Delf b1 speaking topics with answers pdf Oct 18, 2024 · Key Skills You Will Learn in DELF B1 Syllabus After completing the DELF B1 syllabus, learners will develop multiple skills. This document provides information about the DELF A1 exam format and preparation. Pr Title: DELF B1 speaking exam set 5 Author: www. 5/25 General advice Jul 25, 2022 · Moreover, a minimum level of DELF B1 is required for people planning to obtain a permanent nationality in France or in Switzerland. À bientôt ! Pour répondre aux questions, cochez (X) la bonne réponse. Some of the major skills are mentioned below: 1. The PDF document below, is a first complete DELF A1 past exam papers. docx), PDF File (. La durée totale est de 10 à 15 minutes. DELF assesses proficiency in French across different levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Durée maximale des documents : 6 minutes 25 min environ /25 Compréhension des écrits Réussir DELF B1 Book: The Réussir DELF B1 book is a dedicated resource designed specifically for success in the DELF B1 exam. Jan 12, 2022 · DELF A1 production orale Test sample - 1Bonjour et Bienvenue à La Langue FrançaiseDELF A1 Production Orale (speaking test) has 3 parts and lasts between 5 an expression oral delf b1 - Free download as PDF File (. DELF B1 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. Nov 25, 2018 · This document provides 40 potential topics for the independent speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT exam. com Keywords: DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: 8/18/2022 12:05:31 AM Guided conversation of DELF A1 speaking test is on 5 points. pdf), Text File (. Choice of Tense and Mood . You’ve probably already guessed it: the DELF A2 speaking test will require a lot of speaking from you! So practice, prepare yourself and you will be fully equipped to face the DELF A2 exam. This part is worth 25 marks. Here’s why I took and qualified a DELF B1 Test: I was already DELF A2 qualified but I wasn’t sure of what I was going to do with French other than teaching it as a foreign language in India. Pour le premier et le deuxième document, vous aurez : – 30 secondes pour lire les questions ; – une première écoute, puis 30 secondes de pause pour commencer à répondre aux questions ; Understand key ideas of a text (about a familiar topic or on his area of interest) and its general argumentative structure –identify the nature of a document / its theme and main ideas / be ready to word and structure an appropriate response… V- Grammar - The learner will be able to use: To better understand the DELF B1 writing test and to get an idea of the subjects of the DELF B1 written production, we advise you to study past exam papers: - DELF B1 Junior and for schools sample papers - DELF B1 sample papers We invite you to consult the latest version of the assessment grid for the DELF B1 writing test. You’ll answer questions about your name, where you come from, what you do, and more. DELF B1 speaking topics can vary but generally cover everyday situations and common themes. For DELF A1, A2, B1 and B2 and for DALF C1, oral production is one of the four tests (the other three being listening, reading and writing) and represents a quarter of the total mark (25/100). From sample questions to helpful tips, this resource is tailored to guide you through every aspect of the speaking test. This book likely provides comprehensive coverage of the exam content, including practice exercises, sample papers, and detailed explanations of grammar and vocabulary relevant to the B1 level. You will begin with a presentation based on a short written document and it will be followed by a discussion with the examiners. A DELF examiner will guide the speaking section. What are your hobbies and interests? Dec 5, 2019 · DELF B1 : sujet de compréhension écrite (nouveau format) Pour découvrir l’épreuve de compréhension écrite du DELF B1, voici un sujet complet. You get ten minutes to prepare for the third and final part. Please find the entire script of this video below. The whole DELF A2 oral production is on 25 points. TCF for Quebec Free exam preparation resources for TCF for DELF B1 Vous allez entendre trois documents sonores, correspondant à des situations différentes. Fluency is typically associated with higher levels, such as B2 (independent user) and above, where individuals can easily communicate effectively and understand complex topics. These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. We can help you practise your DELF B1 French grammar to perfection - sign up for a free account to get your personalized study program based on your French level test. com Keywords: DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: ABC DELF B1 - 2020 Corrigés et transcriptions - Free download as PDF File (. ORAL PRODUCTION . They start asking you questions. In the DELF B1 writing test, they’re going to ask you to share your opinion on something related to education or work. The speaking part of the DELF B1 is worth 25 points and is divided into three parts, all within a delightful 15-minute time frame. With time, you will understand how the questions are asked and how to answer them. Practice on your DELF B1 listening and speaking skills with the DELF B1 Also remember to check out the A1 – C2 self-assessment checklist pdf in order to evaluate your level and to check what you can do and what areas you need to improve. Now, don’t panic about the time – it’s enough if you manage it well. Speaking Topics b1 - Free download as Word Doc (. To better understand the DELF A2 speaking test, we advise you to study DELF A2 sample papers. So, here’s the lowdown: Part 1: Guided Interview part of the French DELF B1 Production Orale PET Speaking: Part 1. Assessment grid of DELF A2 speaking test To prepare for the DELF A2 speaking test, we recommend our articles and videos on the DELF A2 speaking test. DELF B1 - CLE International - Free ebook download as PDF File (. DELF Pro B1 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. The test is designed to last 2-3 minutes per candidate and assess their ability to provide full Just like the DELF you will need to proof your ability in French (Compréhension orale, compréhension écrite, expression orale, expression écrite). > EXERCICE 1 7 points Vous écoutez une conversation. Speaking topics a2 b1. Speaking topics a2 level. A2 speaking topics german. Describe your daily routine. Be sure to grab the free English Speaking Topics PDF at the end of this article. Dec 28, 2022 · Different Kinds Of DELF B1 Tests: DELF Tous Publics: for Adults; DELF Junior: for school-going adolescents aged 12 to 17; DELF Scolaire: for school-going adolescents (teenagers) aged 12 to 17 ; DELF Pro: for people who want to work in France or a French-speaking country. The topics cover a range of personal experiences, opinions, and descriptions and are intended to elicit responses about the test taker's best friend, favorite places, happiest memories, most important possessions, role models, hobbies, challenges overcome, study habits, inspirations, memories DELF Pro B1 corresponds to the lower intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Dec 14, 2022 · The document provides instructions and questions for practicing the TOEFL speaking section on independent speaking questions. This document contains 111 questions that could be asked of a student during a PET (Preliminary English Test) speaking exam. ) Writing 24/25 Speaking 18. Practicing speaking French regularly will help you feel more confident and fluent during the speaking test. Apr 17, 2023 · The DELF B1 exam is aimed at students who have a level of competence in French equivalent to B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Listening and Understanding. Exercise Number: PET257 DELF B1 TP9202318AM Vous allez entendre trois documents sonores, correspondant à des situations différentes. You can also consult our article on the DELF A2 writing test. Below, you can download four DELF B1 sample papers. Example 4 – B1 Page 1 of 3 DELF . Oct 2, 2023 · Inside the French DELF B1 Production Orale Test 🤩. Réussir le DELF B1 was published by sio_23_ on 2018-04-25. Written Production: 14. Oh well tant pis. Nov 18, 2022 · DELF B1 Production Orale Sample with Answer. The total time for the four sections will be 1 hour and 45 minutes. Bonne chance. The speaking section of the DELF B1 exam lasts for around 15 minutes with 10 minutes to prepare your responses. Grammar topics cover past tenses, future tenses, present conditional, past conditional, reported speech, agreement Read the instructions of each exercise carefully before starting. If you're interested in learning French or want to study or work in a French-speaking country, then the DELF Diplôme d May 8, 2023 · Find as many DELF B1 Past papers as you can, and do them all. The document lists potential topics for speaking at a B1 level across several categories, including television and mass media, holidays, education, sports, jobs, technology, money, music and books, eating habits, and the environment. It also lists common grammar topics covered in the exam, such as present tenses, pronouns, adjectives DELF B1 speaking exam evaluation criteria set 5 Author: www. Oral Comprehension: 23. Find more similar flip PDFs like Réussir le DELF B1. Exercice 1 6 points 1. Here are some examples of DELF B1 speaking topics: Introduce yourself: Jan 9, 2020 · DELF B1 : la production orale La production orale est la seule épreuve individuelle de l’examen du DELF B1, il y a 10 minutes de préparation pour la partie 3 et 10 à 15 minutes de passat… It's essential to be prepared to express your opinions, provide examples, and engage in a dialogue with the examiner on these Delf B2 speaking topics. com Keywords: DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: 8/18/2022 5:46:45 PM Title: DELF B1 speaking exam set 4 Author: www. DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF With Answer. DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) diplomas have a lifetime validity; they do not expire. It DELF A1 speaking test lasts between 5 and 7 minutes and is in 3 parts : guided conversation (entretien dirigé), exchanging information (échange d'informations), role-play (dialogue simulé ou jeu de rôle). ”. 1 Ce week-end, Emma va à un festival de… 1 point A []photo. Les réponses sont disponibles en bas de cette page. DELF stands for Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française. Example of The Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (DELF) level B1 is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education. If you don’t learn the words that come up the most often in DELF questions, you will struggle on the day of the exam. It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 9); the Materials for DELF B1 Speaking Test. learnfrenchdelf. The DELF B1 exam evaluates candidates on four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. I don’t know how it compares to the actual text, but I’d say find a newspaper portal in French and start reading on the light topics, to see how much you understand and then translate later to see if you really did understand it correctly. Pour découvrir l’épreuve de production écrite du DELF B1, voici un sujet complet. You will have to express your point of view on the subject in a structured way for three minutes. A1 a2 speaking topics. Spanish a2 speaking topics. However, for three years, that is to say for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, the old and the new format will coexist. doc / . French Business vocabulary and resources. SUBJECTS. Esl speaking topics a2. Lisez les questions, écoutez le document puis répondez. Ielts speaking topics a2. Knowledge of the use of present, past and future tenses will be checked. It explains that the DELF A1 assesses basic French proficiency and consists of 4 parts (listening, reading, writing, speaking) worth 25 points each. 2 Au festival, il est possible de… 1 point A []gagner un voyage à l’étranger. It includes 9 exercises where students have decreasing amounts of preparation time, from 30 seconds down to 10 seconds, before answering questions on familiar topics. Find 3 big points to answer your question. Results. It assesses the candidate's French proficiency in the following linguistic skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. . We advise you to Bonjour à tous ! Je viens de reussir le DELF B1 ! It's been about 8 months since I posted about passing my A2 here, and I just got my B1 results which I took in early November. To better understand DELF B2 speaking test and to get an idea of DELF B2 oral production topics, we advise you to study sample papers: - DELF B2 for schools and junior version sample papers - DELF B2 sample papers - DELF Pro B2 sample papers. The DELF B1 is valid for life and is recognized worldwide. The examiner will ask you questions to guide the discussion and put you at ease. txt) or read online for free. Part 2: Interactive Exercise . The examiner may ask you questions following your oral production. On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. You will learn about DELF and DELF B2 syllabus, exam pattern and more in this article. C []musique. You’ve got to write one solid piece, about 180 words long, in just 45 minutes. 5/25. you well control the assessment criteria and you fit them well, you will get the maximum of points. com Keywords: DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: 8/18/2022 7:19:46 PM DELF tout public B1 Student’s Book. Part 3: Expressing a Point of View To feel confident taking the DELF B1 oral exam, it is essential to practice speaking on a variety of topics, engage in conversations and be prepared to express your opinions and experiences in French and practice delivering monologues on different topics to improve your speaking skills for the exam. With the DELF B1 syllabus, your listening skills will improve significantly. Mar 8, 2015 · The answer for the DELF B1 written exam needs to be brief and to the point, while hitting all the points on the marking schedule. English Conversation Topics A1 (Beginner) Level Conversation Topics: Oct 20, 2022 · Prepare for DELF A2 Speaking Exam Questions – A2 Production Orale October 9, 2022 DELF A1 Sample Papers PDF with Answers | DELF A1 Past Exam Papers December 27, 2022 DELF B2 Production Orale Exemple – La crise d’adolescence n’a rien d’une fatalité November 19, 2022 a1/a2/b1 step by step Grammar with Pronunciation, so you will feel comfortable talking in French; The fundamental vocabulary that will help you a lot while doing reading, writing or any other module. DELF/DALF. It outlines the format and expectations for each part. It is indicative of French proficiency level in a professional working environment. Répondez aux questions, en cochant (:) la bonne réponse, ou en écrivant l’information demandée. If the title is not already a question, turn it into one. Level A1 – Answer the As we saw above, the three parts of the DELF B1 for schools and junior version oral production are on 13 points on the 25 points of the DELF B1 for schools and junior speaking test. Delf a2 speaking topics with answers pdf. It involves changes in the DELF B1 listening and reading tests. You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A2. You will be on your own with two examiners. How to prepare for DELF B1 Oral Exam? In this video, we will focus on "Entretien dirigé", "Exercice en interaction" and “Monologue suivi” for DELF B1 Exam. You will be given 30 minutes for preparation and the oral exam will last for 20 minutes (10 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion). Similarly to other DELF sections, the difficulty of the pieces of writing and the associated questions augments with These conversation questions are a great kick start for A1, A2, B1 level English learners. It’s specifically designed to cover all the topics and exercises you’ll encounter in the test. Exercises / activities with audio recordings; videos about different parts of the Speaking test, etc. Apr 25, 2018 · Check Pages 1-50 of Réussir le DELF B1 in the flip PDF version. • une première écoute, puis 30 secondes de pause pour commencer à répondre aux questions ; • une seconde écoute, puis 1 minute de pause pour compléter vos réponses. Aug 21, 2019 · DELF B1 Production Orale Sample French DELF B1 Speaking Exam Topics. This exam is widely recognized and can be helpful for academic or professional purposes and for those interested in demonstrating their French language proficiency. Apr 13, 2023 · What vocabulary, what grammar points, what communication situations should you master? In this article you will find out EVERYTHING that you may be asked on the day of the DELF B1 exam. For more DELF articles, visit this page right here. After check out the wide selection of DELF B1 Mock French Exams and Free french exercise on our site to get yourself ready for your exam. Pour le premier et le deuxième document, vous aurez : – 30 secondes pour lire les questions ; – une première écoute, puis 30 secondes de pause pour commencer à répondre aux questions ; All you need to know about the DELF B1 speaking exam (monologue), What are the expectations of the examiner while you speak in French, things to keep in mind DELF B1 Syllabus DELF B1 Syllabus with detailed Topics content for French B1 Level Exam according to CEFR. Free PDF Download. The assessment criteria for this part is: “Peut se présenter et parler de soi en répondant à des questions simples, lentement et clairement formulées. The questions cover a wide range of topics including personal information, family, school, work, hobbies, daily activities, future plans and opinions on various subjects. About DELF B2. So if you’re looking to prove your French skills and earn an internationally-recognized diploma, the delf b1 is the exam for you! DELF B1. Speaking topics a2 pdf. EXAMPLE 4 – B1 . DELF B1 Page 1 sur 3 PRODUCTION ORALE 25 points Consignes Cette épreuve d’expression orale comporte 3 parties qui s’enchaînent. Une liste d'exercices audios et écrits pour s'entraîner efficacement au passage du DELF tout public de niveau B1. Au niveau B1, on quitte le cadre strict des besoins de la vie quotidienne, pour apprendre à parler de ses expériences personnelles dans des domaines beaucoup plus variés. This part takes 2-3 minutes and has two phases. Demonstrates good control though with noticeable mother tongue influence. Download pdf documents: Mock exams / sample papers : Test 1 / Test 2 / Test 3 / Test 4; Audio transcription and answer key Excited to start chatting in English? Let’s go! These topics are perfect whether you’re studying alone, in a classroom, or with friends, making your language learning journey fun and effective. To be simple, the assessment criteria of those three parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. Nov 22, 2019 · Le candidat au DELF B1 doit posséder un vocabulaire suffisant pour s’exprimer sur une grande gamme de sujets qui lui sont familiers. Then take the same topic and try to write 10-15 lines on the same topic, but from your perspective. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. The DELF B1 oral part is divided into 3 parts: Guided conversation, Interactive exercise, expressing an opinion on a document intended to elicit a reaction. What is DELF B1? The DELF B1 is an official exam given by the French Ministry of Education. Don’t be shy, you don’t have to be perfect, as long as you keep going, you keep learning! English Speaking Topics PDF Jul 31, 2021 · The DELF A2 speaking test – Conclusion. Please note that from 2020, a new exam format appears. DELF Prim; DELF Scolaire/Junior Exam Preparation and resources for the DELF Scolaire; DELF Pro DELF Professional, French for professional use or french for Business purposes. DELF A2 Test: Sample Questions and Answers; DELF B1 Test: Sample Questions and Answers; Top 20 Websites for DELF Exam Preparation; Prepare for DELF Diplôme d'études en langue française A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2 Exams. Let's get started! Let's look at the topic! Source : Le DELF 100% Réussite Dec 10, 2019 · DELF B1 : sujet de production écrite . Écoutez le document puis répondez. In Phase 1: The Interlocutor says hello and asks for the mark sheets. The DELF B1 Syllabus contains details of Vocabulary and Grammar, pertaining to what a student should know regarding 4 skills outlined by the CEFR: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Practice on your DELF B1 listening and speaking skills with the DELF B1 Listening Sample paper provided below. 5/25 (This one is quite disappointing as I have always gotten 25/25 on practice exercises and in the mock exam. The kit emphasizes the importance of to minimal prompts and questions sufficient to keep the conversation going in a reasonable natural way and ‘open’ questions are used to encourage the candidate to continue speaking (e. It includes sample questions and answers, tips for effective practice, and instructions for the exam day process. Oral Production: 20/25 For this part, you will have to draw two topics and you will deal with the one you prefer. Jan 17, 2023 · DELF A1 Listening Sample Papers PDF with Answers; DELF A1 Sample Papers PDF with Answers; DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF with Answer; There are specific exercises for each skill level, along with answers for you to keep a check on your improvement. What to do when I get my essay title? Identify what topic (ex: Media) and sub-topic (ex: TV) it relates to. While I can’t guarantee the exact topics you’ll encounter in the DELF A1 speaking exam, I can give you a wide range of possibilities based on the typical themes and formats: Personal Introduction: Tell me about yourself. Written Comprehension: 25/25. Speaking At the DELF-DALF exams, you will have a speaking test. After listening to the recording for the first time, remember the most critical information as it will help you answer the questions (theme of conversation, who is talking, dates, if they are using the formal or informal way of speaking to each other). Lisez les questions. DELF B1 Page 1 sur 1 DELF B1 speaking evaluation criteria set 1 DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: 8/18/2022 12:20:32 AM The DELF A1 Speaking Kit by Kritika Markan provides comprehensive guidance on preparing for the speaking section of the DELF A1 exam, detailing its three parts: L’entretien dirigé, L’échange d’informations, and Le dialogue simulé. Pouvez-vous vous présenter, me parler de vous, de votre famille ? L’examinateur relance l’entretien sur des thèmes tels que : • Où avez-vous passé vos dernières vacances ? • Qu’est-ce que vous êtes en train d’étudier ? • Que voulez-vous faire plus tard ? • Parlez-moi de vos passe-temps préférés. It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 8) the candidate's instructions for the speaking test (page 9) the examiner's instructions and the documents for the speaking test (pages 10 to 18) the assessment grid of the speaking test (page 19) - 30 secondes pour lire les questions ; - une première écoute, puis 30 secondes de pause pour commencer à répondre aux questions ; - une deuxième écoute, puis 1 minute de pause pour compléter vos réponses. Some Topics That Can Be Asked During DELF A1 Speaking Test. That means “Can introduce himself and talking about him by answering simple questions slowly and clearly asked. These skills will help them to stand out from the crowd. en langue française (DELF) assessment materials and for validating this sample. For vocabulary, topics include daily life, people, feelings, places, events, work, school, media, current affairs, and arts. Everything is in French. The PDF document below, is a second complete DELF A1 past exam papers. Avant le début de l’épreuve, le candidat dispose de 10 minutes de préparation pour la 3ème partie. Basic slang and other tips to interact better with the locals! Writing Topics; Speaking topics and questions for clearing Delf a1/a2/b1 easily DELF B1 Niveau B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues Nature des épreuves Durée Note sur Compréhension de l’oral Réponse à des questionnaires de compréhension portant sur trois documents enregistrés (deux écoutes). Is able to speak confidently about himself/herself, giving information, reasons, and explanations that relate to his or her areas of interest, projects, and actions. A speaking assessment; The writing section is the third of the three sat exams taking place back to back to test the candidates written skills and obviously varies in subjects according to the targeted level (see table below). DELF B1 200 Activites CLE International DELF B1 corresponds to the lower intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Prepare for the DELF B2 exam with our French tutor Speaking topics for a2 adults. DELF B1 Réussir Book: This book is a gem when it comes to DELF B1 preparation. pdf) or read book online for free. com Keywords: DELF B1 exam sample papers with answers Created Date: 8/20/2022 1:52:09 PM The document provides lists of topics related to vocabulary, grammar, and speaking that students are expected to be familiar with at the DELF B1 level. In the first part, you talk about yourself. Q: How to study for DELF B1 answer keys set 1 Author: www. It is a quarter of the total mark of DELF A2 which is 100. I got 86/100 with the following marks Listening 22/25 Reading 21. Additional questions are provided where appropriate in order to compensate for the shortened nature of the test. Format and Time Allotted for DELF B1 Writing Test. Delf a2 speaking topics. DELF A1; DELF A2; DELF B1; DELF B2; DALF C1 & C2; TCF. Exercice 1 - Entretien dirigé A guided conversation around a topic: 6-8: 10: B1: Let’s have a look at some questions you may get when taking the DELF speaking exam. Compréhension orale : 40 minutes – 60 questions – 360 points. DELF A1 Sample Papers - DELF A1 Past Exam Papers. Also, make sure to take the time to READ THE QUESTIONS. Compréhension écrite : 60 minutes – 50 questions – 300 points. g. ‘What do you think about this?’). Assessment grid of DELF B1 writing test Assessment grid of DELF B1 speaking testTo prepare for the DELF B1 speaking test, we recommend our articles and videos on the DELF B1 speaking test. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Exam duration (not counting the oral) : 1 hour 55 minutes * Total mark out of 100 * Overall pass mark: 50/100 * Pass mark per test: 5/25. To revise, The Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) is a benchmark for assessing non-native speakers’ proficiency in the French language. Une proposition de corrigé est disponible en bas de cette page. Practice DELF B1 Production orale, pr The speaking test contains 1 part. You can also consult our article on the DELF B1 writing Dec 15, 2021 · If you want to prepare for DELF B1, you also need to know that there are different kinds of DELF B1 tests for all types of learners: DELF Tous Publics: for adults; DELF Junior: for school-going adolescents aged 12 to 17; DELF Scolaire: for school-going adolescents (teenagers) aged 12 to 17 DELF Pro: for people who want to work in France or in a ESB B1 Sample 4 1 ESB Entry Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International All Modes – (B1) 500/3646/4 B1 – Speaking Test CANDIDATE PROMPTS Topic Page 1 Animals 2 2 Leisure Time 3 3 Holidays and Tourism 4 4 Daily Life 5 5 Entertainment and Culture 6 6 Clothes and Fashion 7 7 Friends and Family 8 8 Places 9 9 Dreams and Ambitions 10 Oct 30, 2019 · French B1 Speaking Topics - DELF B1 Production Orale | French B1 Speaking | DELF B1 sample papersBonjour mes amis, In this video we will learn how to present Ans: DELF levels do not directly correlate with fluency. Title: DELF B1 speaking exam set 3 Author: www. pdf) or read online for free. Just goes to show on the day it can go wrong whatever your real world level. They introduce themselves and the Assessor. Example 4 – B1 Page 4 of 4 . B []cinéma. A2 speaking topics british council. mmqnamcevusmcckuhdxqavpknugbypbgfumbbaqsovlaegfiucultgnyjwvdlwadagzgaeadg