Ece 465 uic reddit Undergraduate students admitted into the joint program can register for two technical-elective ECE courses and receive graduate credit for them. I'm not particularly interested in the course, but I would still like to receive a decent grade (by decent I mean some sort of B, hopefully at least a B). 330 is a fun class but doesn't offer much that I can think would directly benefit a computer engineer - three phase power, magnetic circuits If you want to be a software engineer, definitely 422, 440, 442, 474, and 480. 374 homeworks are due Wed 10am and 408 MPs are due Wed 3pm. Since you're a computer engineering major, you should at least take ECE 411. ECE 330 vs ECE 350 . He normally teaches ECE 350, 317, 341. 467 taught by professor Trivedi is an amazing course that helps your foundational knowledge of VLSI. 310 is a good choice if you like 210, DSP is one of those things that is just good to know. ECE 225, ECE 265, ECE Join the unofficial community where you can discuss Roborock products. 87K subscribers in the UIUC community. edu smirik2@uic. Class Schedule Information: To be properly registered, students must enroll in one Laboratory-Discussion and one Lecture-Discussion. ECE 408 is realistically the only class easy enough to fit in your schedule and even then it's gonna be extremely rough. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. I recently got accepted into UIC for an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Spring. If you want a preview of what living in a big city after college might be like, this is a great school to do that at) I took ece 310 over the summer with Radhakrishnan, was a really manageable class because of the instructor. I would say an ECE minor complements any STEM degree since electronics permeate every aspect of life today. I took ECE 310, 342, and 350 and they were all great in my opinion. Also, it depends on whether you're CE or EE. I have taken ECE 391, ECE 385, ECE 374, and even ECE 340, notorious ECE department courses but I feel like I am on the verge of failing 4 days into the semester ECE 411 MP1 was completely remote the first week, with school starting on Tuesday and the github repository was not working for a few days. I've taken both of them, but I've only taken 465 under a different professor who left the college last semester. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. So no, I don't regret picking UIC. Plus, it is more applicable from what I am hearing than Analog Signal Processing. We welcome discussions related to coffee, other “cafe” food and drink, and cafe life. Students aren't limited to just one senior design course, so in addition to ECE 411, you can definitely take ECE 445 and/or ECE 496/499 if you're interested. The Series 7 Exam Subreddit is a professional community of Reddit users focused on the passing of the FINRA SIE Exam as well as FINRA Series The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Do it. For the core ECE class, there’s a lot of really good and really bad professors. 3. . ECE 391 + ECE 374 by itself would be fine except your taking two more technicals so that's a bad idea. Hey all, I'm going to be taking ECE 210 and CS 225 next semester, and most likely ECE 385. Switching algebra, combinational circuits, Mux, ROM, DCD, PLA-based designs, advanced combinational circuit minimization techniques, sychronous and asynchronous sequential circuit synthesis (minimization, hazards, races, state assignment) testing. Like real cafes have galleries or stages, we host weekly themes as an addition post topic, and we host special event days to try and mimic specialty bookings: memes on Mondays, Thursday is Open Mic night ECE program is not for everyone and many students get a rude awakening when they take ECE 110 and ECE 120. There are weekly MPs in the first half of the class and a group project at the end. The unofficial Reddit community for VCU! A place [CS 465] Not too difficult but covers a good amount of Android, product design and any user focused software development life cycle. Is tuition waiver and stipend guaranteed for all students? Is it covered during summers as well? How much is the approximated stipend I can Posted by u/anxiousbutterfly707 - 1 vote and no comments ECE 115 is a fairly simple and fair grading class, should be fine, Vahe is teaching it I’m sure and he’s one of the best ECE professors Reply reply [deleted] Hi if you want somewhere April 1-July 31 I have a current deal of $600 monthly rent room options ~$60 utilities up to three rooms with different arrangement options I have a roommate that is a senior at UIUC and you can have a preview experience and I can ask if she can give you some insight or whatever subleasing for the remainder of my lease April 1-July 31 in a student apartment complex Course Information: Credit is not given for ECE 265 if the student has credit for CS 266 or CS 366. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. I was a transfer like you, when I transferred into UIC I had already taken 265 and E&M and that made 115 much easier for me. ECE 438 - Communication Networks ECE 428 - Distributed systems CS 461 - Security 1 CS 446 - Machine Learning I haven’t been able to find too much feedback about these courses recently. The homework assignments can be time consuming as you have both coding and written questions and it has to be typed in latex. All suggestions welcome. 486 is no cake walk, but is also a staple engineering topic. The class is quite theory-heavy. 65 votes, 22 comments. The instructor who use to handle the class isn't teaching it anymore, and I know that a lot of professors in the higher level ECE courses have been complaining that students weren't learning enough material from 265. But the MasterProbo alongside, poor communication, not enough TAs for support, and the things OP mentioned the class isnt fun. ECE 342:Gives you the basics to analyze BJT and MOSFET based amplifiers (the most common configurations). On top of that I've been accepted to 2 graduate programs for Ms EE, either that I'll begin Fall 2019. ECE 449 is not easy at all and the homeworks take up to 15 to 20 hours each. However, I hear they a creating a different section for 115 next semester for transfer students to take that teaches the course at an accelerated pace. Content wise there is almost no overlap, ECE 341 is essentially a continuation of MATH 201 (when i was in this course, they introduced basic PDEs near the end of it) with a tiny bit of physics. Hello everyone, I will be a visiting student for this upcoming summer semester. Digital Systems Design. Course Information: Same as ECE 565. Academic Honesty; Appeals of Academic Integrity; Dual Degree Program; ECE 445 Senior Design; ECE 496/499 Senior Research and Thesis: Another Way of Receiving ECE 445 Credit; Junior Eligibility the (2. Class selection for ECE . Send you questions to all of us (amitrt@uic. I hear there is a new prof teaching ECE 465 this Fall. Should I take it now? Or wait for Spring? ECE 465 and 467 are really good courses if you're interested in VLSI. I recently graduated with an ECE minor and I'll be working as an Electrical Engineer I in June. edu tli81@uic. I have taken or will be taking ece 310, 448, 408 and CS 411. I graduated in May. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Amazing professor who is willing to help students. I picked UIC because of the relatively cheap tuition. Regardless, any ECE from this school on your resume looks great. I heard it's much more tough to handle 465 under Dutt. I am interested in pursuing ECE PhD at UIC starting in Fall 2021. So, I can provide an accurate idea of what workload you'd have with 374 and 408 together. The only things I have left are us minority, and 12 hrs of tech e. I think it comes down to study habits for this one. I guess technically ECE466 would be an easy tech elective if you're EE since its pre-req (ECE366) teaches you almost half of the course, but both ECE366 and 466 are required classes for CE. If you are viewing this on the new Reddit layout, please take some time and look at our wiki (/r/step1/wiki) as it has a lot of valuable information regarding advice and approaches on taking Step 1, along with analytical statistics of study resources. edu). Hey Flames, I m planning to take ECE 465 in Spring 2023. I'm taking 486 this semester. 5-3 years out we're at 200/350/280 (the lowest paid friend left some credit card/bank company in chicago for a just-post-ipo fintech company in the bay, and the amazon friend hasn't seen much growth :P). Reply reply Certain-Side-145 UIC is in the heart of a major worldwide city and much of the campus life is centered around that. 25) Rule; Minors for Engineering Students; Probation and Drop Rules; Scholarships and Awards; Independent Study Funding I’m thinking of taking ECE 225 over the summer while working around 40 hrs every week. It's a pretty easy course to add on a difficult semester but can still expose you to some useful ideas. 225 - Time intensive but it is definitely not as bad as some of your other EE classes complexity-wise. I need to take a circuits class, but I realized that ECE 210 and ECE 225 both transfer back to my university in Michigan. STAT 361- I don’t want to say a pushover class but it’s pretty much is. All of the projects have different systems (some all concrete, some all steel, some a combination of the two) so you will be familiar with some of the design aspects. I just wanted to get a general consensus of what current ECE students or ECE alumni’s from UIC think of the program? I know the research opportunities are good at UIC, but I come from a business+data science background and I’m not sure what to In terms of workload I'd say ECE 341 would be harder than math 311 (the science version of math 309). That's a shame, I still have ECE 391, ECE 385, two electives, and ECE senior design (so 411 and 445) still left. Wen-Mei is an awesome professor and he tries to make the class workload reasonable (he gave us a few extensions and extra time on the midterm). To be fair, if someone is struggling with ECE 110, ECE 210 is a vastly more difficult class, but generally you have the mathematical maturity to deal with it after taking Calc 1/2/3 and DiffEq. I would say it's useful if you are considering going scuffed ECE SWE mode. The alternative that I'm leaning toward is ECE 391 and ECE 330; get my core EE out of way and dive into advanced comp electives after 391. The min/max/guesstimated-average stats starting TC of my close ECE friend group (probably ~10 people) was 108/185/160 and 2. I don’t mean to say this in a condescending way, and it’s pretty arbitrary, but to be honest, I don’t think you need to grind out 25+ hours on average weekly to do well, assuming your study methods are good and you aren’t playing catch up. I was scared because how much I hated 210 but I ended up getting an A- in it no problem. It’s true that 342 is still relatively fundamental- you’re dealing with individual mosfets, but that is certainly applicable for designing electrical systems; not to mention the continuation into ECE 482 & 483 (digital and electrical IC design, respectively). 60) ECE 361 (Digital Communications) is not available next semester. ECE 466 ECE 465 ECE 333 I took ECE 310 last semester, and I feel it’s a pretty useful class as it is a prereq to many of the higher level courses (some of the CS courses also have ECE 310 as a pre-req). So that one of us can timely answer it. Right now is f*cking hard because I’m taking ECE 385 which I’m told doesn’t even come close to how time consuming ECE 391 is. ECE 322 ECE 464 ECE 465 ECE 396 ECE 340 ECE 333 ECE 346 PHYS 260 I ended up dropping ECE 322. I'm currently taking ECE 391, ECE 374, and ECE 408. 350 - Depends if you like 329 310 - Depends if you liked 210. I really wouldn't recommend taking the class without 210. A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. Chicago is a decent location not as good as San Jose though so Can I expect internship opportunities? What do you recommend SJSU MSSE, UIC, SUNY Buffalo? Should I wait for UIUC, TAMU, ASU? A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. I took ECE 342, 330, CS225 - PM me if you have questions about those. CS 425 (Distributed Systems) for 3 credit hours isn't that much work and I've found it super useful for the kinds of questions asked in interviews this season. ECE 342 is more applicable to the hardware side of system design/embedded while 310 is more focused towards the software side. Any related questions/discussions, such as issues, recommendations, reviews, comparisons, etc. Are the rumors true that Fall semester instructor is going to teach upcoming Spring semester as well? The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 3 or 4 hours. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. 88) ECE 330: Power Circuits and Electromechanics (2. Do you pay for the classes out of pocket or does financial aid work out… ECE 313 is such an interesting course, but ruined by the course staff. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now W23 Math Advice (Math 465, 451, 472) upvotes Machine Learning (ECE 449/CS 446) Workload upvotes ECE 408 is pretty good. ECE 311 isn't hard to get an A in, but I feel that it's a good deal of work for a single credit hour. Anyone who has taken this class, is the workload of this class manageable so that I can do both comfortably? ECE 486: Control Systems (3. I was wondering if anyone could give any input on how much… I personally thought it was a step up from ECE 313 in terms if difficulty and time commitment. So if you apply to more than one program you just have to pay 100 USD once and the rest are free. Upload a scanned copy of your solutions by 6 PM on BB. I was wondering what is the difference between ECE 210 and ECE 225? Also, I would like to know if Shadmand, Mohammad is a good professor for ECE I’m finishing my ECE minor (computer) this semester along with my ABE undergrad. Prerequisite(s): CS 401; and CS 466 or ECE 465. I loved it, personally. How is he? Is he helpful during office hours and in class? I have heard horror stories of previous profs for ECE 465. 83K subscribers in the UIUC community. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome… This class is a fucking joke. I didn't like it. , are welcomed! If you've taken ECE 391, you've built a kernel from scratch. Definitely don't do ECE 449 with ECE 391. 12K subscribers in the uichicago community. I graduated from UIC in 2018 (BS in EE) with 3. So, you have to just start early to finish them on time. This subreddit is not… Posted by u/jzycha34 - No votes and no comments ECE Fall 2020 courses: ECE311 ECE317 ECE340 ECE396 and i would like to add one more class which one of these do you think should i take: ECE322 or… Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home A subreddit for all things related to the University of Illinois Chicago. The professor assumes you already know differential equations, Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and how frequency-domain transfer functions work. Posted by u/yuhboi17 - 2 votes and no comments The application fee is waived but as an international student you have to pay an assessment fee for credentials of 100 USD per cycle. Im looking for the easiest technical electives next semester. Those are the only five classes left before graduating (not including two more I'm taking this summer), so I'm taking 391 and my my last two electives in the Fall, and then 385 and 445 in the Spring. This week: midterm Monday, wElLnESs dAy Wednesday, you’d think, in addition to having 8-9 straight weeks w no break, maybe out of just the kindness of the heart, this would go through the mind of a professor: “these students have been working hard, have had nothing to do but sit inside and do work, have no break, and half of them are on suicide watch knowing This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. I also personally enjoyed ECE 310 more than ECE 210. This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. How does ECE 391, ECE 310 (maybe with ECE 311), and one of CS 411/412/465 sound together? Also, does anyone have experiences with the current professors for the listed CS courses and ECE 310? Reply reply Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. Classes came out last week and there are a couple that I'd like to knockout. I took concrete at the same time as 465 and it wasn't bad. He explained stuff well, homework and exams were very doable. You'll be fine. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and… Steps to succeed in 210 (and any other ECE class for that matter): (1) Quit complaining (2) Go to office hours, make sure whatever you learn in class today, you master today (3) don't start the homework the night before or the day of (like a lot of people) (4) Start going over past exams one or two weeks before the upcoming exam (5) attend lecture (6) don't leave lingering questions. 342 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The workload isn't bad at all. I did not do any internships during my time at UIC (had a full time job throughout in a completely different field), and I did not have a job lined up upon graduating. It’s one of the reasons I applied to both a CS program and an Engineering program. 1 midterm and 1 final exam. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. ECE 210- I remember this course being very simply to me , but I also remember there being a lot of people who struggled , but also a lot of people who did very well. Laboratory. It has been one of my favorite ECE courses. I would talk to the department about it, but usually you have to take ECE 396 and ECE 397 because 396 is the planning of the project and 397 is the implementation. I'd still recommend taking it if you can, especially if you have any interest in DSP application. Legibly show all the intermediate steps for partial marking. Not the best nor the worst school ever, but one thing they have to do is hire new professors and fire the ones who are bad. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship programmes. 05) ECE 329: Fields and Waves I (2. 4 credit hours is more interesting/practical because you actually build a distributed system from the ground up, but it is significantly more work. Aug 17, 2022 · He will be teaching ECE 465, Digital Systems Design, in the Fall 2022 semester. 75 GPA, part of honors college and work experience of 3+ years by the time I apply to PhD. But at UIC, with assistantships, I can get a fee waiver or at least there is a possibility. ECE Advising Office. Pal received his bachelor’s degree from Jadavpur University, his master’s degree from IIT Kharagpur, and his PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It's an interesting course and the instructor was however it requires a LOT of studying which I just couldn't commit to The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Or check it out in the app stores ECE tech elective reccomendations (408,492,402,402,418) Has anyone taken MKTG 465 (Marketing research)? I know some reviews on rate my prof say the content is rather dry, but has anyone found it useful in… very ok. Most of the computer architecture and systems tech electives I want to take require 391 prereq anyway. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. All of the CS 423 MPs are all about programming kernel modules in the Linux kernel. Students who have completed at least 30 hours of ECE core courses and have an overall institutional GPA of 3. I had 342 the same semester as your second link. 23) ECE 310: Digital Signal Processing (3. 43) (see edit) ECE 461: Digital Communications (3. ECE 465. But now, I’m unsure what to commit to. Yes midterm 1 was terrible since we had 45 min to do 4 questions each with subproblem abcdefgh, but they made all other midterms shorter and they curved final grade, so it was ok in the end. How is this class? Share This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. Prerequisite(s): MATH 180 and grade of C or better in ECE 115. UIC is average for me. 25 or higher can apply for the joint program. Reply reply 329 isn't so bad from what I've heard, and can be useful for communications stuff and some hardware. We aim to be the reddit version of your local cafe. Computer-aided physical design of integrated circuits; circuit partitioning and placement; floorplanning; global and detailed routing; timing optimization; general optimization tools: local search, constraint relaxation. I already have an MS in Data Science but I want to eventually do a PhD in AI and Autonomous Systems. Especially 341 because the other professor for that class is known to be harder. Definitely take those classes with him. It also introduces you to feedback, Bode plots, stability, etc which you would use in ECE 486 and any discipline where stability is important. edu zye27@uic. Hey I heard ECE 465 is hard during fall semester, and can someone explain to me why? And if yes, is it available during Spring semester? It is one of the last required courses and I am hitting senior year and I will be 5 courses to go during Spring. 85) ECE 340: Semiconductor Electronics (2. This subreddit is not officially endorsed by UIC or any affiliated group. If we cannot read your answers, we cannot give you any grades. Hey all, I'm taking ECE 340, and so far the class is giving me flashbacks to the nightmare of the class ECE 313. Building a kernel is an amazing feet (very few people will EVER do something like this!), but it's also always easier to build something yourself than to actually make code work within 20m+ SLoC system. There aren't really any easy ECE tech electives. ECE265 should be going through some dramatic changes. Hey there! ECE 115 PHYSICS 141 ECE 265 MATH 181 OR 210 Before UIC admit, I was leaning towards SJSU MSSE. 4. How are you studying for the class? I’d recommend a balance between the book, the lecture, hw/practice test problems. I want to take some combination of 2 of these at once but don’t want to be flooded w/ too much work. I see this trend in a lot of ECE courses and I hope they make changes to it. I recently got admitted into the CS graduate program at DePaul and also the ECE graduate program at UIC. As title, how difficult is ECE 425, Intro to VLSI, compared to ECE 411? Planning to take it next sem with ECE 374. It can be a little confusing, but it’s manageable. ECE 469 . tcrblqjegjyyygofjyqzajwolccroubhjenteztcrkdjffhqqpvkicfwqzmjnfzspekaaoryyjeimevlqyvuzi