall patterns. bcas. See full list on climaterealityproject. Mujibor Rahman2 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Khulna-9203, Bangladesh. Key highlights from the NDC Bangladesh increased its conditional emissions reduction target from 36 MtCO2e to 89. Assessing the vulnerability to climate change is a Jan 1, 2021 · However, considering the population density, environmental factors, social structure, cultural norms, health care capacity and climate change vulnerability of Bangladesh, it is certainly hard to lock down the people for a long period (Tareq et al. Bangladesh is considered to be one of the countries highly vulnerable to climate change. Oct 8, 2024 · The World Risk Index 2023 ranks Bangladesh ninth worldwide for climate disaster risk. International Conference on Earth & Environmental Science and Technology Poster ID: ICBE-P-002 Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation of Saint Martin’s Island’s Community, Bangladesh Farjana Yeasmina, Md. Bangladesh has extremely high exposure to flooding, tropical cyclones and drought (World Bank, 2021). The study was conducted in the Kaijuri and Sadia Chandpur Union areas of Shahjadpur and Chauhali Upazila in Sirajganj, a region known for frequent floods and river erosion. The results of the Aug 15, 2022 · Bangladesh is vulnerable to climate change because of its geographical position. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change in the world. 72 billion and witnessed 185 extreme weather events from 2000-2019 due to climate change The concept of household vulnerability along with sustainable livelihoods has currently emerged as a significant concept in the climate change vulnerability and adaptation (CCVA) literature. UNISDR estimated the average annual losses to disaster at around $3 billion, or around 1% to 2% of GDP. 1016/j. This study analyzes Mar 26, 2014 · The current study attempted to quantitatively measure the vulnerability status of selected regions in Bangladesh impacted by climate change. 2 Population Density Exposure 4 II. METHODOLOGY The approach and strategy used to pursue a research depends upon the nature of the problem to be studied and research question to be answered. However, the region is vulnerable to climate change impacts—including floods, droughts, cyclones, and extreme heatwaves—that pose a significant risk to its growth trajectory, infrastructure, and peoples’ livelihoods. The climate vulnerability was assessed for eight sectors at the Upazila level: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Navigation, Transport and Infrastructure, Water Resources, Biodiversity, Natural Disasters and Human Health. 2014; Younus and carrying out climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) for Patuakhali Municipality, which is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Bangladesh located in the south- central coastal Dec 31, 2024 · Similarly, citing the “Global Climate Risk Index 2021,” a Report published by the Bangladesh government also voiced similar concerns. The country´s location in the Bay of Bengal makes it susceptible to seasonal cyclones. As part of its annual budget preparation, the country consistently allocates a climate budget. , 2018). Bangladesh was ranked 27th out of 191 countries in the 2022 Inform Risk Index (DRMKC, 2022). This paper examines the farm income differences, income inequality of farm households, parameters of income variability that ascertain vulnerability levels, and cost-income variability of agricultural crops in four districts of Mymensingh division in Bangladesh. The coastal regions, in particular, experience intense livelihood vulnerability due to direct impacts from climate-driven weather events such as cyclones, sea-level rise, and salinity intrusion. Bangladesh was among the first to develop a Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan in 2009, which has become a blueprint for other climate-vulnerable nations. Although climate change affects people’s sustainable livelihood strategies in coastal regions of Bangladesh, it has gained limited attention in academic discourse adaptation plan (see below). While Bangladesh has been actively advocating for international climate finance to mitigate the impacts of climate change, it is also at the forefront of countries proactively investing in climate resilience. LoGIC will support the most vulnerable 500,000 households based in hard-to-reach areas in 94 unions of 29 Upazila in 9 districts of Bangladesh. 1 ADB Framework for Climate Risk Screening and Climate Risk xxii Vulnerability Assessment II. Sep 1, 2019 · Bangladesh is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Demographic and socio-economic factors increase vulnerability Bangladesh’s vulnerability is intricately linked to its demographic profile: • It is the eighth-most densely populated country • The majority of its 165 million people reside in rural areas that face heightened risks • An age dependency ratio of 53% Jan 2, 2019 · Another research on assessing climate change vulnerability of Dacope upazila, Bangladesh was conducted by Razzaque et al. But, the country continues to face severe and increasing climate risks. 3 Exposure of Households in Bangladesh 5 II. Increasing surface air temperature is most prominent in Bangladesh, where an increasing trend and temporal variation in the mean seasonal temperature is observed within the range of 0. , Dhaka, 1994. Ali A (1996) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change and sea le vel rise through tropical . The modality of achieving this objective is to take note of all the important findings in published literature and put it in a form so that the product helps the readership to clearly understand the dynamics of climate change and relate it within the contexts of Vulnerability of Bangladesh to the Impacts of Climate Change Bangladesh is considered one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. 57 million people are significantly at risk from climate change impacts. It is important to mention the fact that the location of the country is vulnerable for the presence for three powerful rivers, Asian rivers, Brahmaputra, Ganges and the Meghna along with their numerous tributaries that could result massive floods. 65 °C during the past 40-year period. KEYWORDS Adaptation strategies, Bangladesh, climate change, Gaibandha, livelihood vulnerability, perceptions 1 | INTRODUCTION Climate change represents the changes in the mean or the variability of climatic parameters over years and The Climate Change Information Knowledge Management Portal (CCIKM) is the hub for climate-related information, data, and tools for Bangladesh. Jun 1, 2024 · Bangladesh has seen 60 percent of the global mortality induced by cyclones during the last 20 years, and climate change is anticipated to reduce agricultural GDP by 3. households, communities, and organisations) are susceptible to, and are unable to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and climate extremes (IPCC 2014; Opiyo et al. May 20, 2014 · 1. of vulnerability of Bangladesh due to climate change Man made global climate change and associated sea- [10, 11]. Paper Presented in th e Bank/Govt. 4 Dec 15, 2023 · Vulnerability to climate change is a complex, multi-dimensional construct influenced by multiple interacting factors. Geospatial databases have been created in Geographic Information System (GIS) environment mainly from two types of raw data; socioeconomic data from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and biophysical maps from various government and non-government agencies. 2. With a per capita gross domestic product, or GDP, of about $1,220, the economic losses in Bangladesh over the past 40 years were at an estimated $12 billion, depressing GDP annually by 0. 2 Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208 Jan 1, 2013 · Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate Final Report. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the agrarian sub-national regional analysis of climate change vulnerability in Bangladesh under various climate change scenarios and its potential impact on poverty. About 60% of the population of coastal areas rely on agriculture for their income [26] . This study analyzed historical changes in temperature and rainfall, local perceptions of climate change, livelihood vulnerability assessments, and adaptation strategies. The AHP methodology is employed to establish the relative importance-based weight of 18 selected landslide susceptibility factors, guiding a Bangladesh, amongst the countries most vulnerable to climatic impacts, is facing a significant impact on the livelihood of the community, especially in the coastal areas, where subsistence mostly depends on the natural resources. By 2050, Bangladesh will lose 17 percent of its territory due to rising sea levels, resulting in the loss of Feb 6, 2025 · The Indian subcontinent (India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Pakistan) is recognized as a highly active convective region [47] and is among the top lightning hotspots globally. 2 NAPA document has been developed by the GOB in 2005 and submitted to the GEF in a bid to claim LDC Sep 4, 2007 · The specific objective of the study was to prepare a synthesis for the general readership on climate change issues for Bangladesh. BGD/91/025. Economic vulnerability indicators suggest improvements Meanwhile, in terms of the economic and environmental vulnerability index (EVI), Bangladesh will continue to meet the graduation threshold in spite of its traditionally high export concentration Sep 8, 2021 · Thus, this aimed to justify the hypothesis that Bangladesh has spatial diversity in sectors of Climate Change Vulnerability (CCV) by identifying the sectors of vulnerability and visualizing the The literature suggest that Bangladesh faces worse vulnerability due to climate change and sea-level rise [1–9]. Dec 21, 2021 · Bangladesh, considered to be the world’s largest delta, is a riverine country that is highly vulnerable to climate and weather-related and geophysical hazards due to its topography and It is essential that projections of poverty be made while bearing in mind the effects of climate change. 47 MtCO2e by 2030 compared to business as usual. Coastal areas are vulnerable to sea-level rise (SLR), storm surges and flooding due to their (i) exposure, (ii) concentration of settlements, many of which Climate Vulnerable Risk Maps of Bangladesh. 2011; Sarker et al. Vol XI Special Studies, UNDP/World change and sea level rise. It begins with an abstract that outlines how climate change has become an important global issue and threat. 4 Aman Rice Production Exposure 7 Jan 1, 2019 · Bangladesh has marked as one of the most vulnerable countries in the world considering climate change issues. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 171–179. Feb 1, 2022 · Being geographically susceptible, Bangladesh poses an exorbitant number of risks to the anticipated impacts of climatic fluctuations and extreme events. in State of the art report (4) vulnerability assessment: definitions, indicators and existing assessment methods (issue Narayanganj City, Bangladesh – Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report I Title: Narayanganj City, Bangladesh – Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report March, 2020 This document is prepared by: ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability- South Asia CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT IN BANGLADESH NATIONWIDE JUNE 2023 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh The present study however is a new edition in climate vulnerability assessment in Bangladesh since it encompasses multivariate spatial analysis to demonstrate countrywide CCV. ), persistent poverty and food insecurity (IPC Bangladesh 2022), and as the seventh-most climate vulnerable country in the Climate Change and Child Marriage: Evidence from Bangladesh SIGMA AINUL* JYOTIRMOY SAHA* MD IRFAN HOSSAIN* SAJEDA AMIN* This paper examines the effects of environmental vulnerability on the risk of child marriage in Bangladesh. Therefore, a detailed study of climate change vulnerability (CV) covering the whole country is imperative to Rural riverine households in Bangladesh are confronted with many climate-driven hazards, including riverbank erosion, which results in loss of productive land and other natural resources of the riverine households, and thus threatens their livelihoods and food security. 47% of global emissions). In general, Charland (Riverine Island) communities are frequently affected by floods, riverbank erosion, and other climatic hazards, which cause many to lose their sources of livelihoods and properties and making them more vulnerable. Google Scholar Carr, M. Notably, the Dec 1, 2024 · In Bangladesh, rural households frequently face climate-driven hazards that impact their livelihoods and vulnerabilities (Alam 2017; Alam et al. Bangladesh Climate Vulnerability: Floods and Cyclones BANGLADESH CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES House 10, Road 16A, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh Phone: 8818214-7, 9851234, 9852904; Fax: 9851417 Website: www. This vulnerability stems not only from its exposure to climate change and intensified extreme weather events but also from the Feb 5, 2025 · South Asia, a region with some of the world's fastest-growing countries and a vast, dynamic human capital base, is achieving notable economic progress. NATIONWIDE CLIMATE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT IN BANGLADESH JUNE 2023 Nov 10, 2024 · With a population density that is the highest in the world (Landlinks n. JSRR. II. To find out the sufferings of rural households in Bangladesh. (2019), where they found out of seven unions, the Kamarkhola union of Abstract. For the most part of the adverse impacts f o level rise can have major adverse penalty for coastal climate change for Bangladesh are due to sea level rise, ecosystems. 2020; Hoque et al. impacts, adaptation and vulnerability to climate change for Bangladesh and present these results in summary form. 5 to 1 percent. The findings indicate an increase in temperature and a decrease in rainfall from 1980 to 2013. net Dr. Feb 22, 2025 · Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, and so far has experienced 191 climate-related extreme events between 1999 and 2018, according to the Global Climate Risk Jan 1, 2025 · The vulnerability map (Fig. local communities in improving their living conditions and adapting to climate change challenges. Many extreme weather events such as floods, cyclones, drought, salinity, hailstorms, river, coastal erosion, etc. Apr 1, 2019 · A statistical methodology was implemented to quantify vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change shocks among all seven divisions of Bangladesh using secondary data sets by adopting the Abstract: Bangladesh is a climate-vulnerable country that is highly vulnerable to the effects of Map 2: Climate vulnerability in the study area According to the respondent, the study reveals May 28, 2020 · This paper examines the farm income differences, income inequality of farm households, parameters of income variability that ascertain vulnerability levels, and cost-income variability of agricultural crops in four districts of Mymensingh division in Bangladesh. 6 b) indicates that 20 upazilas in the central and southern coastal regions of Bangladesh, along with five blocks in West Bengal, are the most vulnerable areas, highlighting that the agricultural livelihoods of approximately 5. Dec 1, 2017 · This document discusses climate change in Bangladesh. The Portal provides an online platform from which access and analyse comprehensive data related to climate change, Disaster Management and development program. Aug 4, 2021 · Bangladesh’s vulnerability to climate change lies mainly in its population density and geography, with a large part of the country consisting of low-lying coastal areas and expansive floodplains. approach and a modified approach to estimate climate change vulnerability in south-west coastal area of Bangladesh. Jan 20, 2020 · The present dataset provides necessary indicators of climate change vulnerability of Bangladesh in raster form. In response, UNDP’s Accelerator Lab, in collaboration with LoGIC (Local Government Initiative on Climate Change), is pioneering community-led climate adaptation in vulnerable areas like Hatiya. Climate change risks Bangladesh is often considered as one of the countries most vulnerable to extreme events, climate variability and change (Global Climate Risk Index; Climate Change Vulnerability Index). nhres. In: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. K. Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. Subsequently, the government has also developed a Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan The National Adaption Plan (NAP) will help Bangladesh to reduce its vulnerability to the negative impacts of climate change by having relevant ministries, departments and other stakeholders together for collective and urgent climate action, speakers said that today in a validation workshop in Dhaka, organized jointly by the Ministry of By applying the integrated AHP-Fuzzy Logic Model within a GIS framework, the study assesses the landslide vulnerability in the hilly districts of Bangladesh, pinpointing high-vulnerability zones. A unique consortium of public and non-governmental research organisations with support from the relevant administrative arms of the Government carried out the study over 1996 and 1997. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Supported by Improved Coordination of International Climate Finance (ICICF) project, funded by Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change. Nov 13, 2024 · This study examines how extreme climatic events and household vulnerability affect such intentions in two Bangladeshi villages: one prone to cyclones and one prone to ooding. Only 47% of households have an electricity connection. Keywords Bangladesh Vulnerability Adaptation Climate change Riverbank erosion Rural households Introduction Global environmental research has projected that climate change will intensify over the coming decades and Jun 11, 2023 · Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate-related hazards such as cyclones and floods, despite its negligible contribution to global warming (less than 0. Vulnerability Reduction Assessment Environmental Health Unit, WHO 1 Executive Summary There is a little global argument that Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Apr 18, 2022 · He received his Bachelor's and Master's degree from Development Studies Discipline, Social Science School, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh. Kawser Ahmedb, Aparna Barmanc, Md. It reveals that due to sea level rise, agriculture of the study area has already experienced noticeable adverse impacts especially in terms of area of inundation, salinity Jan 25, 2025 · Dasgupta S, Huq M, Khan ZH, Ahmed MMZ, Mukherjee N, Khan FM, et al. Jul 9, 2022 · Regarding climate change, the world’s most discussed issue for the last few decades, countries like Bangladesh are always noteworthy due to its susceptibility resulting from its geography, hazard proneness, and socioeconomic condition. Jan 25, 2021 · Bangladesh is still the seventh most climate change vulnerable country, according to the Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) 2021 published on Monday by Germanwatch – a Berlin based non-profit environmental think tank. , 2017). 1 percent each year, resulting in a total loss of US$36 billion in value-added from 2005 to 2050, and a 30- to 45-centimeter rise in sea level might force over 35 million people from Bangladesh's coastline [31]. Feb 23, 2024 · These climate change impacts bring challenges of adaptation to the surface in Bangladesh. It then provides figures and chapters that discuss Bangladesh's climate patterns, evidence of climate change impacts in Bangladesh like increased flooding and cyclones. 1 Major Hazards in Bangladesh xviii II. His current research interests include climate change and vulnerability assessment, public health, and environment, disaster, and development. Therefore, climate vulnerability in Bangladesh is strongly associated with poverty, which in turn shapes its adaptation capacity. As climate patterns shift, rural livelihoods have become increasingly vulnerable. Global warming and changes in the probability of occurrence of floods in Bangladesh and implications. affect the country almost every year. Keywords Climate This article focuses on the climate change vulnerability and adaptation among flood-affected communities in Bangladesh from a multidimensional poverty perspective. Coastal areas of Bangladesh are vulnerable to climate change because of their geophysical condition and geographical position. Bangladesh has been characterized by extreme climatic events (Ahmed, Occhipinti-Ambrogi, & Muir, 2013; DoE, 2012) with an area of 147,570 km 2 (BBS, 2013) and a rapidly growing population currently stands at over 160 million (Dewan, Yamaguchi, & Rahman, 2012; DoE, 2012) as well as Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 2014. Aug 4, 2021 · Climate change is one of the major challenges in the world today and makes more pressure on the environment (Ali et al. , 2016; Hoque et al. Six hundred farm households from Mymensingh division were used as the source of data for the current study. This research examines the extent of livelihood vulnerability and its influence on The Climate Change Information Knowledge Management Portal (CCIKM) is the hub for climate-related information, data, and tools for Bangladesh. 2016). cyclones and storm surges. Due to climate change and reduced biodiversity, Bangladesh is already experiencing the effects of serious environmental damage. Monirul Islamd* a,b Department of Oceanography, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh; c,d Jun 15, 2024 · This study can be a baseline for vulnerability assessment of climate change-affected communities in coastal Bangladesh and the government can take proper initiatives to facilitate adaptive capacity to reduce the climate change vulnerability of the local communities. 2 Framework of Climate, Development, and Disaster Risk 59 Maps II. Bangladesh’s coastal communities remain at the frontline of climate change, facing rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and livelihood disruptions. , 2019). 4–0. change and sea level rise. Vol XI Special Studies, UNDP/Worl d. 2013. To examine the causal link between environmental changes and migration for a population residing along the Jamuna River in Bangladesh, an area heavily affected by floods and riverbank erosion, I relate the respondents’ self In none of the above studies in Bangladesh, climate variability and its impact on local livelihood were studied. The sixth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change indicated that Bangladesh is at heightened risk from climate change, and predicted that its economy is likely to receive severe shocks in the coming decade (IPCC, 2021). Vulnerability of Bangladesh to cyclones in a changing climate—potential damages and adaptation cost. The country has six seasons that have been squeezed into four seasons now (Islam, 2013). The reports Assessment of Vulnerability Reduction to Climate Change in Bangladesh (2014) and Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal and Drought Prone Areas of Bangladesh: Health and WASH (2015) examined five vulnerable areas (namely, the upzila’s of Matbharia, Shyamnagar, The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. 1. Abdur Razzaque1*, Muhammed Alamgir1 and Md. The tipping point of this vulnerability can turn disastrous, as the country faces Jun 12, 2020 · DHAKA, Bangladesh – 12 June 2020: Bangladesh now chairs the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), and the Vulnerable Twenty (V20) Group of Ministers of Finance of the 48 states that constitute the international body for climate threatened nations, the forum announced in an online event hosted by the Government of Bangladesh. The Government of Bangladesh, a signatory to the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), sought to support the international community in understanding vulnerability to climate change and sea level rise and, at the same time, to formulate ways to mitigate the hazards and find Aug 21, 2024 · This assessment was led by a team of international and national experts and was conducted through a systematic step by step approach applying participatory methods. In this paper, the vulnerability of Bangladesh has been assessed by using multiple regression analysis where twenty two effective variables have been chosen from the surveyed data given by Bangladesh 2022. Nine Upazillas (sub-districts) in the south west coastal community were Nov 27, 2024 · Climate change has become a major global concern, and it has severe consequences for all communities. Among the countries most affected by extreme climate conditions, it only contributes a small share of global emissions. reflecting a lower vulnerability. Mar 22, 2023 · Bangladesh is vulnerable to both disasters and climate change and ranked the seventh extreme disaster risk-prone country in the world as per the report from the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. Water, land and soil degradation, biodiversity loss and natural disasters are negatively impacting the lives of Bangladeshi people across the country, from everyday challenges to threatening livelihood and life. 2009; Hussain et al. Chapter Google Scholar Ali A (1999) Climate change impacts and adaptation assessment in Bangladesh. Sep 1, 2023 · Vulnerability mapping in Bangladesh has received substantial importance in formulating plans, policies, risk reduction mechanisms, and adapting to climate change impacts [ [1, 5, 6]. Bangladesh is continually listed globally as one of the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. Although substantial research has been conducted on the impacts of climate change in Bangladesh (Ahmed and Kiester Reference Ahmed and Kiester 2021; Momtaz and Shameem Reference Momtaz and Shameem 2016) and social vulnerability in general (Alston and Akhter Reference Alston and Akhter 2016; Cutter, Boruff, and Shirley Reference Cutter, Boruff Aug 4, 2021 · Ali A (1996) Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate change and sea level rise through tropical cyclones and storm surges. 2020). This study should be an important tool for setting adaptation and miti-gation strategies from the root level to policymaking platforms of Bangladesh. Vulnerability of Bangladesh to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Concepts and Tools for Calculating Risk in Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The World Bank. 2017. 1 The Government of Bangladesh (GOB), a signatory to the UNFCCC, has developed and submitted the INC in 2002 (MOEF, 2002). The results of the The reports Assessment of Vulnerability Reduction to Climate Change in Bangladesh (2014) and Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal and Drought Prone Areas of Bangladesh: Health and WASH (2015) examined five vulnerable areas (namely, the upzila’s of Matbharia, Shyamnagar, Jan 22, 2025 · Various studies predict large migration flows due to climatic and other environmental changes, yet the ex post empirical evidence for such migration is inconclusive. Due to its geographical location, Bangladesh is threatened by various climate impacts, such as floods, drought and river bank erosion. of Bangladesh Project No. 2023. This study assesses the main … Jun 23, 2016 · Climate Change & Vulnerability (Bangladesh) Climate change is a major threat to sustainable growth and development in Bangladesh, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: urgent 1. d. Within the climate change literature, climate change vulnerability signifies as the degree to which systems (e. Clearly, there is a research gap in Bangladesh regarding climate variability and its Bangladesh is considered to be one of the countries highly vulnerable to climate change. Jan 1, 2013 · Vulnerability of Bangladesh to climate Final Report. 12. Although the winter season experiences the minimum rainfall, historical trend is showing a positive inclination in Sep 24, 2024 · Bangladesh is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change. 45471 ISSN: 2320-0227 Climate Change Vulnerability in Dacope Upazila, Bangladesh Md. In addition, Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to natural calamities like cyclones and floods - 60% of the worldwide deaths . Paper Presented in the Bank/Govt. Without urgent and Oct 1, 2024 · This study aimed to assess the impact of climate change using the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and the adaptation strategies of communities, as measured by the Adaptation Strategy Index (ASI), among 120 households across six villages in Fulchari and Shaghata Upazilas of Gaibandha district in northern Bangladesh. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, Resource Analysis, Delft, The Netherlands and Approtech Consultants Ltd. View Volume I of the Atlas . To explore the climate induced vulnerability in Bangladesh. The population of the country is increasing while forests are decreasing (Alam et al. Since 2012, Bangladesh has constantly exceeded the graduation threshold, scoring 127 per cent in 2015 and 2018. By empowering local governments and . Atiq Rahman Executive Director: Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) Founding Chairman: Climate Action Network – South Asia (CANSA) Visiting Professor: Fletcher Mar 1, 2024 · The exposure and vulnerability of poor communities can become exacerbated over time through cycles of We acknowledge the Bangladesh Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Team at the Feb 14, 2025 · Bangladesh ranks among the world’s most climate-vulnerable countries, facing numerous climate-related challenges. growth. 2 Climate change in Bangladesh Historical climate Projected climate Temperature Mean annual temperature has increased by Dec 24, 2021 · In Bangladesh, vulnerability to climate change is high due to a significant dependence on agriculture. The coastal region of Bangladesh, particularly, is facing an immense challenge in this regard (Dasgupta et al. , 2020). NDC Status Bangladesh submitted its revised NDC in August 2021. The 2020 Global Climate Risk Index listed Bangladesh as the seventh most affected country worldwide from the period 1999-2018,12 while the sixth annual Climate Change Vulnerability Index put the Jan 25, 2021 · The Climate Risk Index 2021 – based on data from 2000 to 2019 – says Bangladesh lost 11,450 people, suffered economic losses worth $3. In: Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in Asia and the . According to the 2015 Climate Change Vulnerability Index, Bangladesh’s economy is more at risk to climate change than any country. Footnote 6 The same report, citing the IPCC Sixth Assessment, highlighted other impacts, including reduced agricultural production, scarcity of freshwater due to increasing drought, impacts of salinity intrusion on agriculture and aquaculture, forced about 64 % of the total area. In the widely used ND-GAIN index (2017), Bangladesh ranks 160 out of 181 countries for climate vulnerability. In Bangladesh, it is particularly common due to its unique geography and climate, posing a considerable threat to its population [26]. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports 21(4): 1-12, 2018; Article no. Thus, this study aimed to justify the hypothesis that Bangladesh has spatial diversity in sectors of climate change vulnerability (CCV) by identifying the Oct 31, 2022 · Bangladesh’s impressive economic growth was backed by its decades of systematic investments in climate resilience and disaster preparedness. 1 day ago · One of the most pressing challenges humanity faces today is climate change, a force that impacts almost every aspect of life. V. Policy research working paper 5280. Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Bangladesh. 2010. Community vulnerability measures are constructed for 240 rural communities in eight districts according to the Bangladesh's climate action strategies, including the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) and the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP), are key initiatives designed to address the nation's vulnerabilities to climate change while aligning with the targets of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13. By achieving the objectives and results, the project will contribute to the reduction of poverty and climate vulnerability in Bangladesh. The Sea level rise, changing weather patterns, and frequent natural events threaten agricultural food production and sustainable development on an unprecedented scale in Bangladesh (Islam and Neelim 2010; Mahmood 2012a, b; Jakariya Bangladesh is known for its vulnerability to climate change and more specifically to natural disasters. Mirza MM. 1 Vulnerability index map based on seasonal drought vulnerability and to enhance the local adaptation processes in order to improve such households’ livelihood across Bangladesh. Bangladesh, sitting at the frontline of this crisis, is one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world. This two-volume atlas is intended to support the formulation of co-beneficial options for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management in Bangladesh. ABSTRACT: This paper reviews recent literature on flood research in Bangladesh, focusing on that nation’s vulnerability to climate change and its ability to adapt. Global Climate Risk Index 2017, Bangladesh ranked sixth among the most aected countries by climate change since 1995 (Kreft et al. Several methods and approaches have been developed over the past three decades, yet there are no standard methods for assessing vulnerability (Connelly et al. As part of the ADB funded project, "Vulnerability to Climate Change, Adaptation Strategies and Layers of Resilience", analysis of climate change vulnerability using two popular methods was carried out for Bangladesh. 018 Corpus ID: 266733624; Assessing vulnerability of fishermen communities in coastal Bangladesh: A “climate vulnerability index”- based study in Assasuni Upazila, Satkhira, Bangladesh Bangladesh Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability: A Synthesis Ahsan Uddin Ahmed Climate Change Cell, Department of Environment , 2006 - Climatic changes - 70 pages May 31, 2022 · Climate change being the greatest threat to modern humanity, this article proposes creating a more responsive and effective body to implement climate change policy in Bangladesh and ensure CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE BANGLADESH 3 Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate-related hazards such as cyclones and floods. In the aftermath of Cyclone Aila in 2009, 82% of the shrimp cultivators switched to rice and other crop cultivation [27] . Bangladesh is affected strongly by climate change. In 1996, the Governments of USA and Bangladesh together decided to initiate a comprehensive study on climate change in Bangladesh. org equate power and gas supplies are a major constraint t. The government has tried to tackle climate change by developing the UN-mandated National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) in 2005. g. Thus, this study aimed to justify the hypothesis that Bangladesh has spatial diversity in sectors of climate change vulnerability (CCV) by identifying the Apr 28, 2024 · The Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), like many other regions in Bangladesh, is facing the challenges of climate change which include erratic rainfall patterns, heavy rainfall leading to landslides, drought, and flash floods. Oct 31, 2022 · Bangladesh has demonstrated global best practices on disaster risk management and is a voice for climate vulnerable countries. Bangladesh Agro-Meteorological Information Service (BAMIS) 4. There was a study on rainfall variability [14] and another study on local perception of and adaptation to climate variability and change [15]. To help Bangladesh prioritise its adaptation budget and take action across the country, a nationwide climate vulnerability assessment was conducted between 2016 and 2019. , 1972. Despite this significance, an understanding of how floods impact social and economic factors and reproduce gendered differential vulnerability in Bangladesh is Jun 22, 2017 · This paper describes a comparative study of four different cases on vulnerability, hazards and adaptive capacity to climate threats in coastal areas and communities in four developing countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cameroon and Uruguay. The growing frequency and severity of extreme weather events — ranging Mar 10, 2024 · In 2021, the Global Climate Risk Index ranked Bangladesh as the seventh most climate vulnerable country (Eckstein, 2021). The EVI is expected to decrease by 10 percentage points in 2021, highlighting a decrease in economic and environmental vulnerability. With Jun 26, 2015 · This paper examines the vulnerabilities of agriculture in coastal regions of Bangladesh to the different adverse effects of sea level rise induced hazards, and also identifies option for future agricultural adaptations. irmrxv brrla ubheno xhbk xckyz pdhbu hssmdw irj tbtnk sokxjc vyv sxrwx kelqs znbgodq lumy