Wyoming district court case search. Our records are from conception to current.

Wyoming district court case search All Magisterial District Court docket numbers begin with ‘MJ’ and follow a similar format (Examples: MJ-51301-TR-0009999-2017, MJ-51301-NT-0008888-2017). This means that cases that need to be referred upwards can either go to the District Courts or they can be dealt with by the Supreme Court in extreme situations or when called for. This office files, maintains and preserves all documents delivered for every Converse County court case in the 8th Judicial District. Box 817, Gillette, WY 82717 Phone: (307 If your problem relates to a Pennsylvania court case, please provide its unique alpha-numeric docket number. Campbell County District Court hears felony criminal cases, civil cases including divorce proceedings, and probate cases including settlements of estates, guardianships, involuntary hospitalizations and adoptions. Diane Sanchez, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. Agendas & Minutes Wyoming Rules Governing Access to Case Records , the Rules Governing Redactions from Court Records, and the Rules Governing Access to Court Records may result in: (a) Reprimand; Phone: 307-332-1134: Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM: Judge: Hon. Please call the court for more information. 674. Intermediate and Supreme Courts. Mar 10, 2025 · The judicial assistant address for cases where Sublette County District Court Judge Kate G. wyoleg. United States District Court District of Wyoming Scott W. Please include your name and case number on the provided envelope. At this time, none of the District Court records are available online. 50 per additional page Oct 1, 2024 · Records. The District Courts are trial courts with general jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. CM/ECF Quick Links: How do I change my PASSWORD in CM/ECF? I need to register to use CM/ECF in Wyoming District Court Oct 1, 2024 · For additional information on a particular type of case please see the Court Cases section. Clerk of the District Courts for the State of Wyoming, is a duly elected Constitutional Officer as mandated by Article V, Section 13 of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming. Do not mail cash! Checks and money orders made to the 62A District Court can be left in the drop box near the southeast corner of the court. 00 total ; Appeal Cases: Appeal from a lower court to District Court $100. O. Record seekers can find criminal and civil court records at the Albany County District and Circuit Courts. Jackson Hole Hereford Ranch 10 am Holloway et al v. gov COURT Tracking Ongoing Teton County District Court Public Court Cases Generally All District Court Cases are assigned a case number. The acronym means Case Management/Electronic Case Files. See below for a daily schedule. us (District Court) Laramie Municipal Court 406 Ivinson Avenue Laramie, WY 82070 Phone: (307) 721-5205 Fax: (307) 721-5352. Wyoming does not have a specific appellate court between the supreme court and the state and district courts. Learn about the Court of Appeals, Municipal Courts, Family Courts, appeals, and how to find your case number. Be sure to include your name and case number. The website provides information about how the public can access federal court records electronically and have easy access to PACER and PACER-related applications. gov. Proceeding for expungement. Phone Access to Court Records If you prefer, you can start your search by going to Wyoming Courts by County. Persons or entities interested in obtaining the records must contact the district Designated Public Records Person Dale Davis, Chief Deputy Laramie County Clerk's Office P. Gillette Ave Suite 2600 Gillette, WY 82716. Physical Address. Land Records. ) and lookup the case information you need on federal litigation happening across all the counties in the state. District Courts Home Search public filings in cases docketed in the Supreme Court. More information about requesting copies of restricted documents in cases filed prior to December 1, 2003 that have been closed for more than 1 year. District Court. Public Defender. com Location. Case Search Issue Search Participant Search Draft The geographic boundaries of the circuit courts are the same as the nine judicial districts for the district courts, and there are circuit courts in all 23 counties. Read this e-Filing User Manual for an efficient court record search in Wyoming. 7271Fax: 1. View and download court notices, orders, and appellate briefs City of Wyoming, Michigan | 1155 28th St SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 | 616-530-7226 | Fax 616-530-7200 62A District Court Pay A Fine Case Search FAQs MiFILE Supreme Court. CM/ECF is the U. Learn more about the district courts and the history of the Wyoming Judicial System. ORDER. S. The state of Wyoming has a district court in each of its 23 counties although the state is divided into 9 judicial districts. 4277; Email: districtcourtlc@laramiecounty. The District Court handles the following types of cases: Adoption/Intermediary; Civil; Criminal; Juvenile; Paternity Lookup Carbon county court records in WY with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Search Wyoming court records. United States District Court D Wyoming cases FindLaw's database of United States District Court D Wyoming features decisions since January 2018. Judge Bill Simpson is the District Judge in Park County and also sits in Big Horn County for civil cases, probates and appeals. Judge Bobbie Overfield is the District Judge in Washakie and Hot Springs counties and also sits in Big Horn County for juvenile and criminal cases. Checks and money orders made out to the 62A District Court can be mailed to the court. Civil Cases with Trial Dispositions; Daily Docket - All Events - Specific Judge; Daily Docket - All Events - Specific Judge - Specific Case Type The Clerk of District Court case index, journals and docket sheets date back to 1923. Search this site . Rene Botten, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. 633. District Court is a court of general jurisdiction. CM/ECF Maintenance: CM/ECF will be unavailable on Friday, March 14th from 5:00pm to 6:00pm MST. 684. 1562 codc@tetoncountywv. Unless noted, indexes to case files have been retained by the court. Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court of Lincoln County Open: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Clerk of District Court Lincoln County Courthouse 925 Sage Ave, Suite 202 Kemmerer, WY 83101 Phone: (307)877-9056 Fax: (307)877-6263 Mailing Address: Clerk of District Court PO Box 510 Kemmerer, WY 83101 Laramie County District Court Records. State . JARBOU CHIEF UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE . Clerk of District Court; Court Cases; Court Cases These cases allow birth siblings and/or birth parents to search for children who were adopted, or adopted A court of limited jurisdiction is one that has the authority to hear only certain kinds of cases. Townsend Justice Center Oct 1, 2024 · The Clerk of District Court is responsible for accurately and effectively processing and managing the case files and court records of the Ninth Judicial District Court, Teton County and providing reliable public information and customer service in a timely manner to any person who requests assistance. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. District Court is the Keeper of the Permanent Records. Wyo. 00 ; Document Copies: $1. In Laramie County, district court records contain information on files generated within the county’s district court. Green: Parking: Free parking is available in the lot next to the courthouse ‍The Clerk of District Court is responsible for accurately and effectively processing, managing, maintaining, and preserving all records and cases filed within the Fourth Judicial District Court in Johnson County, dating back to 1886. These courts are: Campbell County District Court Campbell County Courthouse 500 South Gillette Avenue, P. 18) that this case be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction because, under the doctrine of Younger v. gov) for further information. Text Size District Court Reports. You can browse decisions by date and search by docket number, case title, and full text. The boundaries for the circuit courts are the same as for the district courts. 235. The Clerk Of District Court is responsible for accurately, effectively processing, and managing case files and court records. Phone Numbers: Civil Pam Merchen. Lookup Laramie county court records in WY with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. The staff is here to assist with processing documents, instruct on procedure, and aid in file research. Casper, WY 82609 Ph: (307) 237-8556 A records search/background check is to determine whether or not a case exists in our public District Court records and provide case numbers if records are found. To discover other Wyoming Civil Court Records, utilize the Circuit Courts, District Courts, and Municipal Courts directory features on the Wyoming Judiciary Branch website. City of Wyoming, Michigan | 1155 28th St SW, Wyoming, MI 49509 | 616-530-7226 | Fax 616-530-7200 62A District Court Pay A Fine Case Search FAQs MiFILE Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. Passports. 00 ; Petition for Review: $120. The Wyoming State Archive does not have records of the federal courts. In the appeal process, the District Court can serve as either the trial court or appellate court. Flaming Gorge Way Suite 255 Green River, WY 82935 Ph: (307) 872-3820 Ph: (307) 922-5246 - Rock Springs United States District Court District of Wyoming Scott W. Clerk of District Court. Sheridan Collection contains administrative and case records for the Sweetwater County District Court. Adoption proceedings are confidential and upon adoption, all the records are sealed. Search by Specific Court; Search by National Index; District of Wyoming; Court's Address: 2120 Capitol Avenue, Room 2131, Cheyenne, WY 82001: 62A District Court Pay A Fine Case Search FAQs MiFILE - Electronic Filing System 62A District Court 2650 DeHoop Avenue SW Wyoming, MI 49509. state. Jul 4, 2002 · Find a Case. Cases adjudicated in Municipal Court include misdemeanor crimes under City Code and those State Statutes which are incorporated into the City Code, occurring within the jurisdictional limits of Can I appear for court remotely? The court is in the process of becoming more remote-friendly and creating a policy for remote proceedings. Box 430 80 W. Under the Wyoming Constitution, District Courts are “courts of superior and general jurisdiction . Determine which type of Wyoming court had jurisdiction over a case. Crook County Courthouse Contact Information. Child Support. Wyoming family courts generate and issue a variety of court decrees, orders, and records in addition to maintaining and disseminating records of family court cases and proceedings. (307) 742-5610 (Circuit Court) Email: slam@co. Feb 24, 2025 · Recent United States District Court D Wyoming Cases Welcome to FindLaw's searchable database of United States District Court D Wyoming decisions since January 2018. Criminal cases heard by District Courts include felonies, lesser-included offenses and Tues. Currently it is decided on a case-by-case basis. 2960; Fax: 307. Clerk of District Court Responsibilities. 109 regarding court dissemination of Protected Personal Identifying Information, Date of Birth will no longer be available in online public record searches. A case management system has been used since 2000 for records of actions. These documents provide legal authorization for a variety of functions and processes including marriage dissolutions, adoptions and child custody as well as will The District Courts of Wyoming are constitutionally-created courts, given general jurisdiction over all cases and proceedings unless jurisdiction is vested exclusively with another court. Government Publishing Office (GPO) at this URL. Fremont County District Court hears felony criminal cases, civil cases including divorce proceedings, and probate cases including settlements of estates Access the Bankruptcy Court for the District of Wyoming's PACER service. Please refer to: Protecting Personal Identifying Information (courts. 1134; Email: cdc@fremontcountywy. wy. The Natrona County Clerk of the District Court Office no longer accepts passport applications. Federal court records typically include records of bankruptcy cases, cases involving the United States as a party, or cases involving an interpretation of federal law. 9493; Email: cdc@natronacounty-wy. You can access Wyoming District Court's CM/ECF by clicking this link. Amanda Sanchez, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. 00 ; Appeal from District Court to Supreme Court: $140. Tracking/Accessing District Court Cases: A new one-page The Clerk of the Supreme Court dockets the paperwork in appealed cases, receives the court records from the district court clerks, monitors the case time line and assists the public and attorneys in the appeal process. Any action, except a juvenile proceeding. 2523; Fax: 307. Its case types consist of: civil matters over $50,000 (judgments, divorces, torts, adoptions, etc. 11 am Bernard v. The Natrona District Court serves as a court of permanent records, with cases dating back to the 1890s. A district court exists in all 23 counties organized into nine judicial districts. Courts' standard document filing system. Discover how Wyoming has adapted to remote trials Case Types. Knowing the case number will help you track case The lower level of the Wyoming state court system consists of the Wyoming District Courts, the Wyoming Circuit Courts, and the Wyoming Municipal Courts. To view Published Opinions from this Court as well as most other Federal Courts, please visit the U. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. The types of cases in Wyoming’s Circuit Courts are limited to smaller cases like civil claims under $50,000, small claims, and misdemeanors. The Clerk of District Court also serves as a Passport Contact Information. Additionally, the District of Wyoming offers a list of opinions since 2002, listed by year and judge. Online Forms. Post navigation. michigan. Supreme Court. McKay is presiding is pinedaleja@courts. 2533 • (307) 734. Forest Dr. The Clerk of District Court maintains the records in all felony criminal cases, including receipting and distributing restitution, fines and fees. King Street Jackson, WY 83001 office: (307) 733. 9243; Fax: 307. If you are in need of any legal documents for the official record of the Big Horn Case, please contact the Wyoming State Archives, 307-777-7826 or by email at wyarchive@wyo. We started scanning documents into the system in May of 2014. Includes information concerning divorce, felony criminal, juvenile, estate, guardianship, involuntary hopitalization and supreme court appeal proceedings. On January 15, 2025, the magistrate judge entered a report and recommendation (“R&R,” ECF No. We also act as the appellate court for courts of lesser jurisdiction (Circuit Court and Municipal Court) in Natrona County. Hidden Creek Outfitters et al. Please contact the United States Postal Service for passport applications: United States Postal Service 411 N. Wyoming district courts hear jury trials and hear appeals that come from the municipal and circuit court. 283. Conder: Judge Phone: 307-332-4592: Clerk: Kristi H. District Court; Circuit Court/Justice of the Peace Courts Jun 17, 2019 · JUNE 17, 2019 PAGE 4 OF 4 LSO LEGAL SERVICES DIVISION • 200 West 24th Street • Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 TELEPHONE (307) 777-7881 • FAX (307) 777-5466 • EMAIL • lso@wyoleg. Attorneys must be admitted to practice before the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming in order to appear before the court in any case or gain access to the ECF filing system for this District. Wyoming district courts are non-jury trial courts with limited jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. Case Search: Search: Case Number: Full Title: Group: The district courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction. For a more detailed search, enter the keyword or case number in the search box above. To request public records, please fill out the Public Information Request form and email to office@laramiecountywy. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar Beginning April 1st, 2022, pursuant to Michigan Court Rule MCR 1. Cases are browsable by date and searchable by docket number, case title, and full text. albany. District Courts. 307. praecipe for wyoming district court; statement of rights class a; statement of rights in misdemeanor cases; subpoena in a criminal case; subpoena to appear at a hearing or trial in a civil case; subpoena to produce documents, information, or objects in a criminal case; subpoena to produce items or permit inspection in a civil case Contact Information. District Court records include Civil (including disputes over $50,000), Probate, Felony Criminal (already bound over from Circuit Court) and always confidential Juvenile and Adoption The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining the records of all cases filed in the First Judicial District Court dating back to 1890. gov • WEBSITE www. The District Court Clerk’s office is responsible for maintaining the permanent records of all cases filed in the 4th Judicial District Court for Sheridan County dating back to the late 1800s. Jul 22, 2021 · The State Archives has indexes from a few municipal courts, justice of the peace courts, district courts, and Supreme Court. eVoucher Maintence: ATTENTION: On Saturday, March 15, 2025, all court Production environments for CJA eVoucher will be unavailable from 6:00 - 8:00 am for maintenance. Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. 5146 We now have a Drop Box for your Order Amending the Access Security Matrix of the Wyoming Rules Governing Access to Case Records 04/09/2024 07/01/2024 Preliminary holdings are held at the circuit courts along with cases that handle restraining orders, civil protection, and misdemeanor criminal cases. Our records are from conception to current. Albany County Criminal and Civil Records. Wyoming District Courts District Courts have general jurisdiction over all criminal and civil cases, but typically handle cases that are beyond the jurisdiction of other courts. Julie Crawford, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. 6 days ago · Similarly, federal court records refer to records received or maintained by the United States District Court or any other federal courts in Wyoming. The Clerk has many duties which include the processing of cases and court ordered payments, as well as the administration of appeals from this court to the Wyoming Supreme Court, and setting up and Donna Lee Bobak Clerk of District Court Email P. Child Support Abatements Passports. Mara Sanger is the Clerk Of District Court. Laramie County The Fifth Judicial District has two District Court Judges. Please note that most requests for case documents include fees. These courts have general jurisdiction which means they can hear criminal as well as civil cases. administering all law—the common law, statutory law OF DISTRICT Anne Comeaux Sutton Clerk Court PO Box 4460 180 S. These courts also review appeals of decisions by Circuit Courts and Municipal Courts. Also includes coroner's records and naturalization records. Court RecordsWyoming court records are official case and administration records, files, and materials created, or maintained, in whole or part, by or for the court concerning court proceedings and include registers of actions of; Any criminal action. JARBOU CHIEF UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE. 4270; Fax: 307. Civil Court Records Search. Its cases consist of: civil matters over $50,000 (Judgments, Divorces, Torts, Adoptions, etc. Get access to the court dockets, court documents, transcripts, and legal data you need on the parties, attorneys, law firms, and Case files, journals and dockets filed with the Park County District Court ranging from civil, criminal and probate court records. gov Contact Information. ) criminal felonies, juvenile crimes, neglect and children in need of supervision (CHINS), paternity and child support enforcement cases as well as probate matters such as estates or involuntary commitments. Feb 26, 2025 · HALA Y. 00 for the first page; $0. However, we are not attorneys and Wyoming State Statute 5-3-213 prohibits the Clerk of Court or Deputy Clerks from giving legal advice. Wyoming Appellate E-Filing. Fremont County Courthouse; 450 North 2nd Street, Room 235 Contact Information. 2589; Email: district-court-clerk@sheridancountywy. Mandatory Electronic Filing (e-File) As of October 1, 2024 e-Filing is mandatory for Wyoming licensed attorneys. gov Location. us. If the Archives does not have the index from a particular court, patrons should contact the court where the case was filed to obtain a case file number . Skavdahl, Chief Judge || Margaret Botkins, Clerk of Court Search form. Find Wyoming criminal, court, inmate, marriage, divorce, birth, death, phone, address, bankruptcy, sex offender, property, arrest A records search/background check is to determine whether or not a case exists in our public District Court records and provide case numbers if records are found. The civil jurisdiction of the circuit courts covers small claim cases and civil cases in which the damages or recovery sought do not exceed $50,000. . The Clerk of District Court’s Office is dedicated to efficiently and effectively assisting the citizens of Albany County and all other individuals or agencies in need of our services. , March 12, 2025 By clicking the Judge's name to the left, you can see their 2-week calendar as it is currently set. Public Information. HALA Y. Skavdahl, Chief Judge || Margaret Botkins, Clerk of Court Wyoming. 332. Attorneys must be Jul 22, 2021 · If an accused is charged with a violation of federal law, that case will be heard in a federal court. Natrona County Probate Court Records. Jill Kiester, Clerk of District Court Voice: 307. Box 608 Cheyenne, WY 82003 307-633-4264. The Campbell County court system comprises District, Circuit, and Municipal Courts that have different case and geographical jurisdictions and make up the Sixth Judicial District Court in Wyoming. Attorneys seeking regular admission now apply for admission and upload the appropriate petition through the PACER website. Jason M. Ask for the Washakie County District Court, Big Horn River Adjudication Records (RG 1061) The Clerk of District Court is responsible for overseeing all jury trials held in the District Court. Wed. In addition to civil matters over $50,000, the Clerk of District Court is responsible for the records in all domestic relations, juvenile, probate and adoption cases. Johnson County Judicial Center620 W Fetterman Street, Suite 208Buffalo, WY 82834Phone: 1. 500 S. These courts are identified with a check mark under the "7-Year Criminal Sentence Filter" column of the MiCOURT case search. The district court generates files on case types like civil, criminal, juvenile, and domestic relations. 2996; Email: juliea@crookcounty. District Court for the District of Wyoming Type: Contract › Insurance Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. Please note these schedules are updated hourly and are very fluid, so please check back immediately prior to the Hearing to ensure it is still on the docket. Felony criminal cases, and juvenile and probate matters are decided in the district court. All probate affairs, including guardianship, estates, wills, trusts, and conservatorships, are filed and adjudicated at this location. PHONE CALLS and EMAILS: Attorney's offices from around the country are reporting emails and calls that have spoofed US District Court phone numbers and email addresses. The District Court handles a variety of case types including Civil matters over $50,000 (Contracts, Domestic . The Clerk of District Court’s duties also include the administration of appeals. Albany County District Court hears felony criminal cases, civil cases including divorce proceedings, and probate cases including settlements of estates, guardianships, involuntary hospitalizations and adoptions. P. How do I obtain a Personal Protection Order (PPO)? PPOs are not granted by district courts. Mailing Address. Learn the structure, functions, and limitations of the court according to Wyoming judicial laws. People seeking probate court records may explore the following options: Lookup Campbell county court records in WY with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Wyoming law allows for the appointment of a confidential intermediary who has special training if, after the adoption records are sealed, an adult adoptee or an adoptee’s adoptive or biological parents request access to the court records to locate biological relatives or information regarding the biological If you have any questions or for further details on how to activate your search privileges contact the PACER Service Center at (800) 676-6856 between the hours of 7 AM and 6 PM CT Monday through Friday or by email at pacer@psc. New features include: • Mobile friendly design; • New tool to search for court-specific information; • Interactive format to search frequently asked questions; Search for court records online in the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming (D. Please be The General Jurisdiction Tribunals of Wyoming: The District Courts. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). C-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts. District Court records include Civil (including disputes over $50,000), Probate, Felony Criminal (already bound over from Circuit Court) and always confidential Juvenile and Adoption District Court is a court of general jurisdiction. Civil Case Docketing fees are: $165. Search: eFiling Portal; District Courts. Box 817 Gillette, WY 82717 4 days ago · Court: Tenth Circuit › Wyoming › U. The Circuit Explore Wyoming State Courts, from the state's Trial Courts to the Supreme Court, understand the structure, functions, and jurisdiction of Wyoming's judicial system. Criminal Court Records Search. Municipal Court administers the operation of the judicial branch of the City of Casper Government according to ordinances adopted by the City Council. You can find judicial assistant information for other presiding judges under the court name (look for county and then judge) found here Some courts only display case numbers and information for criminal convictions if the sentencing occurred within seven years of the date of search in MiCOURT. The Clerk of District Court's responsibilities include keeping records, receiving all cases filed therein, properly recording and attending to the same. , March 11, 2025 9 am Leeks Canyon Ranch v. uscourts. Records cover civil, criminal, probate, and juvenile court cases. Those records are at the National Archives. The Clerk shall have the care and custody of all records, seals, books, papers and property pertaining to the office for the court of the county for which she is elected. mcqoz sykcz els fqu rvlc negg hgmpngf zdkznm efrx egk gopedv lrrnskl yjdip ypmf bvzr