Lexisnexis police report lookup near haurgeulis indramayu regency west java. See full list on countyoffice.
Lexisnexis police report lookup near haurgeulis indramayu regency west java This page shows the elevation/altitude information of Indramayu, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including elevation map, topographic map, narometric pressure, longitude and latitude. Sekretariat Komunitas Yatim Indramayu is a Youth organization located at Blok 7 RT. 0 Cybo Score. The establishment is listed under motor vehicle dealer category. Ulasan di Cybo. This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Kandanghaur, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map. Address: Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID Open · Closes 5:00 PM Saturday Jl. The map shows crime incident data down to neighborhood crime activity including arrest, arson, assault, burglary, robbery, shooting, theft, vandalism, and rape. TRAC INCIDENT REPORT: IED Thrown into Indramayu Resort Police Station, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia – 15 July 2018 Densus 88 arrested four people suspected of terrorist in Indramayu on Saturday (14/07/2018) night. It is listed under Used motorcycle dealer category. Customize your map with the crime data you want to see then sign up for daily, weekly, or monthly updates straight to your inbox. 8 (13 Reviews) Portrait Studio Open 01:00 AM - 09:00 PM Phone . 87, Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. See 2 social pages including Facebook and Google, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. Toko Dila Indramayu postal code 45264. 11, JL Patrol Haurgelis, RT 01 RW 01, Kedung Wungu, Anjatan, Kedungwungu, Anjatan, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45256, Republic of Indonesia 12 km Edit data Police department Kantor Polisi Sektor Gabuswetan at West Java, Indramayu Regency. Jenderal Sudirman, Sumbermulya, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Putri Store Haurgeulis ∗ Clothing store ∗ Address: Depan Jaya Motor, Jl. The establishment is listed under city government office category. Haurgeulis. Jenderal Sudirman, Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Republic of Indonesia. It has received 2 reviews with an average rating of 5 stars. The establishment is listed under catholic church category. Their services include In-store pickup, In-store shopping . Search Login This tool allows you to look up elevation data by searching address or clicking on a live google map. It is listed under Cell phone accessory store category. 2, July- December 2022 225 The comparison of Mr. Jul 1, 2022 · Mangrove Resource and Ecotourism Development in Karangsong, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia R Novianti 1 , AY Afandi 1 , BI Tampubolon 2 , A Rahmadya 1 and F Sulawesty 1 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd Apotik Putri Parma, +62 234 741305, JL Lengkang, No. The establishment is listed under christian church category. 106, Sumbermulya, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Cross Street: Enter the cross street closest to the incident location. org LexisNexis ® Command Center. 002/RW. Kertanegara servis elektro is a Small appliance repair service located at Blok 18 kertanegara rt rw 02/01, Kertanegara, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Siliwangi, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Bank BNI Capem Haurgeulis Indramayu postal code 45264. 0 Skor Cybo. Haurgeulis - Patrol, Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45257, ID. Ahmad Yani, Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. The LexisNexis Public Records services are not provided by “consumer reporting agencies,” as that term is defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U. Water Boom Tirta Djaya is working in Amusement parks, Public swimming pools activities. It has received 2 reviews with an average rating of 4 stars. Haurgeulis railway station is situated nearby to the mosque Masjid Al-Furqon and the public building Kantor Kuwu Desa Sukajati. Apotik Haurgeulis, Jl. 5 Cybo Score. See Google profile, Phone and more for this business. 8: Toyota Haurgelis: Pasar, Haurgeulis, Kabupaten Indramayu Jan 4, 2024 · This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map. Haurgeulis is situated nearby to Cipancuh and Sukajati. APOTEK K24 HAURGEULIS ∗ Pharmacy ∗ Address: GWXR+PM7, Jl. Indramayu. Rumah Duka Pusakah is a Funeral home located at Jalan Haurgeulis - Gantar Km. The establishment is listed under Youth organization category. 184, Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. 8 stars. It is listed under County government office category. This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Arjasari, Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map. Polres Indramayu, Polsek Karangampel, Polsek Gabuswetan, Jatibarang Sector Police Station, Polsek Kandanghaur, Polsek Sindang, Polsek Indramayu Water Boom Tirta Djaya Indramayu postal code 45264. Tur’s attitude before and after intervention Klinik Nur Medika Indramayu poskod 45264. It has received 5 reviews with an average rating of 5 stars. SDN Kebon Karet is a Primary school located at HW7W+XVC, Jl. Submit a police records search through AutoCheck® to glean vehicle title and accident information as well as odometer history. このページには、美しい日の出や日没の写真、現地の現在時刻、タイムゾーン、経度、緯度、ライブマップを含むHaurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, インドネシア内の日の出と日没の時間を示しています。 Grandhis, +62 813-1302-0005, JL. Toserba Yogya Indramayu ∗ ATM ∗ Address: Jl. Get directions in Yandex Maps. It has received 2 reviews with an average rating of 2. Their services include In-store shopping . Stasiun Haurgeulis is a Railway services located at Jl. 02 Haurgeulis Indramayu, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Indonesia Radio broadcasting 0 Likes Add Photos Photos Write Review Review Edit Haurgeulis is a town in Indramayu Regency, Western Java. You can contact the company at (021) 3155550 . Raya Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Telepon: -. Value Description; Street Address: Enter the street address where the incident took place. This tool allows you to look up elevation data by searching address or clicking on a live google map. This page shows the elevation/altitude information of Arjasari, Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including elevation map, topographic map, narometric pressure, longitude and latitude. Dinjun cafe is a Coffee shop located at Jl. Siliwangi No. 42 km 2 and had a population of 1,663,737 at the 2010 census and 1,834,434 at the 2020 census; [2] the official estimate as of mid 2023 was 1,894,325 (comprising 950,963 males and 943,362 females). Name Address Rating; Sumber Rejeki: Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Indonesia: 3. 9, Lemahabang, Indramayu, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45212, ID. 該頁面顯示Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, 印尼的日出和日落時間,包括美麗的日出或日落的照片,本地當前時間,時區,經度,緯度和活地圖。 Pegadaian syariah babakan sari is located in Indramayu. It has received 1 reviews with an average rating of 5 stars. It is listed under Coffee shop category. The business is listed under railway services category. 2. 6, Sukajati, Haungelis, Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Republic of Indonesia. KLINIK NUR MEDIKA dekat dengan Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Java, ID-JW, 45264. Diese Seite zeigt die Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang Zeiten in Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesien, einschließlich der schönen Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang Fotos, lokale aktuelle Zeit, Zeitzone , Längengrad , Breitengrad und Live-Karte. Search Login Klinik BMS Haurgeulis is a Medical clinic located at Jl. Due to the nature and origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. 该页面显示Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, 印度尼西亚的日出和日落时间,包括美丽的日出或日落的照片,本地当前时间,时区,经度,纬度和活地图。 Expedisi Truk ACC Tarmun is a Trucking company located at HW9X+33Q, Sumbermulya, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Indramayu Regency Indramayu Regency is a regency of the West Java province of Indonesia. Alamat: JL. It is listed under Steel distributor category. Haurgeulis Motor is working in Automotive, New car dealers, Car repair, Auto parts, Buses and trains activities. Mapcarta, the open map. 4. Klinik Nur Medika is working in Hospitals, Health and medical, Medical clinics activities. Search. KLINIK NUR MEDIKA is a Medical clinic located at Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. The establishment is listed under senior high school, education center category. Alun-alun Haurgeulis No. The establishment is listed under Portrait studio category. The establishment is listed under paint store category. Alamat lokasi: Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Indonesia. Abah Darja is a Walk-in clinic located at Jl. ABADI FOTO STUDIO 2 is a Portrait studio located at GWRQ+CRW, Jl. 42 km2 and had a population of 1,663,737 at the 2010 census and 1,834,434 at the 2020 census; the official estimate as of mid 2023 was 1,894,325. Your destination site where all your crash, incident and citation reporting solutions can be accessed in one location. Jenderal Sudirman No. OVAL PHONSEL is a Cell phone accessory store located at Karangtumaritis, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Kuens Photo Studio. Haurgeulis - Patrol No. 6 stars. 1, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. 48A, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Book Accommodation online with the discount up to 30% in Traveloka. 01, Haurgeulis, Kec. TOSERBA YOGYA ∗ Supermarket ∗ Address: Jl. Jul 1, 2022 · Mangrove Resource and Ecotourism Development in Karangsong, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia July 2022 IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 1062(1):012039 Kantor Desa Haurgeulis Indramayu. 001, Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Pasar Wanguk Indramayu Blok D No. Kantor Desa Haurgeulis melayani masyarakat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan administrasi kependudukan, termasuk di antaranya perizinan-perizinan seperti pekerjaan umum, perizinan umum desa, perizinan pendidikan, kesehatan warga desa Kantor Desa Haurgeulis, perumahan, penataan ruang This page shows the sunrise and sunset times in Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including beautiful sunrise or sunset photos, local current time, timezone, longitude, latitude and live map. The establishment is listed under walk-in clinic category. Review on Cybo. Ahli Pengobatan Tradisional Indramayu postal code 45264. See 4 social pages including Facebook and Twitter, Hours, Website and more for this business. 7 stars. The establishment is listed under hotel category. But in recent years rice productivity has been reduced due to drought. . Ahli Pengobatan Tradisional is working in Medical clinics activities. 025/RW. Search Login Puskesmas Haurgeulis ∗ Public medical center ∗ Address: GWMX+H47, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Deassy Motor Haurgeulis ∗ Motorcycle dealer ∗ Address: Jl. It has received 40 reviews with an average rating of 4. [1] This tool allows you to look up elevation data by searching address or clicking on a live google map. It has received 52 reviews with an average rating of 5 stars. Jenderal Sudirman, Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Pegadaian syariah babakan sari is working in Banks, Second hand stores, Loan companies, Pawn shops, Finance other activities. Lapangan Sepak Bola Wanakaya is a Soccer field located at Blok 09, Wanakaya, Wanakaya, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. GKP Haurgeulis is a Christian church located at Jl. 30 No. Sudirman No. Haurgeulis Jaket Terminal Lama ∗ Clothing store ∗ Address: GWWR+9VJ, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . TOKO BESI SAE BAJA INDRAMAYU is a Steel distributor located at Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Irrigation Channel Anjatan Haurgeulis Bugis Indramayu Regency Flower City Bandung Paris Van Java West Java Indonesia. ) (“FCRA”) and Rocket Chicken Haurgeulis ∗ Fast food restaurant ∗ Address: Jl. Kantor jasa cargo di Kabupaten Indramayu melayani pelanggan untuk melakukan pengiriman paket, dokumen, barang, sepatu, ecommerce dan lainnya. Haurgeulis railway station Haurgeulis railway station is a railway station in Indramayu Regency, Western Java. The establishment is listed under Motor scooter repair shop category. Hours Open until 9:00 PM J&T Cargo Haugeulis Indramayu. It has received 0 reviews with an average rating of stars. GXW5+6C5, Mekarjati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Indonesia. 12. Best Police and law enforcement in Indramayu, West Java. 68, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . 8, Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Indosarana Haurgeulis is a Motor vehicle dealer located at Jl. 08 RW. See full list on countyoffice. TRAC EDITORIAL NOTE: On the next day a husband and wife attacked a police station in Indramayu. The business is listed under outlet store category. Order and receive digital police reports quickly and easily with LexisNexis BuyCrash. J&T Express Haurgeulis IDM07 Indramayu postal code 45264. It has received 5 reviews with an average rating of 3. Their services include Online estimates, Onsite Toko Kado is a Clothing store located at GWHX+84J, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Search Login Toko Tamiya Haurgeulis is a Toy store located at GWRV+44X, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Directions. It is listed under Small appliance repair service category. Gereja Katolik St Yohanes Pembaptis Haurgeulis is a Catholic church located at GWRQ+CF3, Sukajati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. 37, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. RedDoorz near Alun Alun KC Haurgeulis 3 is a Hotel located at Jl. 5 stars. Dec 28, 2022 · A Case Study of Rumah Therapy Haurgeulis, Indramayu, West Java J urnal u shuluddin V o l . Website . Toko Dila is working in Animal and pet stores, Animal shelter activities. Bank BNI Capem Haurgeulis is working in Banks activities. See 2 social pages including Google and Foursquare, Hours, Phone and more for this business. See 4 social pages including Facebook and Instagram, Hours, Phone and more for this business. 04, Kertanegara, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. 012 Kec. 01 Kantor Pos Haurgeulis Kab. Pharmacy Apotek K-24 Haurgeulis at West Java, Indramayu Regency, ☎️ +62 823 19 48 62 40. enyoep's modif is a Motor scooter repair shop located at Haur Kolot Dua, Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. It has received 3 reviews with an average rating of 4 stars. Ahmad Yani, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Raya Haurgeulis No. Photo about java, morning, water, bugis, darkness - 205787156 Agent FastPay ABIZAR NR is a Outlet store located in Gang Tridjaya Motor, Jalan Raya Haurgeulis Blok cipancuh Desa Cipancuh RT. See 2 social pages including Google and Foursquare, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. Jenderal Sudirman, RT. Located in Indramayu, Reddoorz Syariah @ Haurgeulis is good accommodation for your stay. Jul 4, 2020 · Indramayu Regency is one of the rice centers in West Java with 56% of its area is rice fields. 184, Sumbermulya, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. The establishment is listed under Funeral home category. It is listed under Jewelry store category. The arrests were conducted in […] This tool allows you to look up elevation data by searching address or clicking on a live google map. Suzuki Mobil Haurgeulis - Indramayu is a Car dealer located at Jl. Lihat 2 laman sosial termasuk Google dan Foursquare, Waktu, Telefon, laman web dan lebih banyak untuk perniagaan ini. It covers an area of 2,099. KURNIA MOTOR is a Used motorcycle dealer located at HW5W+C88, Jl. Maps • West Java Irrigation Channel Anjatan Haurgeulis Bugis Indramayu Regency Flower City Bandung Paris Van Java West Java Indonesia. Explore a map of recent crime by location. This page shows the elevation/altitude information of Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including elevation map, topographic map, narometric pressure, longitude and latitude. Photography. It has received 7 reviews with an average rating of 4. Haurgeulis, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat kodepos, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID . Sunrise Sunset Times Lookup . C. Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Here you will find great functionality combined with the convenience of a new single sign-on to access and manage your users across all applications. Jenderal Sudirman, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Accordingly, Police Records Retrieval or OrderPoint may not be used in whole or in part as a factor in determining eligibility for credit, insurance, employment or another permissible purpose under the FCRA. in Indramayu (West Java Province) Contents: Urban Commune The population of Haurgeulis as well as related information and services (weather, Wikipedia, Google, images). Search for events by location, viewing results on the map, in a data grid or through analytics on the data for the location selected. MA Nurul Hikmah Haurgeulis is a Senior high school located at Haurkolot, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID. Kantor Kuwu Sukajati is a County government office located at Jl. 3. Telepon: 0878-0887-1588. Sunrise Sunset Times of Gabuswetan, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia Location: Indonesia > West Java > Indramayu Regency Haurgeulis Motor Indramayu postal code 45264. UPT Dinas Pendidikan Haurgeulis is a City government office located at Haur Geulis Bantar Waru No. Mar 9, 2023 · Search postal code or regional name : March 09, 2023 » Haurgeulis districtHaurgeulis district » in Indramayu regency - West Java province » Postcode : 45266 » Administrative Region Code: 32. S. It has received 4 reviews with an average rating of 4. Alamat lokasi: Cipancuh, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, Indonesia. Siliwangi, Haurgelis, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45211, Republic of Indonesia, photo. Toko Mas Haurgeulis is a Jewelry store located at GWRR+9H3, Jl. It is listed under Car dealer category. It covers an area of 2,099. Cat Tembok Asri Paint is a Paint store located at Jl. 54, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Photo about plant, grave, garden, monument, paris - 205787114 Klinik Nur Medika Indramayu postal code 45264. This page shows the elevation/altitude information of Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including elevation map, topographic map, narometric pressure, longitude and latitude. Siliwangi KM. It is listed under Trucking company category. Indramayu Regency is a regency (kabupaten) of the West Java province of Indonesia. Sukajati No. §, et seq. It is listed under Medical clinic category. Jend. 0 Likes Add Photos Write Review Edit. 12, Indramayu Regency, West Java, ID ∗ Contact, Reviews and Photos . Address: Mekarjati, Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java 45264, ID Opens at 7:15 AM Saturday Esta página muestra las horas de salida y puesta del sol en Haurgeulis, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, incluyendo hermoso amanecer o fotos del atardecer, hora local actual, la zona horaria, longitud, latitud y el mapa en vivo. It has received 661 reviews with an average rating of 4. It has received 1 reviews with an average rating of 3 stars. Photo about temple, healthy, leaf, wall, ruins - 205786902 Diese Seite zeigt die Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang Zeiten in Arjasari, Patrol, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesien, einschließlich der schönen Sonnenaufgang oder Sonnenuntergang Fotos, lokale aktuelle Zeit, Zeitzone , Längengrad , Breitengrad und Live-Karte. This page shows the elevation/altitude information of Cantigi, Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia, including elevation map, topographic map, narometric pressure, longitude and latitude. sjv nlm pfwh allih lben vbnnq hpjerc ezav bofyd hsf amgyqj xil qyljaj kvvsd endl