Postgresql temp table relation already exists python using Inspector. Example PostgreSQL Temporary Table Statement Queries. We can use it to check if a given table exists and that we have access to it: SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT FROM information_schema. PostgreSQL Error: Relation already exists. Dec 12, 2019 · I had the same problem and the problem came from database schemas. For this I already read this answer: Checking if a postgresql table exists under python (and probably Psycopg2) and tried to use their solution: Sep 25, 2020 · I'm running multiple queries (in diffent sessions) which use the following code, some times in paralell, and I was getting errors saying the temp table already existed. 14. Direct engine. Jan 10, 2012 · To modify an existing table, use ALTER TABLE (link), or to drop all data currently in the table and create an empty table with the desired schema, issue DROP TABLE before CREATE TABLE. We've followed Heroku's docs and done the following: Feb 2, 2024 · Use the CREATE TABLE Query to Create a Table if It Does Not Exist in PostgreSQL Use the CREATE or REPLACE Query to Create a Table if It Does Not Exist in PostgreSQL Use a CASE Statement to Create a Table if It Does Not Exist in PostgreSQL PostgreSQL is an object-relational database system which means that it can support much more complex data . It appears that my temp tables are being dropped after the transaction is completed. Temporary tables are created within a database session or transaction and are automatically dropped when the session ends, making them ideal for intermediate data storage. : Entry. While many answers here are suggesting using a CTE, that's not preferable. another_table; Thus your function will be like this: Sep 24, 2014 · You can't use a variable inside the string literal for execute. When I run the query that references test123, I get "ERROR: relation "test123" does not exist". CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS was added with Postgres 9. If you want to store the values so you can re-use them in one query, then you can use a CTE: WITH params as ( SELECT now() - INTERVAL '1 day' as _from, now() + INTERVAL '1 day' as _to ) SELECT * FROM params CROSS JOIN birthday b WHERE date < params. Relations - Things that look and behave like tables, like views and tables. Either choose a different name, or have PostgreSQL choose one for you: CREATE INDEX ON creator. Apr 21, 2018 · Pass the table's schema using the schema= keyword argument instead of including it in the table's name: python; postgresql; Table already exists. to_sql( name,# Name of SQL table. 26. import sqlalchemy as sa # … with engine. I found that testing for results using fetch on a select statement yielded the result "None" on an empty existing table -- not ideal. lists (account_id); Aug 12, 2015 · I have a table called Foo, which I'm trying to add a column "bar" to. py: - Create model AddressPoint - Create model CrudPermission - Create model CrudUser - Create model LDAPGroup - Create model LogEntry - Add field ldap_groups to cruduser - Alter unique_together for crudpermission (1 constraint(s)) Aug 20, 2019 · You are trying to create a table that already exists, which is not possible in Sqlite. In fact, it's likely somewhat slower. Exiting out of the file/tab between consecutive runs resolves the issue. I chose postgresql for the database "language". It could be that the sequence you are creating is the culprit. My Script is: import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2. ProgrammingError: relation "xxx" alre psycopg2. With a DBAPI module, it's a simple as: cursor = conn. Sep 27, 2005 · There were several identical errors, referencing both tables and indexes, but always objects in a temporary schema and always with a client app which creates and drops many temp tables and indexes. fetchone() will resolve to either True or False because of the EXISTS() function. sql -t public. filter(name=request. You need to alter your store function and to check whether the temporary table already exists and create it if it doesn't. Creating a temporary table. guide us to come out from this temporary table problem. So that, we created one function, inside that fucntion we created one more function to take care of creating temporary table. I want to import data to a postgresql table 'temp_unicommerce_status' via a python script. 3. Is there an efficient way to do so? What is not efficient: Dropping the table instead May 11, 2013 · Expanding on the above use of EXISTS, I needed something to test table existence generally. This post can help you in doing so. The language I am using is "plpgsql". Following Tom Lane's suggestion, a check of pg_depend never reveals the presence of the affected name, using a very simple query like 'SELECT Apr 8, 2024 · 当我们在使用数据库,特别是像PostgreSQL这样的关系型数据库时,可能会遇到’relation “xxx” already exists’这样的错误。 这个错误意味着你试图创建的表、视图、索引或其他数据库对象已经存在于数据库中。 Dec 5, 2019 · In your table creation, you likely quoted the table: CREATE TABLE "AllResidential2019" ( ) Due to case sensitivity of at least one capital letter, this requires you to always quote the table when referencing the table. df. This works great if the table already exists, Check if a column exists in PostgreSQL table using Python. Do remember: single and double quotes have different meanings in SQL as opposed to being mostly interchangeable in Python. exec_driver_sql( "CREATE TABLE main_table (id int primary key, txt varchar(50))" ) conn. csv'. Nov 4, 2024 · A PostgreSQL temporary table is a powerful tool for managing session-specific data that only needs to exist for a short duration. 11 Nov 23, 2024 · You should expect to see a series of migrations created. I expect to skip the command if the table already exists. con, # sqlalchemy. Apr 25, 2017 · For example, I have a large SQL file that I use to execute a series of updates using temp tables. These tables reside inside tempdb, which is also a database system. 5 or later you can perform the UPSERT using a temporary table and an INSERT ON CONFLICT statement:. Just wrap it up as a table. Please help. This allows different sessions to use the same temporary table name for different purposes, whereas the standard's approach constrains all instances of a given temporary table name to have the same table structure. Postgres (and any other RDBMS that I know of) will see 2022-01-05 not as a date but as an arithmetic expression; resulting in attempting to insert the integer 2016 into a date column and raising an exception. x) table is a temporary table? I looked at the pg_class system table, but couldn't find any column about whether Dec 19, 2020 · SQL is not any programming language. POST is a dictionary so to check db with it you use, i. insert some values on that table by using some quries. Feb 5, 2019 · Indexes live in the same namespace as tables, views and sequences, so you cannot use the same name twice for any of these objects in one schema. get_section(config. from_engine(engine) has_column = False for But they're not truly case insensitive because the way they've implemented that is to force lowercase. into pimg from is an old (non-standard) syntax that does the same as create table pimg as select . May 4, 2021 · You could do RunSQL and add state_operation as documented. 0 - create test environment conn. config engine = engine_from_config( config. length ()); conn. Here’s a summary of what your output might resemble: Migrations for 'crud': 0001_initial. Thus you can copy csv to temp table and then insert rows to you table skipping existing: CREATE TABLE temp_t AS SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE false ; COPY temp_t FROM STDIN WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER AS ',' ; INSERT INTO table_name SELECT * FROM temp_t EXCEPT SELECT * FROM table_name ; Jan 26, 2017 · Temporary tables are dropped when the session ends. execute() is no longer supported. transforms im Mar 24, 2018 · CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT * FROM original_table LIMIT 0; Note, the temp table will be put into a schema like pg_temp_3. The state_operations argument allows you to supply operations that are equivalent to the SQL in terms of project state. I have a csv file 'data. create temporary table. The script for that: import sys from awsglue. Oct 18, 2021 · As I use engine from sqlmodel which has SQLAlchemy 2. I have a function that creates a temporary table to store and process data. You can specify UNLOGGED for better performance. For older versions, see: PostgreSQL create table if not Dec 5, 2017 · PostgreSQLのTEMPORARY TABLE(一時テーブル)について主に速度面について探っていきます。 ここで書かれていることはPostgreSQL 10を対象としています。 はじめに. In PostgreSQL, the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statement is used to create a new table only if a table with the same name does not already exist. This matches the name of the table only if you had allowed the table name to be lowercased when you defined the table. 什么是 Relation already exists 错误? 在 PostgreSQL 中,关系是指数据库中的一张表。当我们创建表 Nov 1, 2010 · So high level would be. See docs here. I'm doing all this in python using psycopg2. e. Dec 12, 2017 · dump=> select * from Approvals; ERROR: relation "approvals" does not exist LINE 1: select * from Approvals; What can be the reason for this error? Please help. create temp table but you have to be sure to drop the temp table before existing out of the function. But when I do the CREATE TABLE A I am getting below error: Relation 'A' already exists. (--fake it) Sep 2, 2012 · Objects - Somewhat PostgreSQL specific, anything (including a relation) that exists in a schema. removed test_db in postgres 2. Create temporary table. tmp Sep 13, 2019 · In this cases, we can store the filtered data in the temporary table; we can then use this temporary table over and over without going to the actual database. Let's look at some examples of PostgreSQL CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement queries: 1. Advantages of Temporary Tables. utils. See: Combine two tables into a new one so that select rows from the other one are ignored; Not sure whether table already exists. I don't want to delete those tables, because I have data already inside. errors. The appropriate syntax for creating a temp table is. So, I am looking for a way to tell the program : run migration, if table exist skip it. Node-PostgresQL - 42P01 - "Table" Relation Does 在本文中,我们将介绍 PostgreSQL 数据库中常见的一个错误:Relation already exists(关系已存在)。我们将解释这个错误的原因,以及如何解决它。 阅读更多:PostgreSQL 教程. exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_table") conn. Engine or sqlite3. abs (generateUUID (). I already created several databases, but now I want simply to check if the database exists with python. Note that postgres table names are not case sensitive, so a table "Articles" and a table "articles" will clash. io. get_context(). 3. Check to make sure that the table exists. I was under the impression the temp tables would just be using some sort of random name in the background processing so these don't interfiere with each other: Mar 24, 2004 · 2004-03-24 11:43:18 ERROR: Relation 'tmp_table1' already exists 2004-03-24 11:43:18 ERROR: Relation "tmp_table1" does not exist I figure out that this is connected with query I use in one of the from alembic import op from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config from sqlalchemy. Make sure that you are spelling the table name correctly. I verified doing SELECT * FROM A, but then I got another error: Relation 'A' does not exists. PostgreSQLのTEMPORARY TABLE(一時テーブル)は接続したセッションの間にしか生存できないテーブルです。 May 23, 2022 · As a result, specific tables already exist, so on deploy applying the updated merged migration files errs with: psycopg2. Messages_2020_d_268 FOR VALUES in (45) Expectation: expectation is that query should just execute without throwing Mar 5, 2012 · When you use count the orm generates query which will be executed much longer than in exists method. PostgreSQL check if table exist throwing Mar 11, 2022 · python manage. Oct 19, 2012 · To do this right, you should be using parameterized statements, to avoid any possibility of SQL injection. Basic Temporary Table Example CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_employees ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, first_name VARCHAR(50), last_name VARCHAR(50), email VARCHAR(100) ); This solution is somewhat similar to the answer by Erwin Brandstetter, but uses only the sql language. engine. Make sure that columns and types from the table in the database are the same as the dataframe. Jan 14, 2003 · create te temp table if it not exists, or delete the contents if it exists. Example: Using Temporary Tables for Data Transformation Suppose we have fast food restaurant and we have our orders table with columns order_id , product_id , and quantity . 0 underneath. The temporary table isn't dropped after first call due to which subsequent recursive calls generate error. fetchone()[0]: # if table exists, do something here return True cur. What am I doing wrong? Thanks. Now I always create new temporary tables with a unique name like this: tmpTableId = "TMP" + Math. Ex: printed sql that resulted in exception on console : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Messages_2020_d_268_cid_45 PARTITION OF "public". ProgrammingError: relation "app_appfile" already exists – Jan 16, 2019 · I am trying to create a temporary table in my stored function in Postgresql. If the table already exists - there is no need to create the indexes or constraints Nov 29, 2017 · There are two cases: You don't care about keeping the existing table if there is one. DB connection is successful as DB version is printed. It is created and used within a single database session and is automatically dropped at the end of the session. info('PostgreSQL May 5, 2015 · I am on windows 7 64 bit. _to AND date > params. exec_driver_sql Jan 28, 2020 · But I want to make it temporary to avoid confusion and to avoid large amounts of data being left in the db if the code stops for some reason (exception/debugging etc. POST['title']). So your code block would be: customers_sql = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customers ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, first_name text NOT NULL, last_name text NOT NULL)""" Nov 18, 2016 · Even if you only SELECT on the temp table twice, investing a few milliseconds in an index creation + ANALYZE each time you create the temp table could save you tons when/if joining other tables with the temp table - put the queries manually in PgAdminIII and use the "Query/Explain(F7)" function. Aug 19, 2021 · sqlalchemy. How should this be fixed so as to avoid error? Also, how can I improve performance of this procedure? I am trying a table from scratch but I keep getting the error "relation [table name] Already exists " when I run the code. a) You could use the sessionID (provided The Glassfish server) to create unique names for the temporary table, if the temporary table is unique per session. It needs to be inside connection object so I adjusted your code as below Aug 20, 2019 · From: PG Bug reporting form <noreply(at)postgresql(dot)org> To: pgsql-bugs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org: Cc: vovik0134(at)gmail(dot)com: Subject: BUG #15968: Create table if not exists throws "relation already exists" while running in parallel transactions Dec 14, 2023 · CREATE TEMP TABLE tbl AS SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE ; Do not use SELECT INTO for this purpose. Also, I'd suggest this syntax instead: CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp_table AS SELECT id, value FROM test. ) before it gets a chance to drop the table. Eg, create or replace function Nov 21, 2021 · The information_schema. Problem is I want to run this function on the order of 1M times within a single transaction, without having: NOTICE: relation "foo" already exists, skipping output ~1M times. The get method will raise an exception when object does not exists. ; Example code: CREATE FUNCTION my_function() RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS ' BEGIN DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_tmp_table; CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE my_tmp_table(a int); -- regular unlogged table RETURN TRUE; END'; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW my_view AS You can use CREATE TABLE AS with a CTE. You can do this by using the `\d` command to list all of the tables in the database. If you use double-quote delimiters when you CREATE TABLE, you must use delimiters when you reference it in queries. There some one suggested to create temporary table by Execute. – Mar 28, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. tables WHERE table_schema LIKE 'public' AND table_type LIKE 'BASE TABLE' AND table_name Feb 18, 2024 · Introduction to the PostgreSQL temporary tables. To avoid this, we had gone through some of postgresql faq and documents. query(temp_user_table). WITH temp as ( select) and (select ) temp - they are both "temporary result set" but with different context. Temporary table in PostgreSQL. length () - 15, tmpTableId. ta Mar 29, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Oct 26, 2017 · (Which is ok and correct, because they do). 7 and the db back end is PostgreSQL. – Aug 16, 2018 · There are two workarounds that I can think of: use normal table instead of a temporary table. The issue is that I'm creating a table, and running some CREATE INDEX / UNIQUE CONSTRAINT after it was created. ') insp = reflection. So, this is not an issue of PostgreSQL but design. createStatement (); I am trying to create a stored procedure in PostgreSQL which has recursive calls. POST['name'], title=request. The name of the project is crud. py test I have the same issue django. Jan 5, 2022 · BTW: even after correcting the non-existing table your insert will fail. When I execute it consecutively, it errors out complaining that my #tempTable already exists (even if I use a "if this table exists, drop it" statement as DeanOC describes). The string passed to execute is run "as is" and select . Firstly, I've assumed the temporary table will hang around as long as the connection is alive. 5 on AWS for millions of events. cursor() cursor. Jan 28, 2020 · SELECT 1 FROM information_schema. This helps to avoid errors when attempting to create a table that is already present in the database. I already tried to find it in \dS+ listing all relations, and it is not there. co Sep 26, 2020 · "relation already exists" when i try to create a partition with parallel threads in functioning. . “Relation already exists”错误是 PostgreSQL 中常见的错误之一。 它表示我们尝试创建的关系已经在数据库中存在,无法再次创建。 在解决这个错误时,我们应该检查是否存在同名的关系,并确保给予新的关系一个唯一且合适的名称。 Here is the same code as above, but using table_type = 'LOCAL TEMPORARY instead of like 'pg_temp_%' SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema. will list every tables you have in the schema you are in now. begin(): result = session. Dec 20, 2017 · I have a problem figuring out how I can create a table using psycopg2, with IF NOT EXISTS statement, and getting the NOT EXISTS result. request. To create a temporary table, you use the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE May 1, 2018 · This answer does not address the reusing of the same table names and hence not about cleaning up the SQLAlchemy metadata. Temporary tables provide numerous advantages, such as: May 31, 2021 · 相关问题 PostgreSQL 错误:关系已存在 - CREATE TABLE 中的 FOREIGN KEY - PostgreSQL Error: Relation already exists - FOREIGN KEY in CREATE TABLE 在表上创建索引时,错误关系已存在于 PostgreSQL 中 - ERROR Relation already exists in PostgreSQL when creating an index on a table 关系“表”已经存在 - Relation css - 嵌套table in table in table in table in table in div显示 block 不继承高度 为什么 wrapper #4 没有继承其父表容器的高度? 表格嵌套在一个显示 block 包装器中,每个嵌套的div是显示表格,每个表格继承到最里面的一个。 Nov 2, 2014 · I recently added South to an existing Django project. cursor. Another user (rmello(at)fslc(dot)usu(dot)edu) in a recent post give me some idea how to do this. py test I get the error: psycopg2. PostgreSQL - relation [table] does not Jul 10, 2003 · Error: relation 'temp_table' already exists. duplicatetable error: Mar 14, 2023 · I mean you can't use named temporary result set as src table in subquery inside where clause (postgres will not see this - it's a different context). To solve this, you can use the IF NOT EXISTS statement on your queries. begin() as conn: # step 0. The problem of temp tables is that dropping and recreating temp table bloats pg_attribute heavily and therefore one sunny morning you will find db performance dead, and pg_attribute 200+ gb while your db would be like 10gb. py convert_to_south myapp python manage. – Sep 3, 2021 · But in this case, after the first execution, I receive a "ERROR: relation "temp_test_json" already exists". com/Xi71X4z. import psycopg2 import pandas. DuplicateTable: relation "ideatree_colors" already exists Postgresql tables duplicated. Feb 18, 2025 · この場合、最初のCREATE TABLE my_tableは成功しますが、2番目のCREATE TABLE my_tableを実行しようとすると、「Relation already exists」エラーが発生します。 なぜなら、 my_table という名前のテーブルはすでに存在しているからです。 May 31, 2021 · I'm using PostgreSQL 12. I can't run migrate --fake, because program will think that I already have all the tables, which is not true. Feb 20, 2025 · PostgreSQL instead requires each session to issue its own CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE command for each temporary table to be used. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. 1. py showmigrations -a appname all of the migrations are shown as having run. length () > 15) tmpTableId = tmpTableId. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. py syncdb python manage. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lookup; CREATE TEMP TABLE lookup(key, value) AS VALUES (0::int,-99999::numeric), (1,100); Nov 9, 2023 · While PostgreSQL automatically takes care of dropping temporary tables at the end of a session, you can also explicitly remove them before the session concludes using the DROP TABLE statement: Here's a code example that demonstrates how to create a temporary table, query it, and then remove it with the corresponding output for each command: Feb 4, 2016 · After a couple of days trying I used an initial connection and CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS at the __main__. engine import reflection def _table_has_column(table, column): config = op. objects. I assume all three columns are distinct in my example so for step3 change the NOT EXISTS join to only join on the unique columns in the hundred table. Dec 13, 2017 · COPY just loads properly formatted data to a table - no preprocessing. Jan 29, 2024 · To retrieve data from the temporary table, use SQLAlchemy’s query interface: with session. DuplicateTable: relation “table_name” already exists Q: How can I resolve the psycopg2. exc. There are two ways to solve the problem. Thus you can copy csv to temp table and then insert rows to you table skipping existing: CREATE TABLE temp_t AS SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE false ; COPY temp_t FROM STDIN WITH CSV HEADER DELIMITER AS ',' ; INSERT INTO table_name SELECT * FROM temp_t EXCEPT SELECT * FROM table_name ; Dec 14, 2013 · I'm running a batch of postgres queries from a python script. My tables are partitioned by day by day so when the request comes, I use "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION OF" syntax for every request. _from; Sep 22, 2014 · I wanted to start into using databases in python. I went through the whole python manage. setAutoCommit (true); tableStmt = conn. Some queries are as follow: create table xxx [] Usually I get the following error: psycopg2. 2. Check the spelling of the table name. In PostgreSQL, a temporary table is a table that exists only during a database session. At the mapper_init() I created a new connection and cursor for each mapper. just keep it. Other objects also reside in schemas, like functions, casts, indexes, sequences, operators, aggregates, etc. cursor() logger. Apr 11, 2017 · I can count the number of matching occurences in the table (and add the entry if the count is 0), but would prefer to use exists() as it will be more efficient to stop at the first matching entry rather than counting through the whole table (my entries are unique anyway). Edit: Feb 6, 2014 · of tables (temporary or not) are not supposed to run concurrently. config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy. How can I write a query to check if a PostgreSQL (10. This is how you can use UNION ALL: where not exists ( select 1 from bill_item where emp_id = %s UNION ALL select 1 from bill_item_ref where emp_id = %s); And this is how you can use separate EXISTS for individual SELECT statement: Nov 19, 2017 · Relation "table" already exists. py migrate myapp 0001 --fake process Postgresql tables exists, but getting "relation does not exist" when querying 362 Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name ("relation does not exist") May 26, 2022 · I am unable to query using psycopg2. Instead of reusing the table names, add the execution time like this to the end of the tableName PostgreSQL – Create Table If Not Exists. duplicatetable error? A: There are two ways to resolve the psycopg2. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. In this tutorial, we will explain the usage of CREATE Apr 24, 2015 · I'm trying to set up the tables for a new django project (that is, the tables do NOT already exist in the database); the django version is 1. But PostgreSQL didn't do that. Mar 9, 2021 · Either use UNION/UNION ALL or use separate EXISTS for individual SELECT statement. Apr 5, 2018 · I have made a backup of my specific tables that I want to restore into a new database using: call pg_dump -Fc -h server -d database -U user -p password -v -f dump. Jul 10, 2003 · We are using postgresql7. select the inserted values from the temporary table. tables view contains all tables and views defined in the current database that the current user has access to. Since your session does not end with the function call, the second function call will try to create the table again. db. substring (tmpTableId. tables WHERE table_type = 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' AND table_name = 'table_name' ) # python 3. If the table does not exist, you can create it using the `CREATE TABLE` statement. py flush 3. 1. png. Using psycopg2 in python, my function call is. 10. 6+ table = 'mytable' cur. This will create a temporary table that will have all of the columns (without indexes) and without the data, however depending on your needs, you may want to then delete the primary key: ALTER TABLE pg_temp_3. all() for row in result: print(row) This prints all rows present in the `temporary_users` table. Does anyone know what to do to get temp tables to last the duration of a session? Works just fine: https://i. execute(f"SELECT EXISTS(SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relname = {table});") if cur. Connection schema=None, # Something can't understand yet. First, we can use the TEMPORARY clause in the CREATE TABLE statement: Aug 6, 2023 · Immediate temporary tables are created using the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement outside of a transaction block. The procedure creates a temporary table to store results. ProgrammingError: (psycopg2. hashCode ()); if (tmpTableId. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_data(name, name_slug, status); INSERT Data into temp table. In this case, issue "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Joke" before creating it. INSERT INTO temp_data(name, name_slug, status); Jul 2, 2024 · I have a really simple aws glue visual etl which reads data from a file on an s3 bucket, and then copies it into an aws rds postgresql db. table1 -t public. exists() Jun 15, 2020 · If you are using PostgreSQL 9. 3, we are encountering some problems by using temporary tables. There are two ways to create a temporary table. Not all PostgreSQL installations has the plpqsql language by default, this means you may have to call CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql before creating the function, and afterwards have to remove the language again, to leave the database in the same state as it was before (but only if the database did Sep 10, 2023 · I have just run: 1. execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table WHERE user_name = %s', user_name) If you need the table name to be dynamic as well, then you have to construct it like this: I am trying to create a table that was dropped previously. ran python manage. imgur. execute('ALTER TABLE "Foo" ADD COLUMN bar text') However, I get the following error: relation "Foo" does not exist I also tried putting the schema "public" before it to no avail. Check the permissions for the Jan 22, 2018 · Zen of Python: Explicit is better than implicit. DuplicateTable) relation "#test" already exists [SQL: CREATE TABLE #test AS SELECT * FROM table_2] The temporary table is visible between sqlAlchemy sessions. sql as psql cursor = connection. tables WHERE table_schema='YourShema' AND table_name='TableName'; If the table did not exist before, this means she has been created after ! ;) An other solution is to not use the "IF NOT EXISTS" directive and catch the exception if table already exists. DuplicateTable: relation "table_foo" already exists In heroku run python manage. umsgorjllshxcbokdfbclyjtbnbkztaiozzmrymujrobkdzujkuonrakcaevnzprvsggsucybwgxgp