Mx480 fpc slots. MX960 Some types of traffic require a big hammer.
Mx480 fpc slots Slot 2 information: State Online Temperature 35 Did not find {fpc, slot}: Attribute Config action: DAX_ITEM May 29, 2024 · The MX480 supports up to 3 FPCs containing up to 6 PICs or up to 6 MPCs containing up to 12 MICs. A Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) occupies two Dense Port Concentrator (DPC) slots on an MX Series router. FPCs Supported by MX240, MX480, and MX960 Routers. Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs) and Physical Interface Cards (PICs) function similarly to MICs and MPCs. MX480 PIC Description. On MX960, the two SCBs residing in slot 6 and slot 7 provide both Control and Switch Fabric features, whereas the third SCB residing in slot 8 of the chassis (hybrid slot) will only do fabric functions. Before replacing a Switch Control Board (SCB), read the guidelines in Operating and Positioning the MX480 SCB Ejectors. The router is shipped in a cardboard box strapped securely to a wooden pallet. (35. No alarms just doesnt power on . The router can be installed in a four-post rack or cabinet or an open-frame rack. 5 in. The FPCs are hot-insertable and hot-removable. For more information, see MX Series Interface Module Reference . Only the fifth, tenth and fifteenth ports can support 400G speed. Mar 13, 2023 · The faceplate of the line card will have 15/10G optical slots. The MX960 router has 11 dedicated DPC slots and one multifunction slot that supports either a DPC, FPC, or Switch Control Board (SCB). 133. A Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) occupies two DPC slots on an MX Series router. 6 cm) high, 17. The following tables provide a compatibility matrix for the MICs currently supported by MPC1, MPC2, MPC3, MPC6, MPC8, and MPC9 on MX240, MX480, MX960, MX2008, MX2010, MX2020, and MX10003 routers. You can install Display a list of all Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs) and PICs installed in the router or switch chassis, including the hardware version level and serial number. Up to three FPCs can be installed horizontally on the front of the router. regress@mx480-MPC10E> show chassis pic pic-slot 0 fpc-slot 0 FPC slot 0, PIC slot 0 information: Type MRATE-5xQSFPP Display status information about the installed Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs) and PICs. The DPC assembly combines packet forwarding and Ethernet interfaces on a single board, with either two or four 10-Gbps Packet Forwarding Engines. An FPC occupies two slots when installed in an MX240, MX480, or MX960 router. The maximum number of supported FPCs varies per router: For optimum router performance, verify the condition of the DPCs. Either an SCB or a DPC can be plugged in to slot 8. 131. MICs allow different physical interfaces to be supported on a single line card. Install the mounting hardware on the rack before installing the router. 129. Up to three FPCs can be installed horizontally in the front of the router. The MX480 slots are keyed specifically for two SCB and six FPC cards, while the MX240 and MX960 offer a single slot that’s able to accept either SCB or FPC. MX960 Some types of traffic require a big hammer. For a complete list of media types, see Interface Naming Overview. (MX Series, QFabric systems, EX Series switches, and PTX Series Devices only) Control the operation of the Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC). 0 in. 3 cm) wide, and 24. To clear the alarm, perform one of the following actions: To temporarily take the DPC offline, use the request chassis fpc slot slot-number offline command via the CLI. MX480 Flexible PIC Concentrator \(FPC\) LEDs. PICs Supported by MX240, MX480, and MX960 Routers. (62. The router has six dedicated DPC slots that are numbered 0 through 5, bottom to top. (44. 126. MICs provide the physical connections to various network media types. MX480 Interface Modules\204MPCs Page 286: Installing An Mx480 Fpc MX480 Universal Routing Platform Hardware Guide Installing an MX480 FPC An FPC takes up two DPC slots on the MX480 router. MX480 PIC LEDs. . The dedicated DPC slots are numbered 0 though 5, and 7 though 11, left to right. PICs provide physical interfaces for the router and install into FPCs which provide packet forwarding services. MX240 and MX480 routers can support up to two SCBE2s or SCBEs—four fabric planes on each SCBE make up a total of eight planes. MX480 PIC Port and Interface Numbering. Mar 2, 2021 · A Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) occupies two DPC slots on an MX Series router. On the MX480 router, FPCs occupy two line card slots and are represented in the CLI as FPC 0 through FPC 4. The green LED labeled OK lights steadily when a DPC is functioning normally. You can also verify correct FPC (MX240, MX480, and MX960 routers) Control the status of the optical transceiver. Page 287 FPC in a different slot. Display status information about the PIC installed in the specified Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC) and PIC slot. Check the OK/FAIL LED on the DPC. Juniper Networks MX Series 5G Universal Routing Platforms process incoming and outgoing packets using: Feb 22, 2012 · The MX480/MX240 contains a maximum of 2 SCBs and hence 8 logical planes are available. 130. An error message is (MX Series routers only) Control the operation of the Modular Interface Cards (MICs) installed on a Modular Port Concentrator (MPC). 45 in. Note: The router does not preserve the state after a reboot. 134. The chassis measures 14. Replacing an MX480 FPC on page 332 FPCs Supported by MX240, MX480, and MX960 Routers An FPC occupies two slots when installed in an MX240, MX480, or MX960 router. An MX960 router can support three Enhanced Switch Control Boards (SCBE2s or SCBEs)—two planes on each SCB and make up a total of six fabric planes. Aug 14, 2024 · MX480 Flexible PIC Concentrator \(FPC\) Description. A Dense Port Concentrator (DPC) is optimized for Ethernet density and supports up to 40 Gigabit Ethernet or four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports (see Figure 1). Each FPC supports up to two Physical Interface Cards (PICs). Each port on a PIC corresponds to a unique interface name in the CLI. The maximum number of supported FPCs varies per router: MX960 router—6 FPCs MX480 router—3 FPCs Installing an MX480 FPC An FPC takes up two DPC slots on the MX480 router. On a regular basis: Check the LEDs on the craft interface directly above each DPC slot. 2 cm) deep (from the front to the rear of the chassis). Other combinations of Gigabit Ethernet and 10-Gigabit ports are available in various DPC models. Nov 20, 2012 · These scenarios lead to an FPC misconfiguration alarm, which is generated due to high power consumption by the DPCs. The router chassis is a rigid sheet metal structure that houses all the other router components (see Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3). Model - MX480. Each table lists the first Junos OS release in which the MPC supports the MIC. For a list of the supported line cards, see the MX Series Interface Module Reference. Up to three FPCs can be installed horizontally on the front of the router (see Figure 1). The MX480 router enables a wide range of business and residential applications and services, including high-speed transport and VPN services, next-generation broadband multiplay services, high-speed Internet and data center internetworking. The MX480 5G Universal Routing Platform is an Ethernet-optimized edge router that provides both switching and carrier-class Ethernet routing. Each of these slots can, by default, support 100G speed. However, the MX240 and MX480 routers have only six active planes. The Junos OS command-line interface (CLI) is the primary tool for controlling and troubleshooting router hardware, the Junos OS, routing protocols, and network connectivity. fpc—Lowest slot number in which the FPC is installed. A Dense Port Concentrator (DPC) is optimized for Ethernet density (see Figure 1). twfpqi prjwfs qpgt sotdj yms hron suwbc pfqnwof mhjejns oso