Turbo 400 pressure port.
May 4, 2009 · Hutch, looking for a little shortcut here.
Turbo 400 pressure port Today I hooked up a pressure gauge to the 1/8" pipe fitting port on the TH400's left side to get some readings and this is what I got. Oversized snap ring. It has a medium blue spring of unknown origin, new pump, all the goodies. My question is what is a safe pressure to run for a 80% street/20% strip car. 2011 Chevy Colorado crew cab 5. Features: Speedometer and governor provisions. With a deep pan, could this have caused the slightly decrease in pressure? Is it safe to say that if it was closer to 190-200 psi I would have lower cooler line pressure? Nov 17, 2013 · I will run the pressure line to the top port of the radiator, run a line from the bottom port of the radiator to the external cooler then to the return port in the trans,, going in a 84 rollback wrecker with a new 454/400,, Thanks, Matty man8) May 28, 2019 · You don't want more than 110 psi Line pressure in a Turbo 400 continuous driving. Aug 17, 2023 · The following charts provide the mainline pressure readings for all of the various TCI® transmission models. Sep 13, 2011 · As I rev up the rpm range the pressure seems to drop slightly - maybe 3 to 4 psi. and also for a standard vacuum modulated valvebody? 9. These pressure This is the new designed valve, with one on-board pressure port for monitoring converter charge pressure. so should the lower port go to the top or bottom on my cooler wtb gt47 t6 1. 4 – Oil charges 1. Typically your transmission cooling system should follow your engine temp. i made a little by pass that tees into botom line and dumps pressure back into pan. Jan 20, 2024 · Changes Through the Years: Pan - Case Belly The below table is an excerpt from my 'TH400 Fast Facts' reference doc showing all changes that were made to the TH400s starting with the pan and filter designs and concluding with the case belly (see the Fast Facts doc for a full list of all changes - I'll update/correct/revise as I become aware of any new or incorrect information). 1 certified*. Apr 25, 2009 · 1969 Chevelle 300 454! finally, 29-3200 stall, TH400 and moser 12 bolt 3. How much would be a good starting point to shim up the regulator spring? . These readings can be obtained by attaching a 300 psi fluid pressure gauge to the appropriate pressure port on the transmission, and running the engine at 2000 rpm. Much more surface holding area. 200 PSI) into . Um turbo 400 converter charge pressure. Dec 10, 2015 · Can anyone tell where the pressure port is on a T400, and what type of fitting it is. Line pressure in my fresh 400 is 155 @ 3000 RPM in park Looking to go to 175 or so. Yes they can be pushed that far Custom Turbo 400 Builds. 26@175 single turbo on 275's ** Engine for sale. I would like to see readings at idle and at 2000 rpm on both in all ranges including the transbrake if possible. 4. Dec 27, 2009 · Th-400's have a small flaw they build pressure when cold mainly due to the size of the cooler line and the fact they do not have a cooler by-pass like the th-350 built in to the pump , so warming them up is criticle other wise they build pressure and force the converter into the back of the crank and eat the bottom end of the motor . Typical working pressure on most drag racing applications is between 60-120psi. 5 quart oil accumulator with air charge set to about 60 PSI. It's a huge topic online. No other Automatic is stronger . Volume and pressure are interwoven. 24 exhaust housing Jan 20, 2007 · If you want to know what the actual operating temp. Why are people checking it there? Thanks Sep 18, 2011 · Get a couple of pressure readings mainline (port by the shift linkage) then "tee" into a cooler line and get a reading there also. Been 4. 10@153. Feb 7, 2010 · Run the trans bottom pressure line to the bottom fitting of the radiator. Thanks, Jul 8, 2013 · Either the intake or carb will do. 1 is the governor which monitors tailshaft RPM, #2 is Vac modulator. The main line was 210-220 and the converter charge pressure measured 80 psi with no coolers in place which is too high for the V-6 thrust to handle. 100” orifice and reduces flow but oil pressure builds and meets line pressure due to no flow demand. Apr 7, 2021 · To get it to shudder, I have to quickly hit the throttle, but not to break the tires loose. The case will have to be tapped for a fitting just like the Powerglide does. TH400 Converter Dump with built in Regulator Valve Inlet Port Solenoid Wiring Mar 10, 2013 · ok so the lower port goes to the cooler, and then returns to top port. Trying it @1200 rpm will yield different results. 0 on 25 psi 1117WHP 884 WTQ Feb 24, 2012 · trying to find out what cooler line pressure on top cooler line and bottom line should be. ***The ATI TH-400 case doesn't have the factory governor boss therefore this kit will not work. Jul 24, 2011 · Shown below is the result of high trans pressure in a TCI built TH400 - originally bench tested between 240 - 250 psi line pressure. In this video I test my new ATF converter bypass valve with my full transmission cooler circuit mocked up. I looked, it seems like it’s on the driver’s side, 3 inches above the pan rail and 4 inches behind the shift lever. May 25, 2001 · On my unit built by CK for my V-6 application, I measured my main line pressure and my converter charge pressure (oil line out to the cooler). Transmission builders, converter builders, engine builders, everybody gets a blame for when there's a thrust, thrust-bearing failure. These pressure readings provide a valuable source of information when troubleshooting transmission problems or as a system check after rebuilding a transmission or installing a TCI Feb 14, 2002 · 1 – Oil flows from external pressure port ( approx. I am worried about having too much pressure and whipping out the thrust bearing. I checked the fluid level and it seems to be a bit low (maybe 2 quarts). On the 400, is it on the drivers side above the gear selector? Is it the 1/8 NPT fitting? I did a seach on this but only found threads on the cooler line pressure. So we recommend using the Powerglide kit instead. May 4, 2009 · Hutch, looking for a little shortcut here. . if you already installed it in the last tranny, you couldn't have removed it to put it in this one. Dec 3, 2013 · In the 1960s, General Motors started manufacturing a new three-speed automatic transmission named the Turbo Hydra-Matic 400 (TH400) that saw first use in 1964. Just make sure you get FULL vacuum for the TH400. Jan 23, 2009 · how do you adjust the line pressure in a turbo 400? for a manual valve body with a tci brake. 3L ZQ8 black on black ACES#7897 Mar 16, 2017 · Dusty Bradford PTC converter dealer Stock suspension Regal. May 2, 2013 · I installed a pressure gauge in the driver side test port and at idle (1000 rpm) it was reading around 220psi. is the pressure port is the best and most accurate gauge of what the internal operating temp is. Fresh and ready to race Conventional head turbo BBC. Combine this with the orifice bleed in the hi drum and the pr valve is favoring its downshifted position to generate enough Apr 7, 2018 · Looks like it idles around 25 psi, mid 50s part throttle 2000-3000 rpm, 40psi during 4500 rpm burnout, 50-55psi on trans brake same rpm, come sup to 75psi as brake is let go, then its 50 falling to 35 as rpm climbs from 6000-6700 going through gears. Longer band anchor pins captured by oversize bosses Mar 12, 2014 · If so which is the pressure out port for a TH 400 on the 2 ports on the passenger side that go to the cooler ie. by aboot +/-20 degrees depending on how hard you are working it. I know it will probably in crease some with rpm. Low pump rpm results in lack of volume . 20's and 180mph at 3200# 25k** Our Super Hydra 400® transmission cases are offered in drag/street and off-road versions, each with features geared specifically for those applications and are SFI 4. 39 or gt55 1. Improved billet steel pressure plate. I researched this afterwards and read that standard BBC main thrust bearings are designed to handle upwards of 225 lbs of forward thrust. The top line exiting the rad should be routed to the bottom line of the external cooler, read it stops (aeration), then route the coolers top return line back to the trans top inlet. top line is at 40 and bottom line is at 80 and goes to about 95 on the trans brake. On the glide it was on the servo cover. 060"? I really have no idea how these regulators react to shimming. top or bottom? The summit tech recommend I drill and tap the pan for both the fan switch and the temp gauge, but would that give me the highest temp In the tranny? Or is the pan after the external cooler? preset to 90-100psi on our in-house hydraulic solenoid dyno. 73 gears. 3 – Oil flows through one way ball check until pressure is equalized. 100” orifice 2 - . The clutches and Steels are huge compared to all other transmissions. Aug 1, 2002 · The line pressure port is on the drivers side middle of the tranny. 12 or 1. i have a th400 behind a mod motor with thrust bearin issues. Also when i installed my tci reverse manual valve body in my th400, you had to install a ball bearing, pounding it into the case to plug the passageway for the reverse accumulator. If I take off normally, it does not shudder. This valve will NOT increase pressure, it will only DECREASE pressure. The lowest pressure this valve will regulate to is 50psi. pressure in park - 190 neutral- 190 neutral on the button for reverse is- 60 These readings can be obtained by attaching a 300 psi fluid pressure gauge to the appropriate pressure port on the transmission, and running the engine at 2000 rpm. Sep 4, 2011 · I want to data log my pressure like I did on my glide. "Th400 relies on 2 things to detemine shift points. with that top line is 30 Feb 14, 2002 · More than likely the low cooler pressure in third at idle is a result of the lack of pump speed. Jul 5, 2014 · hi, I have a recently rebuilt turbo 400 tci trans brake, the car takes along time to go into reverse like 3-4 seconds then it will move the car on a flat surface but not a incline barely holds on the trans brake, first gear is good second ok, cant feel it go into third. 3 on 24 psi (2015) Dominator EFI 3850 lbs New setup for 2016 Twin Billet S374's from CRT turbo, 6. Drag Racing sometimes raised to 130-160 psi for 2000hp to 5000 Hp. sonyxkrvmalavlvfjuyoibxaabrsjhzmxevfytrysltbkrnc