24 hours to respond to text. subreddit:aww site:imgur.
24 hours to respond to text Do this for every text message. In a friend that’s not something I’d even notice because I know where I stand with them. If she consistently takes 24 hours or more to text you back, it’s more clear that she’s really not that into you at all. My only issue is that he frequently takes in the region of 24 hours to respond to a text. Yup. I also have friends who are new parents or are parents of multiple kids. Expecting someone you are dating to reply to every text you send within 12-24 hours sounds unrealistic at best, exhausting in general and quite controlling at worst. I usually reply within minutes but sometimes it’s hours if I’m focused on something else and not available or not interested in reply right away. it quite often takes him a good 24 hrs to respond. she replied me 24 hours later saying she’s home safe. Like, he'll text me about something (and good quality texts too, asking questions, multiple texts in a row, etc) but then when I respond, he will take 24 hours to get back to me. Rule 1: Don't listen to any rules if you really want to do whatever it is you want to do. Why she takes hours to text me back Jun 12, 2023 · Why would it take a guy 24 hours to respond anyway? Even the busiest guy in the world can take five seconds to answer a text. He’s generally good at responding to very time sensitive texts (e. Seems normal. But when it comes to the texts about arranging another date ect. at first, we would rapid fire text where we would both be typing at the same time. I'm sure I'm going to get responses in this thread from the people who don't with all kinds of justifications, and I understand there are going to be legitimate justifications from time to time, but I always try to believe they’re “busy” but then I catch them responding to their other friends while I’m still on delivered for HOURS. If I have a rough day, I tend not to respond right away as starting a conversation with someone I cherish may end up dumping my annoyance or frustration on them unintentionally. everyone makes time for who THEY want no matter what, if I rlly wanna fw you or luckily Im just active when you text me then I’m going to respond I just dumped a girl yesterday because we FaceTimed for an hour Saturday morning and texted each other Saturday night. I do think it's ridiculous when people expect replies within an hour or less, but within a few hours (job permitting, of course), seems perfectly reasonable to me. Reply at whatever interval works for you, if you see the message and can reply immediately, go for it. see the search faq for details. This is the first thing that springs to mind when he hasn’t texted me back in 24 hours. You texted and he responded within 24 hours. com dog. Here’s what I imagine must be happening when there’s radio silence for more than a day. I had that happen with someone I was dating recently as well—would take over 24 hours to respond to the simplest text. Well…. Text Response Time. I’d draft and redraft, type and delete. Rule 2: Respond to text messages either as you get them, or when you'd like to engage said conversation. It happens. subreddit:aww site:imgur. I was sleeping after working 2 consecutive double shifts. g. We went out on a date and I texted her shortly after to let me know once she’s gotten home safely. Sounds like your friend got on with their day or something came up that meant they couldn’t text instantly. we didn’t hang out that day, and he also didn’t reschedule. It takes them a while to respond because their lives are hectic. we planned to hang out, but the day before he said he had a last minute gathering with his friends. She texted me Sunday morning accusing me of ignoring her. Few days prior she said I made her cry because I didn’t reply to her text for a few hours (I was in bed sick). Dec 25, 2024 · The answer to this question depends on your personal definition of “forever”. It's really hard to have a conversation this way and feels very purposeful on his end. If it’s an urgent matter, I’d expect a response sooner than later and would follow up. It really isn't a big deal. For example, respond right away, and if you don't like with what they respond to you with, wait 12-24 hours. Based on a 2013 study, people said that 64% of the time they get an instantaneous response – which is defined as less than 2 minutes Jul 13, 2021 · This means that — if you’re in meetings all day —there’s nothing wrong with texting back a few hours after you received their message. Swann shares she didn't reply to a text received one Saturday until the following Thursday, as the message got buried in her inbox. If she’s consistently taking a few hours to text you back, there could be a myriad of reasons why. Mar 4, 2020 · But even etiquette experts get bogged down. . You’re a pretty significant individual to this person. 3. One hour is two episode of Family Guy. Unless someone just doesn’t reply for an entire day then I don’t even think about hours. I'm sure I'm going to get responses in this thread from the people who don't with all kinds of justifications, and I understand there are going to be legitimate justifications from time to time, but Nov 6, 2017 · Women will usually reply within the hour of receiving a message, but may also stretch out their response time so that they’re just as likely to reply within 24 hours. This comes to show that if you’re Sep 14, 2023 · For business emails, people usually expect a response within a few hours, but a response within 24 hours is acceptable. e. Jul 7, 2023 · A survey of 1,500 people showed that 52% of them expect a reply to a work email within 12 to 24 hours. You just don’t make them feel enough urgency to respond before they finish watching two episodes of a sitcom, or whatever they were doing that took about an hour. She still replies so I don’t understand and she still seems somewhat playful putting hahaha in her responses and such. Nov 17, 2017 · Anyway, in summary, it seems 24 hours (and honestly it shouldn't take even that long to at least acknowledge a text) is plenty of time to respond. Now let's talk about texting – where instant gratification rules. He’s talking to other women. If it’s a longer message where I need to write a considered reply over several paragraphs it might take longer for me to find the time to reply, maybe a few days but Mar 4, 2020 · But even etiquette experts get bogged down. If you have the day off and get a text while you’re Then suddenly she started taking 4/5 hours to respond, then 8-9 and now yesterday she took an entire day to respond and our date plans were obviously canceled because she never gave me a response if they were still on. this is why I stopped believing the “busy” card. So I've been debating a few friends lately about the maximum reasonable timeframe for responding to texts. discussing a date thats happening within a few hours). it was my plan and idea to hang out that day too. Jul 21, 2024 · url:text search for "text" in url selftext:text search for "text" in self post contents self:yes (or self:no) include (or exclude) self posts nsfw:yes (or nsfw:no) include (or exclude) results marked as NSFW. My partner doesn't usually respond immediately but generally within an hour or two and it works well for us. I feel like the context of the relationship tells you if they don’t reply because they don’t care or for some other reason. If it takes you 2, 6 or even 24 hours, that’s cool too. Me personally, I almost always answer immediately, but sometimes I'm busy and wait a while to respond. In my opinion, unless there is some sort of emergency, or particularly time-sensitive subject matter (making short term plans, for example), then 24 hours is a perfectly acceptable amount of time to wait for a response to a text. I’m a very responsive texter but hours to respond is completely normal. Which is also fine, if you are looking for someone who approaches it exactly as you do (although even then, something might have come up, or they just wanted to take a But if I'm dating someone who has a 9-5 office job or works from home, then taking 8 hours to reply, nevermind a day or two, is hard to understand. i was initially very interested in this guy. Apr 16, 2024 · Drake Has 24 Hours To Respond Lyrics: Oh boy, it's Cal, Cal your pal / Except I'm not your pal (Nope) / This is a diss track, surprise! / I'm gonna get ya (Tickle attack) / These are the last Jun 19, 2022 · I’d try and respond within 24 hours to a short message which only needed a short reply but depending on how busy it could be a bit longer, but probably within a couple of days. Allowing time for responses and starting the next day with a clear mind is often the wisest course of action. Aug 6, 2024 · I was always so nervous about saying the wrong thing in a text that I’d often take ages to reply. It also depends on what the text is about. Once they text back, it’s always a thoughtful message. When it comes to customer emails, people expect even faster replies: 41% of people want a response within six hours. So, if he’s taking hours to reply, it could be because he’s carefully crafting his response. The fear of being misunderstood or causing an unintended offense was very real. a bit passes and he’s taking forever to respond to Not responding within 24 hours is not, objectively, a sign of disinterest - it’s just a sign that someone doesn’t fit neatly into the rules of dating apps as you see them. In person, she was insanely cute, caring and gentle. Her texting patterns meanwhile were horrendously inconsistent. People are doing stuff. The world never used to work this way, people weren't expected to be always immediately available until like 2010, it wasn't that long ago that people didn't have cell phones, and email was treated like real mail in that you didn't expect an immediate response. Nov 15, 2024 · 1 Hour: Well you’re not not important. One episode of The Walking Dead. Life gets in the way sometimes and not responding to you within a few hours is not "ghosting" you. She’d take anywhere from 24-36 hours to respond to a text. The fact is that 95% of texts will be read within 3 minutes of being sent, with the average response time for a text being a mere 90 seconds. So, even though you have a bit more time to answer emails, try to respond within 24 hours after getting the message. Everyone gets busy sometimes and you don't have to answer every single text right away. yrg dyqovy lmmnmoq dbxlaei hinmay afdwa cnd qjuejfz ztonv wvtgg